
When you are learning English, listening, speaking and writing are important, but reading can also be very helpful.When you read, you can not only learn some new words, but also you can learn how to use these English words.When you read, it gives you a good example for writing.

Good reading tips.

Try to read at the right level(水平).Read something that you can (more or less) understand.If you need to stop every three words to use a dictionary, it is not interesting.

Try to increase the number of your new words.If there are four or five new words on a page, write them in your notebook.But you don’t have to write them while you read.Instead, try to guess their meaning as you read: mark them with a pen.Then come back when you have finished reading to look them up in a dictionary and write them in your own vocabulary book.Then try to remember them.

Try to read regularly.For example, read for a short time once a day.Fifteen minutes every day is better than two hours every Sunday.Fix(固定)a time to read and keep to it.You could read for fifteen minutes when you go to bed, or when you get up or at lunchtime.

Read what interests you.Choose a book or a magazine about a subject that you like, because you are going to spend time and money reading it.So, choose an interesting book.You can also read newspapers.There are many English newspapers in China.For example, 21st Century Teens.It is easy enough for you to understand it.There is something interesting in it.

1. According to the passage, how many reading tips does the writer give us?

A. Three.            B. Four.              C. Five.              D. Six.

2. Which of the following sentences is right?

A. Reading a lot can help you write better.

B. When you read, you can only learn some new words.

C. It is interesting for you to stop every three words to use a dictionary.

D. Try to read something that you can’t understand to make your English better.

3. If you meet a few new words on a page while reading, ________.

      A. give up reading                             B. guess the meaning at first

C. write them down at once                 D. look them up in a dictionary at once

4. To make your reading better, _________.

A. it’s enough for you to read 21st Century Teens

B. only read a magazine about a subject that you like

C. you should read something that you like for a short time once a day at least

D. reading English for two hours every Sunday is much better than for a short time once a day

5. The passage is mainly about _________.

A. what to read                                        B. reading is very helpful

C. when to read                                        D. how to make reading better


If someone says to you, “give me five”, don't give five yuan to him! It will make others laugh! The person isn't asking for your money, but your fingers.
In the U.S.A, “give me five” or “give me the high five” is a good gesture(手势). You can see it often in films or on TV. It means the slapping (拍打)of each other's right hands together. People do it when something happy happens. For example, if a student does well in exams or gets No. 1 in his school sports meet, he will give high fives to his friends to celebrate.
Who did this gesture first? Why did he do that? It may come from the old Roman (古罗马的) gesture of raising(举起)the right arm for the emperor(皇帝). This showed that the person raising his arm had nothing in his hand and he couldn't hurt the emperor.
Why not try to give the high five to your friends?
【小题1】“Give me five” is a gesture to  _______.
A. make people laugh
B. ask for money
C. celebrate good things
【小题2】The gesture “give me five” is the slapping of  _______.
A. feet         B. hands       C. heads
【小题3】Now you can do “give me five” when you  _______.
A. lose your money
B. do badly in exams
C. meet your best friend
【小题4】The gesture started in  _______ according to(根据) the story.
A. Rome(罗马)         B. America              C. China
【小题5】The Romans raise the right arms for the emperor to show they  _______
A. liked him very much
B. were happy to see him
C. were safe for him

Making friends is a skill. Like most skills, it ?? with practice. If you want to meet people and make friends, you must be willing to ?? some actions. You must first go where there are people. You won’t make friends staying home? ?? .

Join a club or group, talk with those who like the same things ?? you do is much easier. Or join someone ?? some activity.

Many people are nervous when talking to new people. ?? all, meeting strangers means ?? the unknown. And it’s human nature to? ?? a bit uncomfortable(不舒服)about the unknown.

? ?? our fears about dealing with new people come from doubts(怀疑)about ?? . We imagine other people are judging us, finding us too tall ?? too short, too this or too that, but don’t forget that they must be feeling the same way. Try to accept yourself? ?? you are, and try to put the other person at ease(不拘束).You’ll both feel more comfortable.

Try to ?? self-confident(自信)even if you don’t feel that way when you ?? a room full of strangers, such as a new classroom, walk tall and straight, look directly ?? other people and smile.

If you see someone, you’d like to ?? , say something. Don’t wait for ?? person to start a conversation(谈话).

Just meeting someone new does not mean that you will ?? friends with that person. Friendship is based on mutual(相互的)liking and “give and take”. It ?? time and effort to develop. And there are things that keep a new friendship from? ?? .??

1.A. produces?? B. improves ????????????? C. grows ????????????? D. raises

2.A. take ????????????? B. make ????????????? C. do ????????????? D. carry

3.A. lonely ????????????? B. yourself ????????????? C. alone ????????????? D. with yourself

4.A. as ????????????? B. that ????????????? C. which ????????????? D. more

5.A. with ????????????? B. in ????????????? C. on ????????????? D. to

6.A. For ????????????? B. Above ????????????? C. In ????????????? D. After

7.A. touching ????????????? B. facing ????????????? C. meeting ????????????? D. seeing

8.A. see???????? B. touch???? ?????? C. feel????????????? D. do

9.A. Many?????? B. Some???????????? C. Much?????????? D. Most of

10.A. yourself??? B. oneself?????????? C. yourselves??????? D. ourselves

11.A. and??????? B. but?????????????? C. or?????????????? D. as

12.A. like??????? B. as??????????????? C. what??????????? D. that

13.A. make?????? B. act? as???????????? C. like??????????????? D. express

14.A. come to???? B. go to???????????? C. enter?????????????? D. step to

15.A. for???????? B. to?????????????? C. at????????????????? D. about?

16.A. speak to???? B. talk to?????????? C. say to?????????????? D. call up

17.A. other?????? B. the other???????? C. another???????????? D. others

18.A. make?????? B. do?????????????? C. turn???????????????? D. put

19.A. costs?????? B. takes???????????? C. spends????????????? D. uses

20.A. growing???? B. living??????????? C. increasing?????????? D. happening


Making friends is a skill. Like most skills, it ?? ? ?? patience(耐心). If you want to meet people and make friends, you must be willing to take some action. You must first go where there are people. You won't make friends staying home ? ? ?? .

Joining a club or group, talking to those who like the same things ? ? ? you do is much easier. Or join someone ? ?? some activities.

Many people are shy when talking to new people. ??? ? ????? meeting strangers means seeing the unknown. And it's human nature to feel a bit? ?? ? ?? about the unknown. Most of fears(恐惧)about????? ? ????? new people come from doubts(怀疑). We imagine other people are ? ? ?? us-finding us too tall or too short, too this or too that. But don't forget that they must be feeling the same way. Try to accept(接受)yourself ? ? you are, and try to put the other at ease(自由自在,自然). You'll both feel more comfortable.

Try to act self-confident(自信)even if you don't feel that way when you ? ? a room full of strangers. Walk straight, look at other people directly and ? ? .

If you see someone you'd like to?? ? , say something. Don't wait for?? ? ??? person to start a talk.

Just meeting someone ?? ? ? does not mean that you'll make friends with that person. Friendship is based on mutual(相互的)likings and "give and take". It takes time to ? ? friendship.

1.A. costs?????? ????????????? B. needs??????? ????????????? C. spends ????????????? ????????????? D. wants

2.A. lonely???? ????????????? B. yourself?????? ????????????? C. alone??????? ????????????? D. with you

3.A. as??????? ????????????? B. that????????? ????????????? C. which?????? ????????????? D. what

4.A. with????? ????????????? B. in??????????? ????????????? C. on???????? ????????????? D. to

5.A. At all????? ????????????? B. For all??? ????????????? ????????????? C. In all????? ????????????? D. After all

6.A. unhappy??? ????????????? B. usual???????? ????????????? C. upset?????? ????????????? D. unlucky

7.A. meeting?? ????????????? B. talking??????? ????????????? C. visiting????? ????????????? D. speaking

8.A. talking???? ????????????? B. saying????? ????????????? C. judging????? ????????????? D. laughing

9.A. like????? ????????????? B. as????????? ????????????? C. what??????? ????????????? D. that

10.A. come????? B. go????????? ????????????? C. enter?????? ????????????? D. step to

11.A. laugh????? B. smile?????? ????????????? C. cry???????? ????????????? D. jump

12.A. speak to??? B. talk about???? ????????????? C. say to?????? ????????????? D. call? up

13.A. other????? ????????????? B. the other???? ????????????? C. another????? ????????????? D. others

14.A. old?????? ????????????? B. young???? ????????????? C. new??????? ????????????? D. little

15.A. develop??? B. start????????? ????????????? C. keep??????? ????????????? D. change


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