
About 21,000 young people in 17 American states do not attend classes in school buildings.
Instead, they receive their elementary and high school education by working at home on computers. The center for Education Reform says the United States has 67 public “cyberschools(网络学校)” and that is about twice as many as two years ago.
The money for students to go to a cyberschool comes from the governments of the states where they live. Some educators say cyberschools receive money that should support traditional public schools. They also say it is difficult to know if students are learning well.
Other educators praise this new form of education for letting students work at their own speed. These people say cyberschools help students who were unhappy or unsuccessful in traditional schools. They say learning at home by computer ends long bus rides for children who live far from school.
Whatever the judgment of cyberschools, they are getting more and more popular. For example, a new cyberschools called Commonwealth Connections Academy will take in students this fall. It will serve children in the state of Pennsylvania from ages five through thirteen.
Children get free equipment for their online education. This includes a computer, a printer, books and technical services. Parents and students talk with teachers by telephone or by sending emails through their computers when necessary.
Students at cyberschools usually do not know one another. But 56 such students finished studies at Western Pennsylvania Cyber Charter School recently met for the first time. They were guests of honor at their graduation.
小题1:What do we know from the text about students of a cyberschools?
A.They have to take long bus rides to school.
B.They study at home rather than in classrooms.
C.They receive money from traditional public schools.
D.They do well in traditional school programs.
小题2:What is a problem with cyberschools?
A.Their equipment costs a lot of money.
B.They get little support from the state government.
C.It is hard to know students' progress in learning.
D.The students find it hard to make friends.
小题3:Cyberschools are getting popular because__________.
A.they are less expensive for students
B.their students can work at their own speed
C.their graduates are more successful in society
D.they serve students in a wider age range


小题2:根据文章内容They also say it is difficult to know if students are learning well.可知答案为C
小题3:根据文章内容They say learning at home by computer ends long bus rides for children who live far from school.可知答案为D

A ban on smoking in most public places goes into effect(效果) on Sunday in China - home to a third of the world's smokers. That means around 300 million smokers will no longer be allowed to light their cigarettes in the "enclosed public places." These include hotels, restaurants, theaters and public transport waiting rooms. The ban does not cover offices or factories.
The campaign is aimed at controlling(控制) the number of deaths from smoking-related illnesses, running at a million a year. According to the World Health Organization, more than 3,000 people die every day in China because of smoking. Health experts also hope it will help Chinese to raise the knowledge of the dangers of smoking.
But the new rules have been criticized because they do not include punishments(处罚) for those who choose not to obey them.Most people worry that Chinese smoking ban may have little effect.
Business owners often hate rules that force(强迫) them to ban smoking on their restaurants, bar, cafe..., because many customers(顾客) do not like the rules and complain. Often you find people smoking at the next table while you are eating your meal or having a drink in a bar.
It appears that many Chinese people don’t know the dangers of smoking. Research suggests only one in four knows the harm(害处) cigarettes or second-hand smoke can cause.
At the same time the government makes a lot of money from the sales of cigarettes by the state-owned firms that make and sell all tobacco products throughout the country.
小题1:The word “ban” in the first sentence means         .
A. 禁令                          B. 责骂                         C. 罚款
小题2: Every year          people died in China from smoking-related illnesses.
A. more than 3,000                  B. about a million                 C. nearly 300 million
小题3: According to the new ban, smokers can smoke         .
A. in the restaurants                 B. in the airport waiting room        C. in the office
小题4: We can find      reasons in the passage to explain why people worry about the effect of the ban.
A. three                           B. four                         C. five
小题5:. The best title for this passage is         .
A. A new ban on smoking in China     
B. Smoking culture in China
C. Dangers of smoking in China      
How many plastic bags do you use every day? 46 there any chance for us to live without them? What can we do to have 47   plastic pollution? A performance in Hangzhou makes people   48  more about the overuse of plastic bags in our lives.
In front of a supermarket in Hangzhou , five volunteers 49  white plastic bags and walked around and through the crowd. The performance   50  people to use more cloth bags  51     plastic ones.
Some of the plastic bags worn by the performers were collected from customers in two food markets and 52  were collected by 700 students from a middle school.
On that day, when leaving the food markets, customers were told to hand over 53  plastic shopping bags. 54  plastic bags were collected in two hours.
“ If we do 55  about it, the earth will be eaten up by white pollution. And 56  will become ‘plastic men’,”said one of the performers.
“How can you breathe in 57  plastic bags?” A   58   woman asked one performer.“How can the earth breathe 59   there are too many plastic bags?”the performer answered.
Starting in June 2008,plastic bags were 60  given for free in supermarkets,shopping malls or food markets all over the country.
People are called on﹙号召﹚to use cloth bags when they go shopping.
A.AreB.WereC. IsD.Was
A.fewB.muchC. fewerD.less
A.thinkB.thinksC.to thinkD.thinking
A.wornB.woreC.tried onD.try on
A.called backB.calledC.called onD.cheered on
A.insteadB.take the place ofC.instead ofD.take place
A.otherB.the otherC.anotherD.the others
A.HundredB.Hundreds ofC.Hundred ofD.Hundreds
A.human beingB.human beingsC.humen beingsD.humans beings
A.so muchB.too muchC.such manyD.so many
A.40-year-oldB.40-years-oldC.40 year oldD.40-years old
A.no longer B.alwaysC.not longerD.usually
Never try to work when you are very hungry .If you   36  your homework right after school, you may want to have a snack before getting to work. Always do your homework       37   you get tired.____38____wait until very late in the evening ,or the assignment(功课)will seem much  39  than it really is .Break your time into manageable(易处理的) period .If you have more than  40,give yourself a break after an hour .On the other hand ,don't break it up _41  that you can’t get anything done .You should be able to work at least half an hour at a time  42  .Don't put it off  43   the last minute .If you put off doing your homework ,you will always think of it ,and you won’t enjoy your  44   so much .If you put it off until the end of the week  until right before a test ,you will have too much work to do for the exam .A little bit each night ,enough to keep up with what is happening each day in school ,will take the fear out of tests and keep you on top of it all .Do your hamework__45  every day .This will help you make it a habit .It will make it easier to do ,and it will make free time more enjoyable as well.
A.decided doingB.decide to doC.have doneD.did
A.one hour workB.an hour work
C.an hour's workD.a work of an hour
A.so muchB.so 1ittleC.so oftenD.so well
A.without stoppingB.with stop
C.stopD.without stop
A.lunchB.free timeC.mealsD.snack
A.at a timeB.at the same time
C.onceD.in the same way
While watching movies, it’s getting hard to tell what is and isn’t real. Thanks to computers, movie makers can now use their full imaginations. There’s even a new type of character--made entirely by computers—which is getting more and more screen time.
Making the impossible look easy has always been a part of movie magic. As far back as 1895, filmmakers used special effects in movies. Over the years, many few techniques(技术) were developed. Then, starting in the 1970s, computers took their place at the center of the process.
One of the first movies to widely use 3D computer generated(生成的,产生的) imagery (CGI) was Tron(1982). In the following years, more CGI characters were brought to life, one by one. Then, Jurassic park (1993) brought us an island full of man-eating dinosaurs. Shortly afterwards, Toy Story (1995) became the first cartoon made entirely with 3D CGI effects. It was a big hit, and audiences loved the characters.
By using “motion capture” technology, filmmakers can make the movements of CGI humans even more lifelike. With this technique, a real actor wears sensors(感受器,传感器) on his face and body. The sensors record the actor’s movements and send the information to a computer. Then the movements are given to a CGI character. This technique was used to make the creature(生物,有生命的东西) Gollum in the second and third The Lord of the Rings movies (2002,2003). Other films, like Beowulf (2007), have also used motion capture to help create CGI humans.
It is still rather easy to tell that a CGI human is not real. But the technology is improving every year. Over time, many problems ( like the teeth and eyes looking fake) will be solved. We will certainly see more CGI animals, monsters, and people in movies and TV shows. The question is – in the future, how many real actors will be put out of work by computer actors?
小题1:What is the main idea?
A.Tron was important in the history of CGI films.
B.Many people go to the movies to see incredible special effects.
C.More and more film characters are being made by computers.
D.All the humans in Beowulf were CGI characters.
小题2:In what year was a film made with many CGI dinosaurs?
A.1895B.1982 C.1993D.2003
小题3:What was special about Gollum?
A.Motion capture was used to help make the charater.
B.Gollum had an important role in a CGI cartoon.
C.He was the only CGI character in the Lord of the Rings.
D.Little money was spent to bring the creature to life.
小题4:What does the world hit mean?
Scientists believe in the near future a new kind of car that can not only drive on the road, but also fly in the sky will serve the people, it is called “flying-driving vehicle”.
Since the turn of the 20th century, there have been many hundreds of designs for flying-driving vehicles. And some of them have actually been built and flown. But “Transition” is the closest to people.
Transition was designed in 2006, and the first road and flight tests took place in 2009. Transition is designed to really be a general airplane, which can fold up(折叠)fully its wings, drive down the road and park in a single-car garage(车库).
Transition can climb to more than 3000 meters high. It can carry two people at speeds over 160 kilometers an hour in the air. And on the ground it can drive at highway speeds, about 113 kilometers an hour.
Scientists expect Transition to reach market at the end of 2012, at a price of around 25, 0000 dollars. Mr. Carl Dietrich says nearly 100 people have already signed up as buyers. He hopes to sell as many as 1000 a year in the near future.
小题1:We learn from the passage that Transition is ________.
A. a flying car         B. a helicopter        C. a high-speed plane
小题2:________ shows us the way of Transition driving down the road.
A.                         B.                         C.

小题3:According to the passage, Transition ________.
A. takes up small room
B. can park over the water
C. flies in the sky only
小题4:Which of the following statements is TRUE according to this passage?
A. Transition can carry 2 people at speeds over 113 km/h in the air.
B. Mr. Carl Dietrich has sold as many as 1000 Transition so far.
C. Scientists expect Transition to serve the people at the end of 2012
小题5:The fourth paragraph(段落) mainly tells us about the __________ of Transition.
A. price                        B. speed                    C. Design

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