

  Where is Love? How can we find Love?

  Once a little boy wanted to meet Love.He knew it was a long trip to where Love lived, so he got his things ready with some pizzas and drinks and started off.When he passed three streets, he saw an old woman sitting in the park and watching some birds.She looked very hungry.The boy gave her a pizza.She took it and smiled(微笑)at him.The smile was so beautiful that he wanted to see it again, so he gave her a Coke.She smiled once again.The boy was very happy.

  They sat there all the afternoon, eating and smiling, but they said nothing.When it grew dark, the boy decided(决定)to go.But before he had gone more than a few steps, he turned around, ran back to the old woman and gave her a hug(拥抱).The woman gave him her biggest smile ever.

  When the boy opened the door of his house, his mother was surprised by the look of joy on his face and asked what had made him so happy.“I had lunch with Love.She has got the most beautiful smile in the world.” At the same time, the old woman's son was also surprised at his mother's pleasure and asked why.

  “I ate a pizza in the park with Love,” she said, “and he is much younger.”

  If the world is full of love, we can enjoy a better life.


The little boy gave the old woman a Coke because ________.

[  ]


the old woman felt thirsty


he wanted to see the smile again.


he didn't like the drink


the old woman asked for it


What does the underlined word “joy” mean in Chinese?

[  ]










Which of the following is TRUE?

[  ]


The little boy didn't find Love but find an old woman.


The little boy decided to take Love home.


Both the little boy and the old woman finally found what they wanted.


The old woman gave the little boy a hug to thank him.



  Dolphins are our friends.They can use tools to solve problems although they don't have hands.For example, scientists have ever found that a dolphin can make a shy eel(鳗鱼)come out of its hole with a dead fish.

  Dolphins use different sounds to exchange information with each other.Scientists in Hawaii have developed a sign language to give instructions to dolphins, and the results are amazing.They find that dolphins not only understand the meaning of individual(个别的)words, but also understand the importance of word order in a sentence.

  Most animals enjoy playing-but dolphins seem to like making their games as challenging as possible.On a beautiful day in 1997, scientists at a beach watched a little dog going into the sea and swimming towards the dolphins.To their surprise, the dolphins came up to the dog and then started throwing it into the air.The dog seemed to enjoy the "game" and continued playing with the dolphins for more than an hour.

  Dolphins live in a very different world from ours, but they are very good at our "IQ tests”.For example, they will jump out of the water when they hear a whistle(口哨)noise.They do this because they will get a fish as a prize.

  There is still much to learn about these cute problem-solvers, but it is certain that watching a dolphin show is fun.



What can a dolphin use to make an eel come out of its hole?

[  ]


Its mouth.


Its head.


A dead fish.


A little dog.


How do dolphins exchange information with each other?

[  ]


By using tails.


By using tools.


By using words.


By using sounds.


Where did the dolphins throw the dog when playing?

[  ]


Onto its back.


Into the air.


Onto the beach.


Into the water.


Why do the dolphins jump out of the water when they hear a whistle noise?

[  ]


Because they want to get a fish as a prize.


Because they enjoy playing on the water.


Because they want to play with other dolphins.


Because the dolphin keepers want them to come out.


Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

[  ]


Dolphins understand many languages.


Dolphins are a kind of clever animals.


Scientists have known dolphins well enough.


Dolphins seem to make their games relaxing.


  One day a strong cowboy was traveling on his horse when he saw a bar.He decided to stop for a few drinks, so he tied(拴)his horse outside the bar, walked into the bar and ordered two bottles of beer.This cowboy was new in town.He looked around and noticed some people making faces to him.He guessed that they might play some tricks(把戏)on him, but he said nothing and continued to drink.After drinking, he walked out of the bar and found his horse lost.

  However, he kept calm, came back into the bar, and said slowly, " I don't know what you fools did to my horse out there… but I'm leaving in five minutes, and by then if my horse isn't back where it's supposed to be, well…I have to do here what I did in Texas!" The cowboy added, "And I don't want to do what I did in Texas!" After hearing these words, the other customers seemed a little bit frightened.

  The cowboy went back to his seat and ordered another two bottles of beer.After five minutes, he walked out and found his horse tied where it was supposed to be.

  Just as he was leaving, the boss of the bar came up and asked curiously(好奇地), "What was the thing that you did in Texas but you didn't want to do here?"

  The cowboy turned to the boss and replied in a low voice, "I had to walk home!"



That day the cowboy tied his horse outside ________ before he wanted to drink.

[  ]


the bar


he hotel


the store


the restaurant


After a few drinks, the cowboy found his horse ________.

[  ]










The cowboy drank ________ of beer at the bar in all.

[  ]


five bottles


four bottles


three bottles


two bottles


In Texas, the cowboy had to ________ when he couldn't find his horse.

[  ]


walk home


argue with others


call the police


ask the boss for help


From the passage, we can know ________.

[  ]


the cowboy's look frightened the customers


the cowboy kept calm because he was strong


the cowboy also played a trick on the customers at the bar


The cowboy would fight with others if he couldn't find his horse


  One day the Mullah, an important man in the village found his donkey(驴) was gone when he wanted to go to visit a friend. He was very angry and ran around to look for his donkey.

  The Mullah ran about looking until he was too tired. He sat down to rest at his gate, A few friends came to join him.

  “That no-good lazy donkey!” said he,“If I ever see her again. I'll sell her for a dollar!” Selling a donkey for a dollar was just a joke.

  Just then the Mullah heard the sound of his donkey' s feet, He looked around. There was his donkey, on her back rode a boy.

  “Where did you find her?” asked the Mullah, “We couldn't find her anywhere.”

  “I know where I would go if I were a donkey,” said the boy,“I found her eating grass with the sheep and goats(山羊).”

  Suddenly, the Mullah looked to one side and saw one of his friends holding up a dollar. On the other side he saw another with a dollar.

  “I' 11 buy your donkey.” said the two.

  “I was joking!” said the Mullah.

  “You didn't sound as if you were joking,” said the two.

1.Mullah looked for his donkey________.

[  ]

D.here and there

2.Mullah ________ his donkey anywhere.

[  ]

A.looked for
B.didn't look for
D.didn't find

3.________helped the Mullah to find his donkey.

[  ]

A.A boy
B.A girl
C.A friend
D.A farmer

4.The donkey ________ with the sheep and goats.

[  ]

A.was sleeping
B.was playing
C.was eating grass
D.was going home

5.The Mullah's friends wanted ________ his donkey with a dollar.

[  ]

D.to buy
  What is blood? Blood is a thick, red fluid which carries oxygen, water and
food to all parts of the body. It keeps the body at the right temperature (温度) and
protects it from disease.
  If you lose a lot of blood, you need new blood. You can receive new blood
from other people. This is called a blood transfusion (输送).
  People can donate (捐献) blood at a Red Cross Blood Bank. People who
give blood are called blood donors (捐献者). Some people sell their blood but
many others donate it.
  Donating blood doesn’t hurt you and it doesn’t take long. First a nurse take a
drop of blood from your finger and tests it. She does this to make sure that your
blood is healthy. Then you lie down on a bed and another nurse checks your
blood pressure (血压). After that the nurse puts a needle into a vein in your arm.
The needle is attached to a tube. The blood flows through the tube into a plastic
bag. After about 10 minutes, when the bag is full, the nurse takes the needle out of
your arm. You stay on the bed and rest for a few minutes. Finally you go into
another room and have something to eat.
  For a healthy person, donating blood is not harmful or painful. But the
blood he or she donates may save someone's life.
1. Where can people go to donate blood?
2. Why does the nurse first take a drop of blood from the finger?
3. What do you do after the nurse takes the needle out of your arm?
4. Do you think you need something to drink after donating blood?
5. Is donating blood harmful for healthy people according to the passage?
  Nowadays you can buy a different kind of shoes specially designed for your
sport. If you are running on grass,it will be a good idea to have the right shoes for
the job-a pair of shoes which has studs(鞋钉) so that you don't slip(滑倒).
  You do need to wear a mouth guard(保护器) for all ball sports where you
and the ball or another person could touch your face, You can buy a mouth guard
in a sports store,or your dentist will make one for you to exactly fit(适合) your
mouth. This will cost more but will be a good fit.
  If you are traveling on skates you will need a well-fitting helmet to protect
the most important part of you    your head.
  Knee and elbow guards are helpful too.
  All of these gears(用具) cost money,but it will help to protect you from
harm. You may be able to get second-hand gear from older members of your
sport. It isn't safe for you to be playing sports or riding your skateboard or bike
without wearing the right gear to protect yourself.
1. What kind of shoes should you wear when running on grass?
2. Which mouth guard is cheaper,the one bought in a store or the one made by a
3. How many kinds of gear does the writer mention?
4. What should we do when we do sports according to the writer?

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