
  What is blood? Blood is a thick, red fluid which carries oxygen, water and
food to all parts of the body. It keeps the body at the right temperature (温度) and
protects it from disease.
  If you lose a lot of blood, you need new blood. You can receive new blood
from other people. This is called a blood transfusion (输送).
  People can donate (捐献) blood at a Red Cross Blood Bank. People who
give blood are called blood donors (捐献者). Some people sell their blood but
many others donate it.
  Donating blood doesn’t hurt you and it doesn’t take long. First a nurse take a
drop of blood from your finger and tests it. She does this to make sure that your
blood is healthy. Then you lie down on a bed and another nurse checks your
blood pressure (血压). After that the nurse puts a needle into a vein in your arm.
The needle is attached to a tube. The blood flows through the tube into a plastic
bag. After about 10 minutes, when the bag is full, the nurse takes the needle out of
your arm. You stay on the bed and rest for a few minutes. Finally you go into
another room and have something to eat.
  For a healthy person, donating blood is not harmful or painful. But the
blood he or she donates may save someone's life.
1. Where can people go to donate blood?
2. Why does the nurse first take a drop of blood from the finger?
3. What do you do after the nurse takes the needle out of your arm?
4. Do you think you need something to drink after donating blood?
5. Is donating blood harmful for healthy people according to the passage?
1. At a Red Cross Blood Bank.
2. She does this to make sure that your blood is healthy.
3. You stay on the bed and rest for a few minutes.
4. Yes, I think so.
5. No, it isn't


  Most American students have said goodbye to fancy(高级的)fruits these days.In school canteens across the country, cheaper fruits like apples and oranges have taken their places.

  “People are afraid to spend now,” said Linda Morrow, who owns a shoe and handbag store.“They don't know what the future will bring.”

  During the financial crisis(金融危机), several of the country's biggest banks have been forced to sell or close.This has made lots of Americans afraid to buy expensive goods.

  Samira Marino, a restaurant owner in Miami, has found everyone is ordering water instead of juice and more people are sharing meals.In more than two dozen interviews with The Associated Press across the country last month, Americans talked about their concerns, from worries about small businesses to doubts about simply making ends meet.

  The crisis began last year.Experts think it was because US banks lend money too easily.Last year a lot of people and companies, who borrowed money, have found themselves unable to pay it back.This left the banks, as well as the people who put their money in the banks, without money.Since the banks borrowed money between themselves and even across borders(国界), the whole world was in trouble.

  This month the US government agreed on a $700 billion plan to try to save the financial market.But no one is sure whether it will help or not.President George W.Bush has warned it will take some time.

  Last week top finance officials from 20 countries promised to work together to find a way out of the money trouble.


Why are people in the US afraid to spend?

[  ]


Because they think it's unnecessary.


Because they don't have the habit of spending money.


Because they worry about their future.


Because they don't have enough money.


The fifth paragraph mainly ________.

[  ]


tells what it is like in a crisis


explains why there is a crisis


warns people of the danger of the crisis


asks people not to borrow money from banks


People feel ________ about the US plan to save the market.

[  ]










The best title for the story is ________.

[  ]


Ways to make ends meet


The money problem facing the world


Healthy fancy fruits


The art of borrowing


  “Beijing,Toronto and Paris are the most 1 ndline  cities bidding (申办) for the Olympic Games of 2008,”said Richard W.Pound, the IOC's first vice president. “The host (主办) city of the Olympic Games of 2008 will be 2 ndline  at the IOC's meeting in Moscow in 2001. Beijing is ready on its way because it 3 ndline  became the host of the Olympic Games of 2000,and Toronto and Paris also have 4 ndline  power,”said Pound at an IOC meeting.

   About ten cities are 5 ndline  in bidding for the Olympic Games of 2008,of which,there are three most important cities.They are Beijing,Toronto, Paris.Some of 6 ndline  cities are Osaka,Havana,Istanbul and Cairo.

  For the first time,the host city will be decided 7 ndline  IOC members visiting the places.The bidding scandals (丑闻) of the Salt Lake City have made the

IOC find new 8 ndline  of bidding.That is 9 ndline  the IOC members will not be allowed to 10 ndline  the bidding cities.


A.difficult  B.important C.exciting  D.interesting

[  ]


A.decided  B.cleaned C.built  D.taken

[  ]


A.hardly  B.always C.nearly D.sometimes

[  ]


A.small  B.strong C.no D.a little

[  ]


A.interested  B.worried C.amazed D.moved

[  ]


A.the other  B.other C.another D.others

[  ]


A.with  B.when C.without  D.by

[  ]


A.ideas  B.roads C.questions D.ways

[  ]


A.what  B.how C.why  D.where

[  ]


A.visit  B.leave C.touch D.choose

[  ]

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