
Chuck Wall teaches management and human relations at Bakersfield College. He walked into class one day and told his students that their homework was to perform one act of random(任意的) kindness. His students did not understand the homework and didn’t know what to do, but the professor would not answer their questions. He encouraged his students to work it out for themselves.
One week later, the students entered the classroom excited to share their stories. One student told of giving away blankets to the homeless. Another reported on helping a dog to find its owner, and another student had been trying to find a long, lost friend. Students were energized (给予活力) by the homework assignment and wanted other people to be kind too. With the support of local businesses, the students made stickers to put on cars that invited people to do something kind for others. They sold the stickers and decided to donate the money to a center for the blind---not surprising as Professor Wall is blind.
Since then, similar kindness activities have been started in schools around the world. Many schools organize a Random Acts of Kindness Week, around November 13th, to celebrate World Kindness Day. Some schools use each day of Random Acts of Kindness Week to perform a different kind act, such as making a new friend, helping someone, doing community service, or raising money for a charity. Students learn to consider other people and thank about how small actions can make the world a better place.
【小题1】The professor’s homework was to ask his students _________.

A.to write about kindness.
B.to be kind to strangers
C.to spend time helping other
D.to go out to raise money
【小题2】We learn from the passage that ________.
A.Chuck’s students are not clever enough
B.the students didn’t do Chuck’s homework
C.Chuck Wall is an unusual teacher
D.no students enjoyed Chuck’s homework
【小题3】It is certain that _________.
A.the students got good grades in Chuck’s class
B.kindness activities are not widely accepted
C.Chuck Wall was not good at designing homework
D.the students only helped people they knew
【小题4】In kindness activities students learn _________.
A.to deal with difficult things
B.to do great things every day
C.to know about the world
D.to consider other people
【小题5】Which is the best title of the passage?
A.Learning Kind ThingsB.Teaching Kindness
C.World Kindness DayD.Bakersfield College




A year ago,I paid no attention to English idioms (习语), though my teacher told us the importance again and again. But soon, the importance of English idioms was shown in an amusing experience.
One day, I happened to meet an Englishman on the road, and soon we began to talk. As I was talking about how I was studying English, the foreigner seemed to be surprised. Gently shaking his head,shrugging his shoulders, he said,“You don’t say!” “You don’t say!” I was puzzled. I thought , perhaps this is not a right topic. “Well, I’d better change the topic.” So I said to him. “Well, shall we talk about the Great Wall? By the way, have you ever been there?” “Certainly, everyone back home will laugh at me if I leave China without seeing it. It was wonderful.” He was deep in thought when I began to talk like a tourist guide. “The Great Wall is one of the wonders in the world. We are very proud of it.” Soon I was interrupted (打断) again by his words: “You don’t say!” I couldn’t help asking, “Why do you ask me not to talk about it?” “Well, I didn’t ask you to do so,” he answered, greatly surprised. I said, “Didn’t you say ‘you don’t say’?” Hearing this, the Englishman laughed to tears. He began to explain, “ ‘You don’t say’ actually means ‘really!’ It is an expression of surprise. Perhaps you don’t pay attention to English idioms.” I realized I had made a fool of myself. Since then I have been more careful with idiomatic expressions. Remember: what the English teachers said is always right to us students.
【小题1】A year ago, I paid no attention to English idioms because       .

A.I had no interest in them
B.English idioms were very difficult
C.I did not realize the importance of them
D.my teacher didn’t tell us the importance of them
【小题2】At first, on hearing “You don’t say,” I thought the foreigner meant       .
A.I had talked too much
B.I had to stop talking
C.he was not interested in the topic
D.he was only interested in the Great Wall
【小题3】“… was shown in an amusing experience.” The word “amusing” probably means       .
A.interesting B.important C.terrible D.unlucky
【小题4】Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.The Englishman wanted me to act as his guide.
B.The Englishman left China without seeing the Great Wall.
C.The Englishman wanted to see the Great Wall after I talked about it.
D.The Englishman visited the Great Wall and thought it worth visiting.
【小题5】After the Englishman explained the idiom, ___________.
A.I felt very silly
B.the Englishman became a real fool
C.I became more carefully in everything
D.I thought the Englishman had made me a fool

Some people believe that your nationality can influence your personality. This is why you might hear someone saying “She is a typical(典型的) Australian” or “He is so French”. It seems that people from a certain country share certain similar characteristics.
French people are often seen as romantic and outgoing people with a great love for life, food and wine. They are good at singing and dancing.
Chinese are friendly people who are hard-working. They are polite because they are careful about “saving face” when dealing with other people.
Australians are merry people who spend a lot of time outdoors. They enjoy a slower life. They laugh a lot but sometimes people think they are loud and rude.
Germans are often described as being serious and careful. They are hard workers and pay a lot of attention to details. However, sometimes people say Germans have no sense of humour.
All these national types can be true for some people, but very wrong for others. For example, you might meet a German who is a confident singer with a great sense of humour, or an Australian who is shy and quiet!

Personalities and Nationalities
People from a certain country【小题1】certain similar characteristics
Romantic and【小题2】
Love life, food and wine
Good singers and【小题3】
Friendly, hard-working and polite
Careful about “【小题5】face” before others.
Like to stay【小题6】, enjoy a slower life.
【小题7】a lot.
Merry, sometimes loud and rude.
Pay attention to【小题8】.
Serious and careful, not【小题9】.
Nationalities may【小题10】personalities, but not for all!

Galloway Wildlife Conservation Park is in the south of Scotland.
A collection of nearly 150 different animals from all over the world can be seen within the peaceful and natural setting. Galloway Wildlife Conservation Park is to provide a living shelter for small animals, to protect wildlife, to provide chances for the public to enjoy and learn about the area they live in. A main aim of the park is to protect endangered animals.
Facilities(设施) available to visitors mainly include restaurants, gift shops picnic areas, facilities for babies, facilities for disabled people free parking, etc.
There is a programme of improvement to condition for the animals, birds and visitors. Through the programme, the park plays an important part in the international effort to protect rare and endangered animals. Click here to see what improvement the park has to make.
As some of our animals are free in the park area, dogs and other pets are not allowed.
Open from 1st February to 30th October, 10:00 a.m to 6:00p.m.

£ 6.50
£ 4.50(4-15 years old)
£ 5.50
£ 20.00 (2 adults & 2 children)
By buying a ticket to visit the park, you can help us do so much more so HELP SUPPORT CONSERVATION!
You can help us continue our work by making a donation here >>> SUPPORT
Contact us:
E-mail: infor@gallowaywildlife.co.uk           Fax/Tel:01557 331645
【小题1】You can visit Galloway Wildlife Conservation Park ___________.
A.at 9:00a.m on 7th December
B.at 11:00a.m on 7th December
C.at 9:00a.m on 7th September
D.at 11:00a.m on 7th September
【小题2】How much should you at least pay if your family (five persons, including an elderly person, two adults and the ten-year-old twins) visit the park?
A.£24.50 B.£25.50 C.£26.50 D.£27.50
【小题3】Which is TRUE according to the passage?
A.There are endangered animals in the park.
B.There aren’t any picnic areas in the park.
C.You can’t take the babies to the park.
D.You can visit the park with your dogs.

Do you ever find yourself getting really unhappy for almost no reason? Or suddenly feeling down without knowing why? Going from sadness to anger to joy in a matter of minutes can make many teens feel as though they're losing control. But why is the feeling so common among teens?
Maybe you're starting a new school and not able to see old friends as much. Getting good grades or wanting to be better in sports or other activities can be a concern (关注)for many teens. Being accepted by friends is important. Teens also may notice, for the first time, a sense of distance from parents and family. You may feel you want to be on your own and make your own decisions, but it can also seem a bit lonely at times.
Another important cause for mood swings is biology. When puberty begins, the body starts producing hormones(荷尔蒙). These hormones cause physical changes in the body. But in some people, they also seem to cause emotional(情绪的)changes.
Here are some things you can do that might make those bad moods a bit easier to deal with.
Recognize you're not alone. Although not every teen experiences mood changes to the same degree, they are common.
Talk to people you trust. Friends can help each other by realizing that they're not alone in their feelings. Talking to parents is important, too. Parents can share their own experiences dealing with bad moods. Teachers are often good resources and a doctor can help to answer questions about development.
Get enough sleep. Though it can be hard to find enough time, getting enough rest is very important. Being tired can lead to more sadness.
Create. Taking part in some kinds of activities, like building something out of wood, or starting an art or music piece. Writing can help you organize and express your thoughts and feelings. Get your thoughts on paper. Do the same thing with paint, music, or other art forms. Put your feelings into your artwork.
【小题1】When puberty begins, many teens feel__________.

【小题2】The underlined word “puberty” in the passage probably means “       
【小题3】 _______may not make some teens be in bad moods.
A.Study pressure
B.Getting good grades
C.The sense of distance from parents
D.Missing old friends
【小题4】It’s easier to deal with your mood changes by ___________.
①realizing they are common
②explaining your feelings to people you trust
③playing computer games
④being creative
⑤breaking school rules
⑥getting enough sleep
【小题5】The passage is mainly for ________.

We often find that weekends and holidays feel so short while classes and work feel so long. Actually, though,
we know that this is not true. But we still wonder where that strange feeling comes from.
In fact, this is one of the ways that we're tricked by time, according to the website All That Is Interesting. The website lists several wrong impressions we often have about time. Let's have a look.
First of all, emotions affect our time-keeping abilities: Negative emotions, especially anxiety and boredom, make time seem longer because they make us concentrate more on the passage of time. However, when we are enjoying ourselves, we pay more attention to what we are doing and are likely to lose track of(失去对….的意识) time.
Here is another example. In 2007, a group of scientists carried out a test. In the test, people fell 50 meters into a safety net and were then asked about their experience. Although the experience took shorter than 3 seconds, the people thought it was much longer than it actually was.
This is because of the way our bodies reply to danger, according to the scientists. Our bodies produce a chemical called adrenaline (肾上腺素) when we are faced with danger. It allows us to concentrate better so that we can stay alive. As a result, we are able to remember far more details(细节)over a short period of time, which makes it seem like time is going more slowly.
Another situation when we make mistakes about time is when we take afternoon naps(午觉). Have you ever had trouble telling what time it is after a long nap? That's because the best amount of time for a nap is 20 minutes. After 20 minutes, you enter a new stage of sleep called slow-wave sleep. If you wake up mid-way in this stage, it will take a while before you can correctly perceive(感知) time again.
Yes, time can be mysterious and there is no way to control it So, perhaps the best thing to do is to make good use of every minute.
【小题1】 According to the passage, what possibly makes people feel so long ?

A.weekends and holidaysB.weekends and work
C.classes and workD.holidays and work
【小题2】Which is NOT the wrong impressions that we often have about time according to the website listing?
A.negative emotionsB.positive emotions
C.adrenaline D.scientists
【小题3】According to the passage, in which situation do we make mistakes about time?
A.We have many problems left in the test paper, but the time is up.
B.We have a math test when we fall down from a high place.
C.We may have trouble telling what time it is after a long nap.
D.We go to school on the school bus as usual on weekdays.
【小题4】According to the passage , what will NOT happen when we are faced with danger ?
A.Our bodies will produce a chemical called adrenaline.
B.We are able to feel that time seems to go more slowly.
C.Adrenaline will make us concentrate better to stay alive.
D.We will forget far more details over a short period of time.
【小题5】Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage ?
A.Negative emotions, especially anxiety and boredom, make time seem longer because they make us concentrate more on the passage of time.
B.When we are enjoying ourselves, we pay more attention to what we are doing and we are able to feel like time is going more slowly.
C.If we wake up mid-way after a long nap, it will take a while before we can correctly perceive time again
D.Time can be mysterious and there is no way to control it. So, perhaps the best thing to do is to make good use of every minute.

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