
Mrs. Morgan is an old woman. She is seventy-four years old. Although she is old, she is very healthy. She also looks young. Why? Because she has a healthy lifestyle.
Mrs. Morgan often exercises. She likes going shopping. She goes shopping three times a week on foot. She thinks walking is good for health. Mrs. Morgan has a dog. Every morning she takes her dog for a walk for half an hour. She often washes clothes and cleans her house, She says, “ I don’t want my daughter to wash my clothes, because she is busy working.”
Mrs. Morgan has a good eating habit. She eats vegetables every day. She eats meat once a week. She drinks milk and eats an egg for breakfast. She eats an apple every day. She often says, “ Eating an apple every day is good for health.”
Sometimes Mrs. Morgan watches TV after dinner. Her favorite is Beijing Opera(京剧). She doesn’t like soap operas(言情剧). She often goes to bed at nine thirty. She sleeps for eight hours every night.
小题1:Mrs. Morgan is so old that she can’t go shopping.
小题2:Mrs. Morgan goes out for a walk with her dog in the morning.
小题3:Mrs. Morgan’s daughter always helps her mother wash clothes.
小题4:Mrs. Morgan hardly ever eats vegetables.
小题5:Mrs. Morgan gets up at five thirty in the morning.


小题1:细节理解题。根据文中描述Although she is old, she is very healthy.她很老但很健康 She likes going shopping她喜欢逛街,从而判断此题错误。
小题2:细节理解题。根据文中描述Every morning she takes her dog for a walk for half an hour.每天早上她带她的狗出去散步半小时。此题正确。
小题3:细节理解题。根据文中描述She often washes clothes and cleans her house, She says, “ I don’t want my daughter to wash my clothes, because she is busy working.”她经常自己洗衣服和打扫房子,她说:“我不想我女儿来洗我的衣服,因为她工作很忙。”从而得知并不是女儿帮她洗衣服,故此题错误。
小题4:细节理解题。根据文中描述She eats vegetables every day.她每天吃蔬菜,此题错误。
小题5:判断推理题。根据文中描述She often goes to bed at nine thirty. She sleeps for eight hours every night她经常九点半睡眠,每晚睡八小时。从而得知她早上五点半起床。此题正确。
Everyone likes living in a clean and comfortable environment. If the environment is bad, it will affect our body, and make us not feel well. Sometimes we may be terribly ill. Why? It’s germs(细菌)that make us ill. There are germs everywhere, They are very small and you can’t find them with your own eyes, but you can see them with a microscope(显微镜)They are very small and there may be hundreds of them on a very small thing, Germs can always be found in dirty water. When we look at the dirty water under the microscope, we shall see them in it. Germs can also be found in the air and dust(灰尘). If you cut your finger, some of the dust from the floor may go into it, and you will have much pain in it. Sometimes the germs will go into all of your body, and you will have pain everywhere.
So environment is very important to us. To keep us healthy, we should try our best to make our environment become cleaner and tidier. It needs us to act together.
小题1:Germs are the things that________.
A. you can’t see with your eyes
B. you can see everywhere     
C. are very big
小题2: Germs can be found_________.
A. on the small thing      B. everywhere               C. only in dirty water
小题3:You feel ____________ if germs go into the finger that is cut.
A. nothing             B. painful                 C. relaxed
小题4:The underlined word “affect” means __________ in Chinese.
A. 强壮                B. 打动                    C. 侵害
小题5:From the passage we know that________.
A. the environment is becoming worse      
B. if the environment is better, germs will be more
C. germs may make us ill   
There was a woman in Nanjing , who had two sons. She was worried about them, especially(尤其) the younger one, Ben,      he was not doing well in school. Boys in his class made jokes about him because he seemed(看似) so      .
The mother       that she herself would have to get her sons to do better in school. She told them to go to the library to read a     a week and do a report about it for her.
One day, in Ben’s      , the teacher held up a rock(石头) and asked if anyone knew it. Ben put up his hand and the teacher let him      . Why did Ben raise his hand? They wondered(想知道). He   said anything, what could he possibly want to say?
Well, Ben not only       the rock; he said a lot about it. He named other rocks in its group and even knew       the teacher had found it. The teacher and the students were   . Ben had learned all this from doing one of his book      .
Ben later went to the       of his class. When he finished high school, he went to University (大学)and at last became one of the best doctors in the United States.
After Ben grew up, he       something about his mother that he did not know as a    .
She, herself, had never learned how to      .
A.learnedB.rememberedC.understood D.guessed
Listening test is one of the most important parts of the English exam. Here are some tips (建议) for you.
Before you start to listen, you need to relax. Don’t be stressed out. And try to read the questions. These questions usually help you understand the conversation or the passage.
Then listen carefully to the first sentence. It usually tells you the main idea of the passage. When you’re listening, try to do some thinking and take some notes (笔记), such as:
·What happened (发生)?
·When, where, and how?
·What does the speaker want to tell us?
In this way, you may understand the passage better.
Please remember not to think about one or two words for a long time. When you hear some words you don’t know, don’t spend too much time on them. Very often, you’ll find out what they mean later when you go on with the listening.
小题1:This passage mainly talks about _________.
A.tips on listeningB.tips on speaking
C.tips on readingD.tips on writing
小题2:It’s better for you to keep _________ when you start to have a listening test.
A.excitedB.relaxedC.stressed outD.worried
小题3:We should listen to the first sentence carefully, because it usually tells us _________.
A.the answers to the questions
B.where to write the answers
C.the main idea of the passage
D.how much time left (剩余) for the listening test
小题4:When you’re listening, it’s important for you to _________.
A.remember every word
B.take some notes
C.understand all the words
D.think about one or two words for a long time
小题5:The_________ usually help(s) us understand the passage better.
A.questionsB.first sentenceC.notesD.A, B and C
What do Napoleon, Clinton and Wang Nan have in common? They are all left-handed. Today about 15% of the people are left-handed. But why are people left-handed? The answer is the way the brain (大脑) works. The brain has two halves---the right half and the left half. The right half controls (控制) the left side of the body, and the left half controls the right side of the body. So right-handed people have a strong left brain, and the left –handed people have a strong right brain.
The two halves of the brain are about the same size. But each side controls different things. The left side controls language, Maths and logic (逻辑). When you remember new words, or when you put things in order, you use your left side.
The right side of the brain controls colour and music. It is also good at recognizing (认出) faces. This does not mean that all artists are left-handed and all accountants (会计师) are right-handed. Some right-handers have a strong right brain, and some left-handers have a strong left brain.
小题1:From the passage we know _____________.
A.all artists are left-handed
B.all accountants are right-handed
C.the left side of the brain controls your love of art, colour and music
D.some right-handers have a strong left brain
小题2:Whether是否 people are right-handed or left-handed is mostly decided by ________________.
A.their parentsB.their minds
C.the way the brain worksD.the way the head works
小题3:Each side of the brain _____________.
A.likes music and MathsB.controls different things
C.controls the same thingD.has two halves
小题4:When you are singing, you are using your ___________.
A.logic thinkingB.heart
C.right brainD.left halves
小题5:Which part of the body does the right half of the brain control?
A.The right side of the body.
B.The left side of the body.
C.The heart.
D.The language.

The earth moves around the sun, and the moon moves around the earth. When our part of the earth turns to the moon, it is night.
The sun is much bigger than the moon. But sometimes the moon looks bigger than the sun, because it’s much nearer to the earth.
The sun is very bright. It gives a very strong light. The moon looks quite bright, too. But it doesn’t give any light at all.
The moon looks much bigger and brighter than the stars. But actually(实际上) the stars are much bigger and brighter than the moon. They look smaller than the moon because they’re much farther away from us.
小题1:____moves around________.
A.The earth; the moonB.The moon; the earth
C.The moon; the starsD.The sun; the earth
小题2:Sometimes the moon looks bigger than the sun, because_________.
A.it is much bigger than the sun
B.it comes out only at night
C.it is much nearer to the earth than the sun
D.it doesn’t give a strong light
小题3:The sun_______________.
A.is very bright, and it gives a very strong light
B.isn’t bright, but it gives a very strong light
C.is very big, but it doesn’t give any light at all
D.is very round, but it can’t move round
小题4:The stars______________.
A.look much bigger than the moon
B.look much bigger than the sun
C.are a lot brighter than the moon, but they are not bigger than the moon
D.are much farther away from us than the moon
小题5:When                            ,it is day.
A.our part of the earth turns to the moon
B.our part of the earth turns to the sun
C.the sun moves
D.the moon moves
Should we be afraid of sharks(鲨鱼)? Maybe not. New research into the reasons for shark attacks (攻击) suggests that sharks don’t like the way humans taste! In fact, most people who are attacked by the shark are still alive after receiving only one bite (咬). Why is this?
There are many opinions to explain why sharks sometimes attack people. One opinion is that sharks are just curious (好奇的). We know that sharks are the strongest animals in their environment, so they are not afraid of anything. Naturally, that means they are curious when they meet something unusual. Because they don’t have hands or feet., the only way they can find out an object is to bite it! It is thought that sharks sometimes bite humans for this reason, and then swim away.
Scientists also say that sharks would not waste energy trying to eat a human, as we have a lot of bones (骨头). It is hard for a shark to eat us because sharks don’t have hands, and they can’t pull the meat off our bones. Maybe that’s why they only bite us once. Unluckily, one bite from a large shark is serious enough to hurt people greatly!
Another opinion is that sharks attack humans by mistake. Some sharks may sometimes mistake humans for a seal. An example of this is when a shark  attacks a surfer. A surfer lying on a surfboard looks like a seal when seen from below. Sharks like seals because they have thick fat.
Whatever the reason for shark attacks on humans, sharks should be afraid of us. Sadly, we kill almost 40 million of them each year.
小题1:What happens to people attacked by sharks?
A.Most of them because blind.B.Most of them because of deaf.
C.Most of them died.D.Most of them are still alive.
小题2: How do sharks find out about an unusual object according to the passage?
A.By biting.B.By smelling.
C.By touching.D.By killing.
小题3:Which sentence about sharks is true?
A.Sharks pull meat off bones when they eat.
B.Sharks might mistake humans for seals.
C.Sharks like to attack surfers because of their thick fat.
D.One bite from a shark is nothing serious.
小题4:What would the author write the passage mainly for?
A.To tell surfers to stay away from sharks.
B.To ask people to stop killing sharks.
C.To let us know the reasons for shark attacks on people.
D.To show that humans are much stronger than sharks.
Qi Haoran, a Junior 1 student, was quite busy over the past winter vacation – and not just with homework.Qi, together with 10 other classmates made a volunteer group to call on people to join the Clean Your Plate Campaign (“光盘行动”).
The 11 students went to many restaurants and told people the importance of saving food.“Excuse me, do you know that 950 million people around the world still haven’t got enough to eat? Please don’t waste food.” They would say this kind of thing hundreds of times every day.
The Clean Your Plate Campaign began on the Internet in January.It calls on people to reduce food waste.
China in these years had serious problems with wasted food.CCTV reported in January that the food Chinese people waste every year is enough to feed 200 million people for a year.
Chinese people are well known for being hospitable (好客的) and generous(大方的).Many even feel that they lose face if their guests have eaten all the food.
Luckily, the campaign has got the support of many.In a restaurant in Xinjiang, the owner give the guests who have eaten all that they ordered a sticker (贴花).People can enjoy a free meal when they have 10 stickers.More than 750 restaurants in Beijing have begun to offer smaller dishes and encourage their guests to take leftovers (剩饭剩菜) home.
To reduce food waste is a big task, and it needs time.It’s important that everyone does their bit, just like Qi.Did you finish your meals today?
小题1:What did the 11 students do in the winter vacation?
A.The helped each other with homework.
B.They opened a restaurant together.
C.They volunteered for a campaign.
D.They collected money from customers in restaurants.
小题2:In this passage the underlined word “call on ” means ______.
小题3:The Clean Your Plate Campaign calls on people to _____.
A.do volunteer workB.work part time in restaurants
C.cut down on food wasteD.wash your plates after dinner
小题4:From Paragraphs 4-5, we learn that _____.
A.wasting food is a serious problem in China
B.Chinese people waste the most food in the world
C.Chinese people want to show off that they are rich
D.most Chinese people are afraid of losing face at the table
小题5:What did the restaurant in Beijing do to support the campaign?
A.The owner would have dinner with those who had eaten up their food.
B.It offered a free meal to the guests who had finished all their food ten times.
C.It gave stickers to the guests who ordered small dishes.
D.It encouraged customers to take leftovers home.

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