
China, with Four Great Inventions, in ancient times, has once again showed its ability to change the world with its “new four great inventions”: high-speed railways, electronic payments, shared bicycles and online shopping.

The four innovative ways of life are most popular among young people, according to a survey by the Belt and Road-Research Institute(一带一路研究院) of Beijing Foreign Studies University.

“The ‘new four great inventions’ are all related to China’s high-tech (高科技), which made the lives of people easier in China,” said Wu Hao, the director of Beijing Foreign Studies University.

“My wallet is no longer in use. I can buy and eat whatever I want simply with my phone,” said Lin Jinlong, a foreign student from Cambodia, adding that “Even pancake sellers are using Alipay (mobile payment). We can also order food at home, which is super convenient. If I were at home in Cambodia, I would have to go outdoors.”

As a big fan of bicycles, he also showed his love for China’s shared bicycles, saying that “shared bikes are bringing cycling (骑单车) back to people’s lives---and they are making public transport(公共交通) more convenient and less crowded, and encouraging people to be more active.”

Rebacca Fannin, the founder of Silicon Dragon(硅谷之龙), noted that China is beginning to lead in innovation in some ways.

“It is increasingly clear that China is inventing and no longer copying western ideas. It is also increasingly clear that China is leading in many ways such as social messaging app WeChat,” she said.

1.Which of the following are NOT in “new four great inventions”?

A.High-speed railways and electronic payments.

B.Shared bicycles and online shopping.

C.Electronic bicycles and WeChat.

2.The meaning of the underlined word “innovative” is _________.

A.陈旧的 B.革新的 C.流行的

3.Lin Jinlong has NOT mentioned ________ in this passage.

A.high-speed railways B.electronic payments C.shared bicycles

4.With “new four great inventions’’, .

A.people will not use their wallets any longer

B.people’s lives are easier than before

C.there will be more foreign students coming to China

5.What is the passage mainly about?

A.China’s Four Great Inventions in ancient times.

B.China’s new four great inventions.

C.A foreign student from Cambodia living and studying in China.


As a boy I was always small for my age. I was also five years younger than one of my brothers and seven years younger than the other. As a result, I often felt left out when their friends came over to play. I was either too small or too young for whatever they were doing and they didn't want their younger brother listening to their conversations either. More often than not I found myself outside playing alone and feeling forgotten.

I remember one spring afternoon feeling especially lonely as I sat in the yard behind our house. We lived miles from town and I hardly saw my own friends outside of school. I heard my brothers laughing from inside the house and felt a single tear coming down my cheek. At that moment I saw a large brown dog walking over to me. He looked happy and his tail was wagging as well. Even though (尽管) he didn't know me he greeted me like a long lost friend, licking (舔) my chin and sitting beside me on the spring grass. It must have been at least an hour that I patted and talked to this four-legged angel (天使). He let me pour out all my troubles and shared my deepest thoughts before he kissed my cheek goodbye and ambled off either to Heaven or his home. I went back inside feeling happy, knowing that no matter what life may hold I was loved. Now over 40 years later I still remember that angel with a smile.

I believe that God sent him at that moment of sadness to remind me just how much he loved me. There is nothing more important than knowing we are loved. When we are loved, we will learn to love others. Learning to love helps us to understand ourselves and other people better.

1.The underlined phrase "left out" most probably means "________" in Chinese.

A.被处理的 B.被厌恶的 C.被冷落的 D.被鄙视的

2.The writer shared his troubles and thoughts with the dog because ________.

A.it was his friend B.it could understand him

C.it looked like an angel D.it was friendly to him

3.The writer wrote the story to ________.

A.encourage people to talk about their troubles

B.show that knowing you are loved is the most Important

C.tell people they should treat animals friendly

D.share his unforgettable experience with us

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