China, with Four Great Inventions, in ancient times, has once again showed its ability to change the world with its “new four great inventions”: high-speed railways, electronic payments, shared bicycles and online shopping.

The four innovative ways of life are most popular among young people, according to a survey by the Belt and Road-Research Institute(一带一路研究院) of Beijing Foreign Studies University.

“The ‘new four great inventions’ are all related to China’s high-tech (高科技), which made the lives of people easier in China,” said Wu Hao, the director of Beijing Foreign Studies University.

“My wallet is no longer in use. I can buy and eat whatever I want simply with my phone,” said Lin Jinlong, a foreign student from Cambodia, adding that “Even pancake sellers are using Alipay (mobile payment). We can also order food at home, which is super convenient. If I were at home in Cambodia, I would have to go outdoors.”

As a big fan of bicycles, he also showed his love for China’s shared bicycles, saying that “shared bikes are bringing cycling (骑单车) back to people’s lives---and they are making public transport(公共交通) more convenient and less crowded, and encouraging people to be more active.”

Rebacca Fannin, the founder of Silicon Dragon(硅谷之龙), noted that China is beginning to lead in innovation in some ways.

“It is increasingly clear that China is inventing and no longer copying western ideas. It is also increasingly clear that China is leading in many ways such as social messaging app WeChat,” she said.

1.Which of the following are NOT in “new four great inventions”?

A.High-speed railways and electronic payments.

B.Shared bicycles and online shopping.

C.Electronic bicycles and WeChat.

2.The meaning of the underlined word “innovative” is _________.

A.陈旧的 B.革新的 C.流行的

3.Lin Jinlong has NOT mentioned ________ in this passage.

A.high-speed railways B.electronic payments C.shared bicycles

4.With “new four great inventions’’, .

A.people will not use their wallets any longer

B.people’s lives are easier than before

C.there will be more foreign students coming to China

5.What is the passage mainly about?

A.China’s Four Great Inventions in ancient times.

B.China’s new four great inventions.

C.A foreign student from Cambodia living and studying in China.

It Is Never Too Early to Think—and Communicate—like a Scientist

Who is a scientist and what is his job? A chemist doing experiments? A geologist out studying rocks? When most people think about science, they imagine characters making discoveries or finding cures (治疗方法)for new diseases. However, these leave out an extremely important part of the scientific process: communicating—sharing the results of that work.

Imagine if someone discovered something important about a disease. Other scientists need to understand the work well enough to use these new developments to make even more discoveries in the future. The public, too, needs to understand how these discoveries might influence their lives. But none of this will be possible if the work is not shared. Being a scientist goes far beyond the moment of discovery.

Without clear communication, scientists would not be able to use the work that has already been done. So how do scientists tell others about the work that they have done? How do they make sure that everything that they share is as clear and correct as possible?

Researchers publish their work in scientific journals(期刊).These journals can be read by other researchers around the world. It is very important for these journals, and for the scientists who read them, to make sure that the research included is as correct as possible. In order to do that, articles given to scientific journals before publication first go through a process called peer review. Other scientists who do research in areas related to the work in an article are asked to read through it. Scientists also provide feedback to the writers. They bring up new questions the writer may not have considered, recognize limitations to the results being described, and also make sure that no mistakes were made during the process.

Frontiers for Young Minds is a scientific journal written for—and reviewed by young people. All of the articles in it are based on works already published in a peer reviewed scientific journal. However, while scientists are good at making sure that articles are understandable for other scientists, there are no better experts to make sure that something can be understood by young people than the young people themselves. By working together with an experts young reviewers read the article to see if any part of the article is hard to understands make it clear why the experiment was done in the way it was done and check whether the figures (数据)clearly explain the point of the article.

Basically, these young reviewers learn to think like scientists. It is never too early to start! Ask questions, learn new things, and don't forget the importance of communicating your findings.

1.What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?

A.What is required to be a good scientist.

B.Who should understand a scientist’s job.

C.Why sharing the results of scientific work is important.

D.How scientists make sure their work is clear and correct.

2.From the passage we can know that________.

A.scientists are good at working together with others

B.young people usually enjoy reading scientific journals peer review, other scientists bring up questions to readers

D.young reviewers help make articles in Frontiers for Young Minds more readable

3.What is the writer's main purpose in writing this passage?

A.To introduce how scientists do their jobs.

B.To offer practical advice on how to ask scientific questions.

C.To explain the effects of peer review on scientific journals.

D.To encourage young people to think and communicate like scientists.

When you travel abroad and meet foreigners who speak English well, you may think that they are Americans or British people. However, they can be non-native(非母语的) speakers of English. 1. For example, a number of Germans are good at English even though English isn’t their mother tongue.

Learning English is not a boring journey. 2. 据说许多学习者在日常生活里学英语。 Eric is a Russian actor. He used to have problems in pronouncing. Through TV programs, movies and music from English-speaking countries, he learned English in an interesting way with confidence built up. 3. “English songs and movies make me happy when I am blue,” he said. “It is always good to have something inspiring and cheerful in the learning process.”

4. Sometimes your effort may end up driving yourself mad. If so,asking for help is necessary and of great importance. No one is expected to learn something well without difficulties. When we find learning English hard, turn to others in time. And we are supposed to work with other English learners to support each other and encourage each other. 5. 此外,我们可以尽可能多参加社会活动。 For example, we can be voluntary guides to help foreign visitors, which is a chance to practice English.






Psychologists(心理学家) are interested in the reasons why some people like taking part in risky sports.

When they studied people who were learning to jump from a plane with a parachute, they found that the parachutists’ bodies produced large amounts of two hormones(激素), adrenaline(肾上腺素) and noradrenaline(去甲肾上腺素), just before they made their jump. These hormones help to prepare us for any sudden activity. Adrenaline increases the heart beat and provides more sugar for the muscles(肌肉), while noradrenaline makes us react(反应) more quickly. However, noradrenaline also supplies energy to a part of the brain which controls feelings of pleasure. A feeling of pleasure caused by this hormone makes certain people want to take part in dangerous sports.

Another possible reason is the level of excitement in part of the brain. According to some psychologists, the brain tries to manage a certain level of excitement. They believe that people who have a low level of excitement look for new experiences in order to fire themselves with excitement, but people who usually have a high level of excitement try to avoid risks in order not to become overexcited. If the psychologists are right, people with a low excitement level are the ones who enjoy taking part in dangerous sports and activities.

It is thought that people with low levels of excitement have a slower-reacting nervous system than people with higher levels. So it may be possible to find out your level of excitement by testing your nervous system. A quick way of doing this is to put some lemon juice on your tongue(舌头). If you produce a lot of saliva(唾液), your nervous system has been affected(影响) by the lemon and so you probably have a high level of excitement; if you produce little saliva, you probably have a low excitement level. If you have a low level, you might enjoy taking part in risky sports. However, this does not mean that you have to try parachuting!

1.Did the parachutists’ bodies produce large amounts of adrenaline and noradrenaline before they made their jump?


2.What does adrenaline increase and provide?


3.Why do people with a high level of excitement try to avoid risks?


4.How can people find out their level of excitement?


5.Who may enjoy taking part in risky activities?


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