
【题目】阅读短文,判断正误,在正确的后面写T, 在错误的后面写F。

My name is Mary and I have a brother and a sister, David and Helen. For breakfast, we all like hamburgers. Helen and I like milk, but David doesn’t. I don’t like eggs for breakfast, but David and Helen do. I like them for lunch. I like fruit for supper. We really like chicken and salad for dinner. I like fried chicken and salad with carrots. David likes salad with fruit. Helen thinks everything for salad is fine.

【1】Mary likes eggs for lunch. ( )

【2】David likes milk for breakfast. ( )

【3】Mary likes fried chicken. ( )

【4】David likes salad. ( )

【5】Helen doesn’t like carrots for salad. ( )









【1】I don’t like eggs for breakfast. I like them for lunch.从这两句,我们可以得知,我不喜欢鸡蛋作为早餐,我喜欢他们作为午餐。故选T.

【2】For breakfast, we all like hamburgers.我们全都喜欢汉堡作为早餐,而不是牛奶.故选F

【3】I like fried chicken and salad with carrots.我喜欢炸鸡和带有胡萝卜的沙拉。故选T.

【4】David likes salad with fruit.David 喜欢带有水果的沙拉。故选T.

【5】Helen thinks everything for salad is fine.从这句中,我们可知,Helen认为任何沙拉都是好的,所以她喜欢任何种类的沙拉,故选F.


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