
Nearly all of us have an unpleasant habit, whether we realize it or not, and we want to get rid of it but didn’t know the proper ways. Here’s some advice on how to get rid of bad habits.

n Make a list.    Write down all the reasons why you want to stop a certain behavior----how it’s hurting you and why getting rid of it will help. Look at that list regularly.

n Join other activities.  ② It’s wise of you to do something else when you want to stop your bad habits. If you get angry easily, for example, you can practice deep breathing or go for a walk.

n Give yourself a reward.  Before you get rid of a bad habit, decide what you’ll do to celebrate it if you achieve your goal.

n Keep off bad habits.    If you are fat and want to lose weight, keep junk food(垃圾食品) out of your house. If you are a heavy smoker, keep away from smoky bars or friends who like smoking.

n Be patient.     Bad habits develop over years, so you probably won’t be able to get rid of them quickly. In fact, people often give up several times before being successful, so you should ① ___________  ___________.

n Find support.   Don’t be afraid to ask for support from friends, family or other people who have the same bad habits as you. When you talk to others, they might be able to give you some advice or encouragement that you normally wouldn’t get from yourself.

1.在①处横线上填入适当的词。___________ ___________


3.回答问题How many suggestions are offered to help you get rid of bad habits?       _____________________________________________________________________________


You should be brave enough to get help from your friends, family or other people, because they may have the same bad behavior as you._____________________________________






1.be patient / have patience


3.Six suggestions./6.

4.Don’t be afraid to ask for support from friends, family or other people who have the same bad habits as you.

5.Here’s some advice on how to get rid of bad habits.




You may know about “ junk food” like French fries. But do you know about “junk sleep”?
Recently, a British survey found that electronic(电子) products in teenagers bedrooms are affecting(影响)their sleep.
The survey was done among 1,000 British kids from 12 to 16. It found that thirty percent of them got just 4 to 7 hours sleep every day. But doctors say they need 8 to 9 hours.
Almost a quarter of the kids said they fell asleep more than once a week while watching TV, listening to music or using other electronic products.
“This is very worrying.” Said Dr Chris Idzikowski, a British expert, “We call it ‘junk sleep’, It means you don’t get enough sleep and the quality of the sleep is bad, too. If you don’t get good rest, you don’t perform well in school the next day.”
The survey found that 40 percent of the kids felt tired each day, with girls between 13 and 16 feeling the worst. Nearly all the teenagers have a phone, Mp4 or TV IN THEIR BEDROOM. And many of them have all three.
【小题1】 This passage is mainly about______.

A.junk foodB.junk sleep
C.electronic productsD.the importance of sleep
【小题2】 _______of the children in the survey sleep only 4 to 7 hours a day.
【小题3】“Junk food” and “junk sleep”are similar to each other in the way that_______.
A.they are both low in qualityB.they are both produced in factories
C.people enjoy both in their spare timeD.they are both good to people’s health
【小题4】 Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Teenagers need 4 to 7 hours of sleep each day.
B.Few of the teenagers have a phone in their bedrooms.
C.Teenagers spend too much time on electronic products.
D.Girls between 15 and 16 spend the least time on electronic products.
【小题5】 Which of the following is the best solution to the problem?
A.Parents watch TV together with their children
B.Forbid teenagers to use any electronic product.
C.Teenagers limit (限制) their use of the electronic products.
D.The use of mobile phone and Mp4 is not allowed at school

You may think that English dictionaries have been used for many, many centuries. In fact, an English dictionary you       today wasn’t made until the Qin Dynasty. They spent most of the important       work on dictionaries. They spent nearly all their lives trying to      words for their dictionaries. For them, it was a wonderful journey. The largest dictionary in the world is Oxford English Dictionary(牛津字典). The        for this dictionary came from an important meeting in Britain in 1857. twenty-two years later, Oxford University asked James Murray to be the editor(编者)of its new dictionary. Murray had never been to      . At the age of fourteen, he left his village school in Scotland and taught himself while working in bank.       he became a great teacher. After Oxford gave him the job. Murray had a small house       in  his garden to do the work. Every morning, Murray got out of bed at five o’clock and      in the small house several hours before breakfast. Often he would work into the night. Murray hoped to finish the new dictionary in ten years but after five year, he was       adding(增加)words for the letter “A”! He worked on the dictionary       he was very old. Forty-four years later, in 1928, other editors finished the dictionary.

1.A. use        B. write           C. copy          D. miss

2.A. easy      B. boring          C. early          D. dangerous

3.A. spell      B. invent          C. collect         D. make

4.A. way       B. idea            C. use           D. prize

5.A. school    B. cinema         C. village        D. collage

6.A. Later      B. Longer before   C. So far        D. Ever since

7.A. sold      B. built           C. broken       D. drawn

8.A. read     B. wrote           C. worked       D. thought

9.A. already  B. still            C. usually        D. always

10.A. if      B. because         C. until         D. since



Since 1850.the temperature of Earth’s surface has increased about 0.6°C.Scientists predict it may warm much more by the end of this century.Who’s turning up the heat? Well, it seems that we are! Some of this global warming may be natural.However,nearly all scientists now agree that most of it is due to peoples actions.Over the past 150 years, we've added huge amounts of certain gases, especially carbon dioxide(CO2)to the air.These gases can keep heat near Earth's surface,so more carbon dioxide means more heat is kept near Earth's surface.Global warming may change the weather in ways that lead to more severe storms,floods and droughts.

We add carbon dioxide to the air when we burn things, especially fossil fuels.Fossil fuels are energy sources formed from the remains of plants and animals that lived millions of years ago.Coal,oil,and natural gas are all fossil fuels.People in the United States and other countries started bunting large amounts of fossil fuels more than a century ago.The amount d fossil fuels being burned each year has been increasing worldwide.The more we burn,_____________________.

What can we do to help? Nowadays to live a low-carbon life is quite popular in the world. Low-carbon means to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide.Saving energy and reusing are the key words. In fact, even the simplest everyday activities can make our lives low-carbon.

1.What problem can global warming cause?(根据短文内容回答问题)

2.What are fossil fuels?(同上)



The more we bum,_____________________________________________.



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