
How much should you save? You may be able to save 100% of your money. Does that mean you should? Not at all. The best way to develop good saving habits is to make saving a regular part of your life, along with spending.
Here is the rule you should remember: save before spending. Whenever some money gets into your hands, from a job or your pocket money or whatever, take your savings out immediately, before spending any of the money. The beauty of this system is that if you take away your savings, you are free to spend the rest.
Here are some more suggestions on how to successfully get into the saving habit from teens. Let’s see!
Tony,13: I put my money in a bank instead of my wallet, so the money is not there. And I have to take an extra step to get it.
Bill,14: When considering a major purchase(购买), wait a week or so, at least. This will help you make sure if you still want it, and the price might go down.
Dick, 13: Carry very little money always. You can’t spend money if you don’t have it. A cake would be nice, but without a dollar, you can’t get it. Little things like that really add up quickly.
Steve,16: I used to be weak when it came to money. I bought something whenever I went into a store. I’m glad I’m not that person now. I taught myself discipline by keeping a $20 bill in my pocket while waking around the mall all day and not buying anything. Now I have no strong wish to buy things when I go into a store. It works for me.
These ideas should help you get started. If you have some questions about anything you’ve read here, or would like to share your ideas about saving money, please write to us.
小题1:How does Tony advise you about saving money?
A.By keeping money in a bank.
B.By putting money in a wallet.
C.By making it easy to get your money.
D.By buying little things.
小题2:According to Billy, if you want to buy something expensive, you’d better_________.
A.wait at least a month
B.make sure it’s necessary
C.wait until it’s for sale
D.ask somebody for help
小题3:According to the passage, Steve is the person who _______.
A.didn’t carry any money
B.can’t wait to spend his money now
C.didn’t use to buy anything in a store
D.doesn’t spend money quickly and carelessly now
小题4:Where is the passage most probably from?
A.A dictionaryB.The instructionsC.A newspaperD.An advertisement.
小题5:The writer wrote the passage in order to ask teens to_______.
A.make major purchases
B.save 100% of their money
C.spend all their savings regularly
D.save money regularly as well as spending


小题1:根据Tony,13: I put my money in a bank instead of my wallet, so the money is not there.描述,可知选A。
小题2:根据Bill,14: When considering a major purchase(购买), wait a week or so, at least. This will help you make sure if you still want it,描述,可知选B。
小题3:根据Steve,16: I used to be …… Now I have no strong wish to buy things when I go into a store. It works for me.描述,可知选D。
小题5:根据第一段The best way to develop good saving habits is to make saving a regular part of your life, along with spending.及下文描述,可知选D。
What’s a big problem in Shenzhen today, do you think? Besides pollution, traffic is, of course.
There are too many people, too many cars but too little space so the roads are always busy. You can almost see traffic jams everywhere. It is even worse when everyone is going to school or to work. What’s more, cars need fuel(燃料) to move, so they let out a lot of dirty smoke and pollute the air.
However, the government is trying many ways to solve the problem. We can see more roads and footbridges over the main streets. And the workers are making some roads wider. It is said every car will have a computer. The computer can study the latest traffic news. Then it will look over its own map for the best way to drive and they won’t get into traffic jams.
小题1:What’s a big problem in Shenzhen today?
A.It’s air pollution.B.It’s sound pollution.
C.It’s dirty smoke.D.It’s pollution and traffic jams.
小题2:The roads are always busy because ________.
A.there are too many people and cars but there is too little space
B.there are too many buses, subways and too many taxis
C.they are very narrow and dirty
D.there are too many buildings and there is too little space
小题3:With ____ cars on the roads, there will be fewer traffic jams.
小题4:How is the government trying to solve the problem?
A.People are making old roads wider and building more roads and footbridges.
B.People are driving fewer cars and walking to school.
C.People are riding bikes to work and walking to school.
D.People are making old roads wider and building more bridges across the rivers.
小题5: People won’t get into traffic jams in a car with ___ because it can study the latest traffic news.
A.a policemanB.an inspectorC.a computerD.a TV set
Roger Scott worked as a salesman in a department store. Like a lot of other young people, he didn’t like his    1    very much. One day he was    2   in the canteen (食堂)of the store with his girlfriend, Annie Davis. She worked there, too. “I’m going to find another job as soon as I    3  “. He said, “The pay isn’t very good and the work isn’t interesting, either. The worst thing with it is that I have to take orders from people like Mr. Smith! Mr. Smith was the manager of the store. Everybody was    4   afraid of him. He often walked around the store and always got very angry if he saw somebody who was not working. Sometimes there was really no work to do    5   people still tried to look busy.
While Roger was talking, Annie looked up and saw Mr. Smith    6  into the canteen. Roger was sitting near the door and Mr. Smith was just behind him. He could hear what Roger was telling. Annie didn’t know what to do. “I    7  Mr. Smith is even a very good manager.” Roger continued loudly. “   8  a man is a good manager, the people would   9  to work for him. I’m sure everyone here hates it! At least I am.” Annie saw Mr. Smith come closer. There was a very angry    10   on his face.
A.friends B.girlfriendC.payD.job
A.sit B.ranC.sitting D.running
A.may B.canC. need D.must
A.a few B.a littleC.some D.lots of
A.and B.or C.but D.as
A.comingB.cameC.to come D.would come
A.don’t thinkB.knowC.don’t understandD.think
A.AlthoughB.BecauseC.Even ifD.If
A.lovedB.be like C.likeD.better
When you are in England, you must (必须) be very careful (当心) in the streets because the traffic goes on the left. Before you cross the street, you must look to the right first and then the left.
If the traffic lights are red, the traffic must stop(停止). Then the people on foot can cross the road. If the lights are green, the traffic can go and people on foot mustn’t (禁止) cross.
In the morning and in the evening, when people go to or come back from work, the streets are very busy. The traffic is the most dangerous then.
When you go by bus in England, you have to be careful, too. You must always remember the cars drive on the left.
In many English cities, there are big buses with two floors. You can sit on the second floor. From there, you can see the city very well. That’ll be very interesting.
小题1:Before you cross a street in London, you must look to          .
A.the right side(边)B.the left side
C.the left first and then the rightD.the right first and then the left
小题2:When you drive a car in England, you must           .
A.drive on the leftB.drive on the right
C.ignore (忽略) the traffic lightsD.go very quickly (快)
小题3:If the traffic lights are green, the traffic         .
A.can goB.must be carefulC.mustn’t crossD.must stop
小题4:In England, you can see some buses           .
A.with two chairsB.with two rooms
C.with two floorsD.with two drivers
小题5:Which of the following is right?
A.After you cross the street, you must look to the left first and then the right.
B.If the lights are red, the traffic mustn’t stop.
C.You must drive cars on the left in England.
D.In the morning and in the evening when people go to or come back from work, the traffic is not dangerous.
Jane always goes to school early. She likes to talk to her friends before class. After school she does not go home early. She is always late. Jane stops to see the animals in the pet shop. She likes to see the dogs. One of them is a little white dog. She watches the little dog play in the window of the shop. She watches for a long time, so she comes home late.
One day her father and mother ask why she is late, and she tells them about the little dog in the pet shop.
Jane is not late the next day. She stops to look in the window of the shop. But she doesn’t see the dog, and she is very sad. She is also very happy, today is her birthday.
Mother shows her a big birthday cake and Father gives her a birthday surprise(惊奇). He gives her the little white dog from the shop. Jane is very happy. The next day Jane does not come home late. She runs home to play with the white dog.
小题1:Before class begins, Jane usually ________.
A.talks to her friendsB.plays with her friends
C.looks at the dogs in the windowD.takes a bus
小题2:After school Jane _____.
A.comes home earlyB.is always late to go home
C.plays with the dogsD.looks at the shops along the road
小题3:Jane likes _____ best.
A.the big dogB.the little white dog C.little animalsD.the pet shop
小题4:The little dog is not there because it _______.
A.is stolen(偷)B.is put away(抛弃) by the shop
C.is illD.is sold(卖) out by the shop
小题5:The birthday surprise is _________.
A.a big cakeB.some presentsC.the little white dogD.a birthday party

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