
    Tom and Mike were good friends. Sometimes they were kind to each other;sometimes they were not. But all of their classmates said they were like brothers.

   One day they went out for a walk together. At noon they were very hungry and they went into a restaurant to have lunch. The waiter came up to them and asked ,“What can I do for you?”

   “Please bring us two apples first ,” said Tom.

   When the waiter put two apples on the table,Mike took the bigger one at once. Tom got angry.

   “You’re impolite,Mike. Why don't you take the smaller one?”Tom said.

   “But I am right, ”said Mike with a smile,“If I let you take first,which one will you choose?” “Of course,I'll take the smaller one. ”said Tom.

   “Yes. ”Mike said ,“If you take the smaller one,the bigger one will still be mine. Don’t you think so?”

   “Oh!” Tom couldn’t answer.

1. Tom and Mike were .

   A. always kind to each other

   B. sometimes kind to each other

   C. dear brothers

   D. friends of different schools

2. Mike thought only about when they were having lunch.

   A. himself   B. Tom

   C. his parents   D. his friends

3. The underlined word “impolite” means .

   A. 好心的   B. 礼貌的

   C. 不礼貌的   D. 聪明的

4. Tom took the apple.

   A. better   B. bigger

   C. smaller   D. worse

5. Who took the apple first?

   A. Mike              B. Tom

   C. Both Tom and Mike   D. The waiter

1. B 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. A

导读什么样的朋友才是真朋友呢?本文通过迈克和汤姆在 餐馆吃苹果一事告诉我们:为他人着想的朋友才是真朋友


1. B细节理解题。由第一段的第二句可知,他们并不总是很友好,而是有时很友好。

2. A推理判断题。由第四段第一句中的“ Mike took the bigger one at once. ”可以推测出,迈克在吃饭时,总是 先考虑自己。

3. C词义猜测题。由第四段中的angry及第五段中的“Why don't you take the smaller one?” 可以推测出,汤姆对迈 克的表现不太满意,所以,迈克的这种先把大苹果抢在 手中的做法是不礼貌的。

4. C细节理解题。由倒数第二段可知,汤姆拿到的是一个小苹果。

5. A细节理解题。由第四段的“Mike took the bigger one at once. ”可知,迈克是首先挑选的苹果。

be kind to 对 友善

come up to向 走来


But all of their classmates said they were like brothers.但是他们的同学都说他们就像是亲兄弟


they were like brothers是一个宾语从句,其中的like是一个介词。


   Over 2 ,000 years ago,Chinese people opened up a great road—the Silk Road. The road was first conceived during the Zhou and Qin dynasties. From 138 to 139   B. C. , a famous traveler named Zhang Qian first “made” the Silk Road. From then on,the Silk Road became the bridge between the West and the East. And the West learned more about China through the China's “national road”.

    Many businessmen traveled in large caravans in the past. They exchanged a lot of things along the Silk Road. The caravans took silk to the West and brought back gold,colored glass and food from western countries.

With sheep,cattle (牛) ,silk and golden coins,Zhang Qian left from Chang9an,the capital then. He got to Xinjiang and the Central Asia. His assistant even went as far as Ansi (Iran) and Xindu (India) for friendly visits. In return,envoys from these countries also visited China.

    The Silk Road was not only important for business but also important to spread different cultures.

1. Chinese people first decided to make the Silk Road during .

   A. Xia and Zhou dynasties

   B. Ming and Qing dynasties

   C. Qin and Han dynasties

   D. Zhou and Qin dynasties

2. What did the Silk Road help the West?

   A. To learn more about China.

   B. To work harder.

   C. To keep healthier.

   D. To make more silk.

3. Which of the places did Zhang Qian get to?

   A. Ansi. B. Xindu.

   C. The Central Asia. D. The Central Europe.

4. Which of the following is TRUE according to this passage?

   A. The Silk Road was the busiest street in China then.

   B. Businessmen did business and knew more about other countries through the Silk Road.

   C. Many Chinese businessmen took gold to the West and brought back silk.

   D. The Silk Road became China's envoys to the West.

5. What is the best title for this passage?

   A. Zhang Qian's Trip

   B. Sheep and Glass

   C. The Oldest Road in China

   D. A Bridge Between China and the West

    A boy named Jeremiah Burke,19, threw a water bottle with a note in it while the Titanic sank (下沉) . Now the note is in the Heritage Centre (遗产中心) in Cork.

   Jeremiah Burke's mother gave the bottle to him before he left for the US. As the Titanic sank in the early hours of 15 April,1912,he threw the bottle with the note into the sea.

  The bottle was found a year later on the beach. The note read u From Titanic,goodbye all,Burke of Glanmire,Cork. ” Burke's family kept it for about a hundred years. Now one of Jeremiah’s nieces (侄女) , Mary Woods,has given it to the Heritage Centre in Cork. She said Jeremiah Burke was traveling to America with his cousin Nora Hegarty,18, to meet his two sisters. But both Jeremiah Burke and Nora Hegarty lost their lives. The ship carried 2 ,208 people on its first trip,but only 705 people survived (幸存) at last.

1 . threw the bottle with the note into the sea when the Titanic sank.

   A. Jeremiah Burke   B. Mary Woods

   C. Nora Hegarty   D. Jeremiah's mother

2. Jeremiah Burke was traveling to America to

   A. find a job        B. meet his mother

   C. take a vacation   D. meet his sisters

3. people lost their lives in this accident (事故) .

   A. 705   B. 1,503

   C. 1,178   D. 2,208

4. From this passage we know .

   A. the note in the water bottle told the reason why the Titanic sank

   B. Jeremiah Burke traveled to America with his niece

   C. the Titanic was on its first trip when it sank

   D. the note in the water bottle was in the Heritage Centre in Cork in 1912

    On 22 nd January,2007,Dave Comthwaite from the UK became the first person to skateboard across Australia. He made a new world record,by skating a total of 5 ,823 kilometers. Jack Smith,the previous (前 任的) champion,had skated a total of 4 ,830 kilometers across the US in 2003. Dave's journey started in Perth and ended in Brisbane travelling about 60 kilometers a day. It took him five months and 13 pairs of shoes. He had great physical pain and he got really sore feet.

   If Dave hadn’t believed in making his dreams come true,none of this would have happened. Dave left his job two weeks after he had bought a skateboard and decided to go on a journey. He wanted this journey to be about something more than him,so he created an association that would raise money for charities. “If people follow my journey and donations,then Fm doing many people a lot of good ,” said Dave. This journey had plenty of challenges. He travelled across the Australian desert (沙漠) where temperatures reached 481 in the day and Ot at night. He had a serious accident in Adelaide when he jumped on a piece of metal that cut through his foot.

   Dave helped raise more than £ 50,000 for children's charities,wrote a book and encouraged others to follow in his footsteps. I wish we had more people like him leading the way!

1. Where is Dave from?

   A. The US. B. Australia.

   C. The UK. D. France.

2. What can we get from the passage?

   A. Dave skated a total of 4 ,830 kilometers across Australia.

   B. Dave spent 5 months skating from Perth to Brisbane.

   C. Dave was the first person to skateboard across the US.

   D. Dave travelled at the speed of 600 kilometers a week.

3. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

   A. Dave got hurt during his journey.

   B. Everyone can help others if he wishes.

   C. The environment of Australia is terrible.

   D. Dave challenged himself to achieve his dreams.

4. Where may the passage come from?

   A. An art book.

   B. A story book.

   C. A science book.

   D. A medicine book.

    An English traveler found himself in a northern European country with a little money to buy the ticket for the travel back home. As he knew that it would take him only two days to get to England,he thought that he would be all right without food. So he bought a ticket and got on the ship. He closed his ears to the lunch bell. When dinner time came,he refused to go to the dining hall,saying that he was not feeling well. The next morning he didn't go to breakfast and at lunch time he again stayed in his room. At dinner time he was so hungry that he could not stand it any longer. “I'm going to eat ,”he said, “even if they throw me into the sea. ” At dinner he ate everything in front of him at the table,and waited for the coming trouble. “Bring me the bill. ”He said. “There isn’t any bill ,” was the answer. ‘‘On the ship the money for the ticket includes meals. ”The traveler was sad when he heard this.

1. The English traveler .

   A. didn't take enough money with him

   B. had a lot of money left

   C. was traveling in England

2. On the first day he.

   A. forgot about meals

   B. only had his breakfast

   C. didn't go to the dining hall

3. He didn't go to the dining hall because .

   A. he wasn’t hungry

   B. he had no money

   C. he wasn’t feeling well

4. The next day he decided to at last.

   A. stay in his room   B. ask for the bill   C. have dinner

5. Which of the following is TRUE?

   A. The English traveler was on a diet (节食) .

   B. The meals on the ship were free.

   C. The meals on the ship were too expensive.

    Nowadays we can see ATMs everywhere. So we’d better learn how to use an ATM to withdraw money.

   First,we must find an ATM for your cards. Some ATMs can only work with certain bank's cards. But now more and more ATMs can use all the banks’ cards.

   Second,we can put our cards in a slot on the right side of the machine. Make sure the card is facing the right way.

    Then,when the screen says ,“Please enter your PIN,” we can press the numbers. After that,we can select the type of transaction. So we can press the key for withdrawing money.

    Next,we can put in the amount of money we want to withdraw by pressing the numbers. Then the screen may say ,“ Please wait ”. After a short while,we can take our money from the slot at the bottom of the machine.

    At last,if we don't need other services,we can press the key for ending. Then our cards will come out from the slot we put it in. And we can finish our dealing and take the cards and money away.

1. Can we use every ATM to withdraw our money in a certain card?

   A. Yes,we can.

   B. No,we can't.

   C. The author didn't tell us in the passage.

   D. The author is not sure about that.

2. When should we enter PIN?

   A. Before we put our cards into the machine.

   B. After we put our cards into the machine.

   C. After we select the type of transaction.

   D. After we put in the amount of money.

3. The card should be put in the machine .

   A. from the slot on the left

   B. from the slot on the right

   C. from the slot above the screen

   D. from the slot under the screen

4. When will money come out of the machine?

   A. Before we put in the amount of money.

   B. Before we enter PIN.

   C. After we put in the amount of money.

   D. After we end the service.

5. How many times should we press the numbers when withdrawing money once?

   A. Once.        B. Twice.

   C. Three times.   D. Four times.

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