Alyssa was excited about her first day of school. The winter holiday was fun, ___________ she couldn’t wait to start the new term after the holiday. There would probably be new kids in her class. Alyssa _________ making new friends.

Alyssa thought a lot about what she would ___________ on the first day of school. Her parents said the first impression(印象) was ___________ so Alyssa wanted to look nice. Alyssa and her mom went shopping to buy her new clothes. In one store Alyssa saw a beautiful bow tie (领结) and wanted to buy it. Mom said bow ties were for boys, but Alyssa didn’t ___________. They also bought a white dress. Alyssa thought it would look cool with the bow tie.

On the morning of the first day of school, Alyssa met her ___________ on the school bus. “Is that bow tie your brother’s?” the kids said. “No,” Alyssa said. “It’s ___________________.” “But bow ties are for boys’’, they all said. Alyssa felt embarrassed.

Then a new girl got on the bus. “A bow tie! That’s so _________.” She looked at Alyssa, “and I like your bow tie! It is very cool. You must be very creative.” Alyssa didn’t feel _________ anymore. She liked being creative. After that, when someone said bow ties were for boys, she would reply, “Bow ties are for ________________, especially when you are creative, like me.”

1.A.because B.and C.but

2.A.liked B.forgot C.suggested B.wear C.see

4.A.interesting B.important C.impolite B.think C.understand

6.A.classmates B.teachers C.brothers

7.A.his B.hers C.mine


9.A.happy B.lonely C.embarrassed

10.A.anyone B.someone C.everyone

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