
A good way to pass an exam is to work hard every day in the year.You may fail in an exam if you are lazy for most of the year and then work hard only a few days before the exam.If you are taking an English exam,do not only learn rules of grammar.
Try to read stories in English and speak English whenever you can .A few days before the exam you should start going to bed early .Do not stay up late at night studying and learning things .Before you start to answer the questions,read carefully over the question paper.Try to understand the exact meaning of each question before you pack up your pen to write .When you have at last finished your exam,read over your answers .Correct the mistakes if there are any mistakes and make sure that you have not missed anything out.
小题1:What is the passage about?
小题2:What will happen if you work hard only a few days before the exam?
小题3:What should we do before the exam?
小题4:What should we do before answering the questions?
小题5:.What should we do after finishing the exam?

小题1:: About exam             
小题2::I may fail in en exam
小题3::we should start going to be early
小题4::we should read carefully over the quession paper
小题5::we should nead over your answers correct the wistakes if there are any mistakes and make sure that you have not missed amything out

小题1:根据A good way to pass an exam is to work hard every day in the year.描述可知本短文主要是关于考试的短文,故答About exam。
小题2:根据You may fail in an exam if you are lazy for most of the year and then work hard only a few days before the exam.描述可知答案为你会失败,故答:I may fail in en exam
小题3:根据A few days before the exam you should start going to bed early .描述在考前几天应该早睡。故答:We should start going to be early。
小题4:根据Before you start to answer the questions,read carefully over the question paper.描述可知答题前要先认真阅读答题要求。故答We should read carefully over the quession paper。
小题5:.根据When you have at last finished your exam,及下文描述,可知答:We should nead over your answers correct the wistakes if there are any mistakes and make sure that you have not missed amything out。
The Teens newspaper has a little test for young students each week. Here below is Frank’s completed test this week.
Weekly Test
1. I prefer to spend my spare time
q(a) with my family
þ (b) with my friends
q (c) on my own.
2 [f] have a problem, I would rather
þ (a) Talk to my parents than to my friends.
q (b) talk to my friends than to my family.
q (c) solve it on my own.
3. I prefer to study
q (a) at home with my family around.
q (b) with my friends.
þ (c) on my own.
4. For my birthday I would prefer to
q (a) be with my family
q (b)have a party with lots of friends.
þ (c) go out with just my best friend.
·You get 1 point for each(a), 2 for each(b), and 3 for each(c)
·Go and find out what your score means on the right!
Scores and their meanings:
4-6: Your family is very important to you. You enjoy being with friends but your family comes first. You are kind and always think more of others.
7-9: You have lots of friends and like to have fun. You are close to your family but your friends are quite important to you, too. You are easy-going and generous.
10-12: You probably have one or two close friends, but you’d rather relax with a good book than go to a party. You are confident and like to do things for yourself.
·You can e-mail us at weeklytest@teens.com and tell us whether your result has described a REAL you.
小题1:How many points did Frank get in the week’s test?
小题2:From Frank’s result, we may know that          .
A.he has many close friends and enjoys having fun with them
B.his family comes first although he loves being with friends
C.both his family and his friends are of great importance to him
D.he is a confident young student with only a few close friends
小题3:By taking this test a student is supposed to find out              .
A.how to solve teenage problems
B.how to make good friends
C.what his lifestyle is like
D.what kind of person he is
Trees are useful to man(人类)in three very important ways. The first important way is that they provide man with food, wood and other products. Trees provide not only man with food, but also many animals with food. Without trees many animals could not live on the earth. It's not easy for man to live on the earth, either.
The second important way is that trees give us shade. On a hot summer day, people are eager(渴望)to have a rest under the shade of a tree after they have walked a long way. You can imagine how important the shade of a tree is to man and to animals.
The third important way is that trees help to prevent drought(干旱)and floods(洪水). However, in many parts of the world, man has not realized the third important way. He has cut trees down in large numbers. In the end he finds that he has lost the best friends he had.
小题1:Trees are important to man in       ways.
小题2:Which sentence is true?
A.Trees give food to both man and animals.
B.Trees only provide animals with food.
C.Trees give food to neither man nor animals.
D.Trees only provide man with food
小题3:On a hot summer day,        .
A.people are eager to have a rest
B.people usually walk a long way
C.animals don't need shade
D.the shade of a tree is very important to man and to animals
小题4:In many parts of the world, man has not realized that trees help to          
A.give us food B.give us shade
C.prevent drought and floodsD.give us wood
小题5:In this story the underlined word "He" means       .
* Anyone who lives, works or studies in the city can borrow books from the library free of charge.
* You need to show proof (证明) of your name and address.
* You need to complete application form.
* If you are under 18, you must ask a parent to fill in the form.
* You will receive a library card, which you can use immediately.
* You can use it at all Happy City public libraries in the city.
* You must always have your card to borrow books from the library.
* Please tell the library immediately if you lose your card. You are responsible for any books that are borrowed on your card until you report it to the library. You must pay to get a new card.
* You can return books to any one of our libraries no matter where you
Maximum Number of Books
Loan period
Number of Renewals (更换)
10 books
30 days
4 magazines
14 days
2 cassettes
30 days
4 foreign language books
30 days
5 literacy (识字) books
30 days
Notice: You can borrow no more that 4 books on any one subject.
You can renew (续借) books in person, by telephone or by using the Internet. You can go to any Happy City Public Library to renew books, no matter where you borrowed them.
小题1:If your brother, who is in Junior 1 of a middle school, wants to get a card, __________.
A.he can fill in the form himselfB.You can fill in the form for him.
C.Your parents must fill in the form.D.He has to pay for the books.
小题2:If you want to renew the book, you ___________.
A.have to go to the library again for it.B.You can make it on the computer.
C.You have to pay for the second time.D.You can only call the library.
小题3:According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?
A.If you don’t live in the city, you can also be able to borrow books by using the card.
B.If you lose the card, you can get a new one for free.
C.You can borrow books from any of the Happy City public libraries if you have the library card
D.You can use the card to borrow books in any library in the country.
小题4:You can return the book to _________.
A.the library where you borrowed the book
B.Your school library
C.The biggest library in the city
D.any one of the libraries in the city
Water, it’s a problem for the whole world. A bottle (瓶) of water may not seem like much to us,   1  it can help the people who live in drought-hit (遭受旱灾的) areas in China.
In the past few months, many places in southwest China have  2  a serious drought. There has been very little  3  since last autumn. More than 20 million people are   4  trouble finding safe drinking water.
After learning about the drought, many people around the country helped by   5   away water, money and other resources (资源) to the people there.
Last week, the Young Pioneers and the Communist Youth League in China called on (号召) each student to give one bottle of water to the drought-hit area. In Xi’an, 900 students bought over 100 bottles of water  6  their pocket money. They also wrote their   7  on the bottles. “I hope you get more rain there. I hope you are happy.”
A bottle of water isn’t much, but thousands of bottles will be very   8 . The serious drought has also made students   9  the importance of saving water. One student said, “I have decided to take a shower twice a week   10  every day to save water.”
A.bought B.experiencedC.studied D.missed
A.causing B.makingC.havingD.bringing
A.plansB.notesC.wishes D.dates
A.thinkB.realizeC.miss D.regard
A.insteadB.instead ofC.exceptD.because of
Now the idea of “car sharing” has become popular in Europe and the United States. That’s to say, people share(分享) one car, not each person has one . (65)As we know, most cars are parked in garages for much time. In fact, we drive our own cars as long as one or two hours a day on average. When we don’t use them, We have to pay for parking and other things. (66)We spend too much money on that. If we share a car, we’ll only pay when we use it. (67)Because some people want to save money, they come up with the idea of “car sharing”. Now many people are starting to do car sharing. In Switzerland, almost 40,000 people have joined it. Japan is also trying to make “car sharing” popular around the country. (68)car, is, of, new, sharing, transportation, beginning, a, idea, the, in .(69)This is also very easy for us to travel here and there without buying cars. Do you love to share a car with others?
小题2:That             us too much money.
小题3:                                                         ?
Fire can help people in many ways. But it can also be very harmful. Fire can make water hot and house warm, give light and cook food. But fire can burn (燃烧) things, too. It can make trees, houses, animals and other things catch fire (起火). If some people can't run away from fire, it can kill them. This happens in every country every year.
Sometimes big fire can burn forests. A month ago, a large forest fire broke out in Yunnan Province. It lasted nearly half a month. The forest in Heilongjiang Province and the grassland in Inner Mongolia caught fire in May, 2006. After more than ten days' fight, over 30,000 people and soldiers put out (扑灭) the fire at last.
Nobody knows clearly when people began to make fire, but there are many interesting stories about the first time a man or a woman started a fire. One story from Australia tells about a man who went to the sun and brought fire down a long time ago. Today people know how to make a fire with matches (火柴). Children sometimes like to play with them. But matches can be very dangerous. The match can burn a piece of paper and then it can burn a house. A small fire can become a big fire, and destroy many things. Fire kills many people every year. So you must be careful with fire.
小题1:The main idea of the passage is that _________.
A.fire is dangerous and harmful
B.forest fire can be easily put out
C.who started a fire the first time
D.every month there is a forest fire in Yunnan Province
小题2:Matches can be dangerous because _________.
A.they always burn a house
B.they can make things catch fire
C.they can burn a piece of paper
D.they kill many animals every year
小题3:The word “destroy” in the passage means ________in Chinese.
小题4:The writer of the passage wants to tell us that ________.
A.we know when man began to make a fire
B.people should use fire carefully
C.fire can burn down all things in the world
D.all children like to play with matches

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