
小题1:Yang Shanzhou becomes well-known in China for planting so many trees for people.
小题2:Try again, maybe you will come up with a better idea.
A.turn upB.put upC.get upD.think up
小题3:It's a chicken-and-egg question. I can't answer you now.
小题4:Come and join us. We are short of hands.
A.We need help.B.We hurt our hands.
C.Our hands are short.D.We can do it by ourselves,
小题5: My clothes are not fashionable.
A.lostB.newC.out of styleD.worn out


小题2:根据题干,本句的意思是“再试一次,可能你会想出更好的注意。”come up with“想出,得出”,与think up同义。所以本题选D。
小题5:根据题干,本句的意思是“我的衣服过时了。”fashionable是“时髦的”,not fashionable是“不时髦的”。Out of style也是“不时髦的,过时的”。所以本题选C。
短文填空 先通读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容和所给首字母,在空格内填入一个适当的词,使短文意思完整。所填单词必须在答卷标有题号的横线上完整写出。(本大题共5分, 每格0. 5分)
A schoolboy’s life is in preparation for the real battle (奋斗) of life. It is also f      ___(1) of differences and interests. One of the most important p      ____(2) of a schoolboy’s life is to get as much knowledge and good mind-t       ___(3) as he can. His main business in school is to learn. He has to read the book he is t     (4) in classes. He has to do the homework set to him. Another part that forms (形成) a schoolboy's life is the school discipline (纪律). At school there are strict rules to be k      ___(5). This strict discipline is very useful for him when he e      ___(6) society(社会) to make a living. It teaches him some very necessary virtues (美德) on the r      ___(7) to a social life.
School is a place for a schoolboy to learn what the social life is l      (8). For in the classroom and the playground, he has to mix with his fellows (同伴) and not the m      (9) of his family.
This is also the way when he has to carry h     (10) in society.
小题1:____________ 小题2:____________ 小题3:____________ 小题4:____________ 小题5:          小题6:____________ 小题7:___________ 小题8:____________ 小题9:___________ 小题10:____________
Jolin Tsai’s New Book : OUT Now !
Jolin Tsai ( Cai Yilin ) , a famous singer from Taiwan , has become an English teacher ! But she is not staying in a classroom to give you talks in English . Instead , she has published(出版)a new book , Jolin’s English Dairy Book . It came out in Taiwan in March , 2005 . Jolin is helping you learn English in a light-hearted way and give you useful words for life outside your textbooks .
“ I hope it’s a happy English book , ” she said . “ When you learn English in a funny way , you will keep on doing it . ” This certainly doesn’t mean just reciting words . Jolin has a lot of clever ways of learning . She likes to listen to English songs or find friends to talk to in English . She has been good at English since Grade 3 in primary school . Because of this , she hosted(主持)an English news program on the radio herself .
Jolin knows it’s important to put English to good use . So , in her English diaries , she wrote something about her everyday life , like study , fashion(时尚), travel and family . After each diary , she gives you lots of notes . You can use them often , too ! Jolin also asks you to keep diaries like hers .
Information Card
Where is Jolin Tsai from ?
What’s the name of the book ?
When did the book come out ?
What kind of program does she host on the radio ?
What are her diaries about ?
小题1:Jack is going to study in a famous university. These days, his father is looking for a mobile phone for him so as to keep in touch with each other closely.
小题2:Tom is a middle school student. He likes sports very much and plays football every afternoon. But his shoes are too small for him, so after class this afternoon he has to buy a pair of new shoes.
小题3:Mary is going to have her 15th birthday party. Her family are making preparations for it. Her brother’s job is to buy some drink.
小题4:Joan doesn’t want to forget the past, especially the happy moments.
小题5:Alice is afraid of opening her mouth, because a bad smell will come out. So she needs something which can remove the smell no matter how much it is.
“Just do it!”
Do something, but only if you think it’s necessary. And if so, why not do it wearing Nike?
“Always Coca Cola.”  It seems to say “Coke is the only drink there is; there are no other forms of drink.”
“Share moment, share life.”  We can remember the happy moments in life by taking photos of them— using Kodak film of course!
“Make yourself heard”. When you hear this slogan, you will know there is Sony Ericsson product for you to call anyone.
“Project Hope —Schooling every child.”
It educates people about public service projects, such as Project Hope.
“Bright-teeth fights bad breath!” It wants you to read the word “fight” and think that the toothpaste can make the bad breath disappear.

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