
Nick's brother________the navy in 2011and ________the navy since then.

A.joined; has joined B.joined in; has joined in

C.joined in; has been in D.joined; has been in


Last weekend,Lucy and I went to a park, where she discovered a track with large bumps( 凸块)and sharp turns. At the beginning, I thought Lucy was able to ride her bike along the track, but she quickly found that her bike was too low to the ground and kept getting stuck( 卡住) on top of the bump.

Lucy looked at me with fear because she was still a biking newbie. I tried to encourage her too, but really, I was thinking this is going to be a disaster . Not because I thought she would get hurt. More because I thought she wouldn’t be able to pick up enough speed to balance, then get really discouraged, and give up quickly. I imagined her throwing her bicycle to the ground and then crying all the way home.

However, I was only half right. Lucy did have a lot of trouble riding the bike. She couldn’t find her balance. She fell many times. At one point, she almost started crying because younger kids were getting angry that she was slowing everyone else down. But she did not give up. She kept picking herself up and trying again. She even took the bike off the track and into the main park to practice pushing off and picking up speed on a flat ground. When she felt more confident, she came back. Then she did it over and over again until she finally reached her goal of going around the whole track without falling once. Then she didn’t want to leave and everyone was cheering her on.

This was not a day that ended in a disaster. It was a day when Lucy learned that perseverance pays off.


1.Why was Lucy taken to the park last weekend?

A.To play tricks on other kids. B.To discover balance.

C.To practice riding the bike along the road. D.To find her friends in the park.

2.What does the underlined sentence probably mean in Paragraph 2?

A.Lucy wouldn’t easily riding the bike and give up soon.

B.Lucy would scare to ride the bike and get discouraged.

C.Lucy would lose balance and slow the younger kids down.

D.Lucy would get hurt and cry all the way home.

3.What did Lucy take the bike into the main park for?

A.Feeling more confident and coming back. B.Achieving her goal of riding the bike at once.

C.Being encouraged on by everyone。 D.Getting practice in an simpler way.

4.Which one is the right order of the events?

①. Lucy fell and got up lots of times.

②. Lucy picked up speed on a flat ground.

③. Lucy found her bike was too low for the bumps.

④. Lucy rode her bike around the whole track without falling once.

A.③①②④. B.③②①④. C.①②③④. D.①③②④.

5.What can we most probably learn from Lucy?

A.Falling is not often in our life. B.Every one will be rewarded as long as keeping on.

C.Playing in the Park has fun. D.It is important to learn to ride a bike.


Dear boys and girls, as we all know that all of you have got the chance to study online because of the serious situation around China. How exciting it is for many of you guys! 1., along with the excitement, you may meet some problems like spending too much time playing games while having online classes and so on. These problems might make 2. impossible for you to study well. So what can we do to improve our online studies? Here are some pieces of advice for you.

Ensure a good connection

To me, the biggest headache about studying online is the poor quality of my Internet connection. 3. one of my online classes, I couldn’t hear my English teacher’s voice and I had to reconnect. It wasted lots of time. Since then, I have checked my network before class every day and asked other family members not to use the 4. while I’m having a class. (Zhao Yuchen, 13, Beijing )

5. your time properly

Studying at home has made it hard for me to plan my time. I had a hard time planning my course timetable at first. Planning 6.of time and creating a study calendar is very important. You need to estimate (估计) how much time each task will 7., review your class content(内容), ask questions and take notes, and make a to-do list before doing your homework. These are all good ways to help us learn better online. (Lin Xiyu, 14, Shanghai)

No distractions(分心)

Online learning takes strong self-discipline (自律) and willpower. There are lots of distractions while studying at home. My mom likes to offer me snacks and drinks, which sometimes distracts me from listening during my classes. I have asked her to stop interrupting (干扰) me while I’m studying. A 8. room and clean desk can help us pay full attention to what we do. (Zhang Penghui, 15, Heilongjiang)

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