

A: Hello. Is that Uncle Sam’s Restaurant?

B: Yes. 1.

A: I want to know if you send take-away food.

B: Sure.

A: I’d like to order for dinner.


A: I’d like to have beef with potatoes and a hamburger.

B: Ok.3.

A: No thanks. Please tell to me how I can pay for you?

B:4.By the way, what time do expect your dinner?

A: About 6:00 pm.

B: Could you please leave your address?

A: Oh, yes.5.

B: Thanks you. See you then.

A.What would you like to have?

B.What can I do for you, Madam?

C.Anything else?

D.How much would you like?

E.Room 101 in Green Building.

F.You can pay us when your food is sent.

G.Is that all?


A teacher decided to have her class play a game. The teacher told each student to bring a plastic bag with a few potatoes in it to school. Each student would “name” their potatoes after people they did not like. Therefore, the number of potatoes would be different depending on how many people each student disliked.

The next day, all the students brought their potatoes to school. Some kids had just one or two potatoes, while the others had as many as five or six. The teacher then told the children that they would have to carry their potatoes with them everywhere they went for one week.

Several days passed by. Some of the students started to complain, as their potatoes began to rot (腐烂) and smell bad. The students who carried more potatoes also complained about how heavy their bags were.

One week later, the game was over. The teacher asked, “How did you feel about carrying around your potatoes for a week?” The students complained once again. The teacher simply smiled and said, “This is what it’s like to carry hatred (仇恨) in your heart. You have to carry it with you wherever you go. If you can’t stand carrying rotten potatoes for one week, can you imagine having hatred in your heart for a whole lifetime?”

It can be quite tiring to carry hatred in your heart for a whole lifetime. Please forgive(原谅) others and move on with your life. That’s our best choice.

根据短文内容判断正误 (正确写A, 错误写B)

1.The number of potatoes that students were asked to carry to school depended on the number of people they disliked.

2.Some students started to complain after several days because the potatoes began to rot and smell bad.

3.The students carried the tomatoes for only one week, but they felt tired.

4.Some students didn’t carry the potatoes to school because they liked everyone.

5.The best way to deal with hatred is to forgive and move on.

Most high schools in the United States publish a yearbook once a year, usually in spring. It is a record of the school year—a “book of memories” for the students.

Inside a yearbook is each student’s photo. The seniors are graduating soon, and their photos appear first. Next are the juniors. They are one year behind the seniors. Then come the second year students. The last photos are the first-year students. The yearbook is not only about students. The teachers have photos, too.

The yearbook also has photos and descriptions of many activities. These are activities that students do after school, such as the chess club and Spanish club. There is even a yearbook club. Students in this club write, design and take photos all year for the yearbook.

In the yearbook, some students receive special titles. The seniors vote and choose the “class clown” (a funny student), the “most likely to succeed” (a student who got the best grades), and the “best dressed” (a student with a good fashion sense). There are also other awards.

Students usually sign each other’s yearbooks. This is especially important for the seniors because they are graduating. Students write notes to each other, such as, “We had a lot of fun,”or “I’ll never forget you.” They also write about the fun and funny experiences they shared in school together.

1.When do American schools usually publish a yearbook?


2.Whose photos can we see in a yearbook?


3.Why is it important for senior students to sign each other’s yearbooks?


Painting and writing on walls is nothing new. In prehistoric(史前的)times, people in Africa and Europe painted pictures of animals and people in caves. Graffiti has been found at ancient sites in Greece, Italy, Syria and Iraq. In the Roman town of Pompeii in Italy, archaeologists found a lot of graffiti written in Latin, including political and romantic messages, and even some magic spells!

In the 1970s, young people in New York used pens to write their names, or "tags", on walls around the city. One of the first "taggers" was Demetrius, a teenager from a Greek family. He wrote his tag on walls in his neighbourhood and in subway stations on the way to school. Other teenagers saw Demetrius's tag and started writing..their own tags on walls, buses and subway trains all over New York. Then, some teenagers stopped using pens and started using paints. Their tags were bigger and more colourful and appeared on trains, buses and walls around the world. In the 1990s and 2000s, a lot of graffiti artists started to make pictured too.

In many countries, it is a crime to paint on walls and street artists can have problems with the police. In other countries, street art is permitted in certain places. Nowadays, street art is more popular with the public. In some cities, there are street art festivals. In Bristol in the UK, there is a street art festival in August every year. Artists paint all the buildings in a street. Lots of people come to watch the artists and take photos. Street art can be seen in galleries(美术馆)too. There have been exhibitions of street art in galleries in Paris, London and Los Angeles.

Most street artists are young people who paint in their neighbourhood or home city. Many of them use the Internet to communicate and share photos of their pictures with other street artists around the world. Although we don't know what will happen to street art in the future, we can be sure that it is here to stay!

1.Graffiti in ancient times includes different kinds of themes EXCEPT________ .

A.names and tags B.magic spells C.animals and people D.romantic messages

2.Which is the correct order according to the passage?

①Demetrius wrote his tags on walls.

②Many graffiti artists made pictures too.

③Other teenagers wrote their own tags on walls.

④There have been exhibitions of street art in galleries.

⑤More colourful tags appeared on trains, buses and walls.

A.①③⑤②④ B.①③⑤④②

C.④③①②⑤ D.④①③②⑤

3.What does the underlined word "permitted" mean in Paragraph 3?

A.protected B.allowed C.punished D.warned

4.According to the passage, we can learn that________ .

A.Demetrius was the first graffiti artist B.street art can be only seen in the street

C.street artists begin to share their works online D.Bristol holds a street art festival every September

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