Real policemen can hardly tell any similarity between their lives and what they see on TV.

The first difference is that a policeman’s real life is almost around criminal law. He has to know exactly what actions are crimes and what can be used to prove someone guilty and lead him into prison. He has to know nearly as much law as a professional lawyer, and what is more,he has to apply it on his feet, in the dark and rain, running down a street after someone he wants to talk to.

Little of his time is spent in chatting. He will spend most of his working life typing millions of words on thousands of forms about hundreds of sad, unimportant people who are guilty of stupid crimes.

Most television crime drama is about finding the criminal:as soon as he's arrested, the story is over. In real life, finding a criminal is seldom much of a problem. Except in very serious cases like murders and terrorist attacks, only a little effort is spent on searching.

Having made an arrest, a policeman really starts to work. He has to prove his case so that he often has to look for a lot of different clues.

A third big difference between the drama policeman and the real one is the unpleasant pressures: first, as members of a police force, they always have to behave completely according to the law. Secondly, as expensive public servants, they have to get results. They can hardly ever do both. Most of the time some of them have to break the rules in small ways.

If a policeman has to deceive the world, the world often deceives him. Hardly anyone he meets tells him the truth. And most policemen feel the separation between themselves and the rest of the world is deepened. Most citizens, social workers, doctors, law-makers, and judges are in some ways simple-minded, they suggest not punishing the criminals in a very strict way in the hope that this will make them reform. The result, most policemen feel is that nine-tenths of their work is re-catching people who should have stayed prison. This makes them feel rather bad.

1.Most crime drama on TV ends with .

A.a terrorist attack B.a criminal's arrest

C.another crime happening D.the discovery of clues

2.Which of the following statements is true?

A.A policeman needs to spend time chatting and typing on forms.

B.A policeman never searches unless some serious cases take place.

C.A policeman should be professional enough to know the law well.

D.A policeman can break the rules in small ways in order to get results.

3.What can we infer from the underlined sentence?

A.Most policemen feel tired out. B.Strong punishment causes crimes.

C.A policeman's work is boring. D.only a few criminals will reform.

4.The passage mainly tells us .

A.criminals should behave completely according to the law

B.people usually judge a policeman by his knowledge of law

C.a policeman’s real life is different from what is shown on TV

D.there is separation between the police and the rest of the world

Who is Li Ziqi(李子柒) ? The 29-year-old vlogger's videos about her countryside life becomes so hot these days. Her fans call her “the goddess of nature”.

What makes her so popular? Cooking, painting, designing, farming... 65.It seems that she lives a quiet but colorful life. In her videos, Li wears Hanfu that she made herself. She also rears silkworms(养蚕) to sew(缝制)quilts. She even makes lipstick(口红)with roses she grows. She also uses fruits picked from her own garden to make wine.

Li grew up in a small village in Sichuan province. When she was 14, she went to the city to work. But she soon went back to the countryside so that she could take care of her sick grandmother.

To make a living, Li started an online store. At first, she just used her videos to show her products. But her simple lifestyle quickly won many fans for her.现在人们认为观看她的视频是放松的最佳方式。

For her fans who are from foreign countries, they feel more interested in Li's deep knowledge of food, nature and Chinese culture. “I can see how good Chinese people are at cooking! I didn't know I could cook meat like that until I finished watching her video.” one foreign fan wrote on YouTube excitedly.

As China Daily said, Li shows the world that Chinese people enjoy life, love good food and are good at making art out of the simplest materials. With her videos, she really makes the world learn more about Chinese culture. 她还建议外国朋友来中国吃美食。 She did not praise China with a single word, but she did a good job showing real beautiful life in China.






It's not easy to be an astronaut's son. ________expects you to be special or perfect. I often wonder how my father ever had a son like me. I mean he is so________that there's nothing he can't do. Even in middle school he was the captain(队长) of the school football team.

To be honest, I often hope to do something great like my father. I was daydreaming at school one morning when my teacher said there would be a Father’s Day________competition for the whole school. “I hope we have a________in my class.”

When I got home, I stared to________what to write. My father is an astronaut. No, I wouldn't start like that. That was the way others saw him. How did I see my father? I saw him sitting with me in the dark when I had a________dream. I remembered how he hugged me for hours when my dog Spotty was killed by a car. Yes, these were the things I was going to write. To me, he wasn't just a world-famous________. He was my dad.

My parents and I went to school on Thursday afternoon. The hall was full of people. I went up to the stage and read what I had written. “My father's son”. When I finished, everyone stood up and cheered. Tears were running down my dad's face________he was a strong man in my mind.

Finally, I won the first prize. Dad put his hand on my shoulder and said,“Darling, this is the most________Father's Day gift I have ever received and I'm really proud of you!”

It was the proudest moment of my life, too. Maybe I'll________be a great hero or win a Nobel Prize, but it was enough just to be my father's son.

1.A.Nobody B.Somebody C.Everybody

2.A.strong C.strict

3.A.reading B.writing C.drawing

4.A.writer B.reporter C.winner about B.think about C.ask for

6.A.sweet B.interesting C.scary

7.A.parent B.astronaut C.captain

8.A.and C.although

9.A.useful B.expensive C.unforgettable

10.A.never B.always C.sometimes

Everyone has an important role in society. In this time of public crisis(危机), it’s important that each of us sticks to our roles and plays them well. What can common people do in this crisis? How are the Chinese people taking on their special responsibilities? Here are some of the examples.

The novel coronavirus(新冠病毒)made this year’s Spring Festival very different for most of us. Many places in China began a first-level emergency (突发事件) response to the virus at the end of January, calling for people to stay at home. Following these rules, most people gave up family dinners during the Spring Festival and canceled any festival celebrations.

“It’s the quietest Chinese New Year I’ve ever had,” Xin Jingrong, a 14-year-old student from Nanning, Guangxi. It was the first time that Xin’s grandmother had to put off her trip to Nanning and stay alone in her hometown.

The control all over China not only separates many families, but also . Many shops are closed, delivery services are slow, and wearing masks in public has become a must. But people are showing their understanding and cooperation (合作).

Tong Zexi, a 15-year-old student from Harbin, has not gone out in more than 20 days. “I know I need to protect myself and cause no trouble. In this key time, when one gets sick, many others could be influenced.”

More than simply following the rules, some people have done amazing things to help fight the outbreak. On Feb 3, Zhao Junyan, a Junior 2 student from Shanghai, brought 15,000 masks from Indonesia back to China, People’s Daily reported. Zhao, while traveling in Jakarta, collected the masks with his uncle, who works in the city. The 15-year-old gave away all of the masks to Cangnan, Zhejiang, his hometown. “When a country is in trouble, everyone is responsible to help,” Zhao said to the reporter. “What I have done is what an normal Chinese person can possibly do.”

As a popular speech says nowadays, “We are all fighters!” Everyone has his or her role to play in this fight. And it’s believed that we can soon enjoy the warm sunshine and beautiful spring freely outside!

1.What do we know about Xin Jingrong?

A.Xin lives in Nanjing. B.Xin’s grandmother celebrated this Spring Festival alone.

C.Xin is a quiet person. D.Xin’s grandmother was unable to go back to her hometown.

2.In the fourth paragraph,which of the following sentence can be put in the .

A.cheers up many people B.makes the world more colorful

C.makes daily life inconvenient D.brings fears to people

3.If we put the passage into three parts, which of the following is the best?

(①=para.1 ②=para.2 ③=para.3 ④=para.4 ⑤=para.5 ⑥=para.6 ⑦=para.7)

A.①②③;④⑤⑥;⑦ B.①;②③④⑤⑥;⑦

C.①②;③④⑤;⑥⑦ D.①;②③④;⑤⑥⑦

4.The story is mainly about________.

A.what teenagers do to enjoy themselves at home in the crisis

B.what Chinese people do to take on their responsibilities in the crisis Chinese New Year was celebrated this year during the Spring Festival common people’s lives are changed by the virus in the crisis

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