
Jyoti Amge, an Indian girl, is the world’s smallest woman. She is only 0.628 metres tall. She is small, but her dream is great. On her 18th birthday in 2012, she shared the good news with others. She would act in two movies.
Jyoti is the youngest of the five children in her family. She stopped growing after her first birthday. Because of her size, Jyoti has special clothes and jewellery(珠宝首饰). She even has her own desk and chair in a regular(普通的)school. Jyoti also loves movies and fashionable dresses like others. Before 18, she acted in a music video along with a famous Indian singer.
Jyoti said, “I’m just the same as other people. I eat like you, and dream like you. I don’t feel I am different.”
小题1:How old is Jyoti Amge in 2013?
A.16 years oldB.17 years old C.18 years old D.19 years old
小题2:On her 18th birthday, Jyoti said she would _____________.
A.go to FranceB.act in movies
C.go to schoolD.win the name of “the smallest woman”
小题3:How many sisters and brothers does she have?
A.3B.4C.6D.we don’t know
小题4:Jyoti’s _________is are not different from others’.
小题5:What did Jyoti do before 18?
A.She acted in a music videoB.She played in two movies
C.She sang a song in a movie D.She made special clothes for herself


小题1:推理判断题。根据On her 18th birthday in 2012, 描述,可知她在2012年是18岁,故2013年是19岁。选D。
小题2:细节理解题。根据On her 18th birthday in 2012, she shared the good news with others. She would act in two movies.描述,可知她说她将要出演两部电影。故选B。
小题3:细节理解题。根据Jyoti is the youngest of the five children in her family.描述,可知她有四个哥哥姐姐,故选B。
小题4:细节理解题。根据She even has her own desk and chair in a regular(普通的)school.描述,可知她上的学校和其它人一样,故选D。
小题5:细节理解题。根据第二段Before 18, she acted in a music video along with a famous Indian singer.描述,可知在18岁之前,她在一个音乐视频里面出演了。故选A。
Mum went to Peter’s bed and said, “I want to borrow Tim’s radio for you.” Peter touched the letter in his pocket and said, “Thanks, Mum ! But you are so tired now.” “Today I want to send you a special gift on the radio. It will surprise you. I will come back soon.” Mum said and quickly left in the heavy snow.
Peter took out the letter. He got it in the afternoon. Mum didn’t know about it. Mum wrote in the letter: The 26th of this month is my son Peter’s birthday. Could you please bless(祝福)him on Happy Family? He has been ill for one month. The radio station wrote on the top: I’m sorry to tell you that we have canceled(取消) this program.
Mum came back with a radio. She walked very slowly. There were lots of snow on her clothes. And the program began quickly.
Next Peter got very surprised. “Originally(原来),we planned to cancel this program, but lots of people like it very much. Now, let’s bless the following people together, Kate, Martin, Linda...”The list was long. Mum was too tired and she fell asleep. Peter didn’t hear his name to the end. But he was quite moved(被感动). He woke up Mum, “Mum, I heard my name just now. They said I am a very good boy. I am very happy. Thank you for your nice birthday gift, Mum!” Mum smiled with tears. Peter also smiled with tears. He believed it was the best birthday gift for him.  
根据短文内容判断正(T) 误(F)
小题1:Mum went out to borrow a radio for Peter.
小题2:It was rainy on Peter’s birthday.
小题3:Mum didn’t know that the radio station had planned to cancel the program.
小题4:Mum was too busy to listen to the program.
小题5:Peter was moved because he heard his name on the radio.
阅读下列短文,从文后各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案 。
When I was in primary school, I had a big argument with a boy in my class. I can’t ____ what it was about, but I have never forgotten the ____ I learned that day.
I was sure that I was right and he was wrong. ____ , he strongly believed that I was wrong and he was right. The teacher decided to teach us a lesson. She _____ a good idea. She brought both of us to the front of the class and placed him on one side of her grey desk and me on ____. In the middle of the desk was a large, round object. It was ____ for me to see that it was black. She asked the boy what color the object was. “_____” he answered in a loud voice.
I couldn’t ____ that the object was white, considering that it was certainly black! One more argument started between the boy and me, this time ____ the color of the object.
The teacher told me to go stand where the boy was standing and told him to come stand where I had been. We changed ____, and then she asked me what the color of the object was. I ____ answer, “White.” It was then that I knew what was wrong. It was an object with two ____ colored sides, and from his side it was white. ____ from my side was it black.
My teacher taught me a very improtant lesson that day: You must ____ in other person’s position (位置)and look at the ____ through their eyes in order to truly understand their ideas.
A.thoughtB.went on withC.go along withD.came up with
A.anotherB.otherC.the otherD.the others
A.realizeB.describeC.believeD.am sure
A.couldB.shouldC.had toD.must
Frank is my friend. His family is rich. His parents always give him lots of pocket money. But Frank thinks his parents work very hard and it’s not easy for them, so he always tries his best to save money. He has some good ways to do it.
Frank likes reading. He has lots of books. He tells me he often buys books online, because they’re cheaper. And when he has free time, he often goes to bookstores or libraries to do some reading.
Frank has a bike. He usually goes to school by bike. Sometimes when it rains or snows, he walks. These two ways help Frank keep healthy and save money.
Frank brings a bottle of water to school every day. When other students drink juice, he enjoys his water. He thinks water is the cheapest but the best drink.
Some students think Frank is mean. But I don’t think so. I think he is right. What do you think of him?
小题1:Why does Frank try his best to save money?
A.Because His family is very poor.
B.Because His parents don’t give him any pocket money.
C.Because He thinks it’s not easy for his parents to make money.
D.Because He is very mean.
小题2:How does Frank usually go to school?
A.By busB.By bikeC.By trainD.on foot
小题3:Why does Frank often buy books online?
A.Because they’re more useful.
B.Because they’re more interesting.
C.Because they’re better.
D.Because they’re cheaper.
小题4:What does Frank bring to school every day?
小题5:What does the writer think of Frank?
A.He is wrongB.He is rightC.He is meanD.He is clever
  There was once a farmer who lost his watch in his barn ( 仓库 ). The watch was only cheap but it was very ________ to him because it was a present from his father. After ________ the barn for a long time ,he gave up and asked for ________ from a group of children playing nearby.
He promised them that the person who ________ the watch would be rewarded ( 奖赏 ).
Hearing this , the children hurried inside the barn at once . They searched ________ but  still could not find the watch . Just when the farmer was going to give up, a little boy went up to him and asked to be given another ________.
The farmer looked at him and thought , “ Why not ? ________, this kid does look honest .”
So the farmer sent the little boy back to the barn. After a while the little boy came out with the watch in his hand ! The surprised farmer asked the boy how he ________ where the rest had failed.
The boy ________ , “ I did nothing but sit quietly and listen for the sound of the watch .”
This shows us that sometimes a peaceful mind can think _______ than an excited one .
A.In allB.That’s allC.After allD.Above all

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