
I did very badly at school. My headmaster thought I was      and when I was 14 he said, “You’re never going to be        but a failure.”
After five years of        jobs, I fell in love with a very nice middle-class girl. It was the best thing that could have happened to me. I       I wanted to do something positive with my life because I wanted to prove to her that what people said about me was        . Especially her mother, who had said to me, “Let’s        it, you’ve failed at everything you’ve ever done.” So I tried hard with my      and went to college. My first novel _     while I was at college.
After college I taught during the __    in high schools and attended evening classes at London University, where I got a degree in history. I became a lecturer at a college and was thinking of       that job to write full time        I was offered a part-time job at Leeds University. I began to feel proud of myself —here was a working--class boy who’d        school early, now teaching at the university.
My writing career took off when I discovered my own style. Now I’m rich and      , have been on TV, and met lots of film stars.        what does it mean? I just wish all the people that have put me down had      : “I believe in you. You’ll succeed.”
A.lowB.poorC.good D.useful
A.came onB.came inC.came outD.came back
A.giving inB.giving backC.giving outD.giving up
A.tiredB.calmC.nervous .D.famous


小题1:考查形容词及语境的理解。句意:我的校长说我是我无用的,并在我十四岁时说“你除了失败什么也做不成。”A. bright“明亮的”;B. useless “无用的”;C. simple“简单的”;D. hopeful“有希望的”。联系上下文,故选B。
小题2:考查不定代词及语境的理解。句意:我的校长说我是我无用的,并在我十四岁时说“你除了失败什么也做不成。”A. anything“任何事物”;B. something“某事物”;C. everything“一切事物”;D. nothing“没有什么”。结合语境,故选A。
小题3:考查形容词及语境的理解。句意:在五年的贫穷工作之后,我爱上了一个工人阶级的女孩。A. low“低的”;B. poor“贫穷的”;C. good“好的”;D. useful“有用的”。后文说作者决定做些积极的事情,可知此空选B。
小题4:考查动词及语境的理解。句意:我想要在我的生命中做一些积极的事情,我想要证明给她看别人说的都是错误的。A. agreed“同意”;B. decided“决定”;C. planned“计划”;D. told“告诉”。故选B。
小题5:考查动词及语境的理解。句意:我想要在我的生命中做一些积极的事情,我想要证明给她看别人说的都是错误的。A. wrong“错误的”;B. right“正确的”;    C.stupid“愚蠢的”;D. faulty“有缺陷的”。结合语境,故选A。
小题6:考查动词及语境的理解。句意:让我们面对吧,你所做的一切都会失败的。A. see“看见”;B. know“知道”;C. understand“理解”;D. face“面对”。结合语境,故选D。
小题7:考查名及语境的理解。句意:所以我努力写作并去了大学。A. experiment“实验”;B. practice“练习”;C. writing“写作”;D. composition“竞赛”。结合语境,故选C。
小题8:考查动词短语及语境的理解。句意:当我在大学时,我的第一篇小说出版了。A. came on“加油”;B. came in“进来”;C. came out“出版”;D. came back“回来”。结合语境,故选C。
小题9:考查名词及语境的理解。句意:大学毕业以后,我白天写作晚上在伦敦大学上夜校。A. day“白天”;B. night“晚上;C. month“月份”;D. year“年”。后半句说晚上读夜校,故选A。
小题10:考查动词短语及语境的理解。句意:我成为了大学里的一名讲师并当利兹大学为我提供一份兼职工作时我考虑放弃了写作的全职工作。A. giving in“呈交”;B. giving back“归还”;C. giving out“分发”;D. giving up“放弃”。结合语境,故选D。
小题11:考查连词及语境的理解。句意:我成为了大学里的一名讲师并当利兹大学为我提供一份兼职工作时我考虑放弃了写作的全职工作。A. while“当…时候,后跟延续性动词”;B. if“如果”;C. when“当…时候”;D. or“或者”。结合语境,故选C。
小题12:考查动词及语境的理解。句意:我尅是以自己为傲,一个工人阶级的男孩早早的离开了学校,现在是一名大学讲师。A. left“离开”;B. attended“参加”;C. changed“改变”;D. graduated“毕业”。结合语境,故选A。
小题13:考查形容词及语境的理解。句意:我现在很富有并且很出名,上过电视也见过很多影视明星。A. tired“劳累的”;B. calm“平静的,冷静的”;C. nervous“紧张的”;D. famous“著名的”。结合语境,故选D。
小题14:考查连词及语境的理解。句意:但是那意味着什么呢?A. And“并且”;B. But“但是”;C. However“然而”;D. Well“很好”。结合语境,可知是转折关系。而however后必须要有逗号。故选B。。           
小题15:考查动词及语境的理解。我就希望所有贬低我的人对我说:“我相信你。你一定会成功的。”A. praised“赞扬”;B. said“说”;C. answered“回答”;D. advised“建议”。结合语境,故选B。
I came to study in the United States a year ago .Yet I did not know the real American society until I was hurt in a car accident because after the accident I had to see a doctor and go to court(法院).
After the accident , my roommate called a doctor for me. I was very grateful and decided  to repay him one day. But the next day, he asked me to pay him $200 for what he had done. I was amazed. He had good reason to charge me, he said. And if I wanted to collect money from the person who was responsible for my accident, I’d have to have a good lawyer. And only a good doctor can help me get a good lawyer .Now that he had helped me find a good doctor, it was only fair that I should pay him.
But every day I went to see the doctor, I had to wait about 50 minutes. He would see two or three patients at the same time, and often stop treating one so as to see another. Yet he charged me $115 each time .The final examination report consisted of ten lines, and it cost me $215.
My lawyer was all smiles the first time we met. But after that he avoided seeing me at all. He knew very well the other party was responsible for the accident, yet he hardly did anything. He simply waited to collect his money. He was so irresponsible that I decided to refuse his help. And he made me pay him $770.
Now I had to act as my own lawyer. Due to my inexperience(缺少经验), I told the insurance(保险) company the date I was leaving America. Knowing that, they played for time and I left without getting a cent.
小题1:The author’s roommate offered to help him because________.
A.he felt sorry for the author
B.he thought it was a chance to make some money
C.he knew the doctor was a very good one
D.he wanted the author to have a good lawyer
小题2:The word“charge”in the third paragraph means_________ .
A.ask for a priceB.stop payingC.pay instead ofD.give some help to
小题3:A good lawyer is important for the writer to _________________.
A.be well treated by the doctor
B.talk with the person responsible for the accident
C.get what he should for his injury
D.get well before he leaves that country.
小题4:Both the doctor and the lawyer in this passage are very__________.
Cancy is now with her parents. But she was stolen as a baby on Aug. 4, 1987.
“It’s a wonderful feeling. Now I can sleep,” mother Joy White said after        her grown-up daughter over the weekend, “I never took her picture off my dresser. I never        looking for her.”
Cancy was not yet a month old      she was stolen. She had a        and her worried parents took her to hospital. A woman dressed as a         got close to Joy White in the emergency room and told her everything would be      .Joy went home to rest. When she returned to the hospital ,Cancy was gone.
     , a girl known as Nejdra grew up in Bridgeport. As a teenager, she began to doubt that she wasn’t       concerned with the family that       her. And she was puzzled that she was        able to get a copy of her birth certificate(出生证明).
Finally, she began to do some      on the Internet. On a website, she found a photo of a      baby named Cancy. The site got in touch with Joy White on Jan.4 and      her a baby photo taken by the family who raised Nejdra.
“I was shouting. I was so excited,”Joy said, “      I saw the picture I said, ‘That’s my daughter.’ I saw myself in her.”
DNA tests      Nejdra is Cancy --- the daughter of Joy White and Carl Tyson.“I already knew in my heart that this was my daughter,” Tyson said.DNA检测证实Nejdra是凯西。
A.kept onB.insisted onC.gave upD.set about
A.mistake B.habitC.chanceD.fever
A.BesidesB.At the same timeC.StillD.yet
A.missing B.smilingC.cryingD.singing
A.AlthoughB.BecauseC.In caseD.As soon as
A first-grade student named Vincent Butterfield has a best friend who gets cancer. He thought that hours of playing and       jokes was not enough - he wanted to show how he understood the hard time he was going through.
Five-year-old Vincent decided the only way was to shave(剃光)his head to support his best friend Zac Gossage who lost his        through chemotherapy(化疗).
When the little boy___      why he shaved his hair off, he answered, "To make Zac feel like he's not the only one_____any hair."
Vincent has also been learning about cancer and raising money           his best friend after learning how        his treatments are.
He made over 20          and sold them, raising more than $200 to give to Zac.
The little boy's mom Karen Butterfield said, "We have been making more scarves and it would be cool  if we could sell them         ,”
When people asked him           friendship was like, Vincent looked at his friend Zac and replied, "It's a beautiful thing. Friends always       each other."
A.was askingB.was askedC.askedD.had asked
A.to helpB.for helpingC.to helpingD.in helping
A.cheer upB.give upC.put upD.set up
Sam Higgins was a famous photographer. He travelled all over the world, taking photos for magazines and newspapers. He had photographs of earthquakes, forest fires, floods, even wars. If something interesting happened, Sam went to photograph it. His photographs won many prizes and he earned a lot of money.
He was a married man and his wife often asked him to take her with him, but he always refused. “I travel for work, not for pleasure,” he told her. “You won’t enjoy yourself, and I won’t have time to look after you. Sometimes there’s not even anywhere to stay and I have to sleep outside. I often don’t have a good meal or a bath for days. You won’t like it”
“Sam, I’m not a child,” his wife argued. “I can look after myself. Please, take me with you next time you go overseas.”
Sam did not say anything but he thought about it, and when he was asked to go to Africa he said, “You can come to Africa with me if you want to. I’ve got to take photographs of the wildlife there. It should be interesting and not too uncomfortable. We’ll be staying with a ranger(森林管理员) ”
His wife was very excited, and at first she had a very enjoyable time.
Then one day, Sam went off to find some lions to photograph. His wife went with him, but before long they became separated(分开). They came to a fork on the way, and she walked down one way while he walked down the other. Then Sam heard her screaming. He ran back to the fork on the way and saw her running forward him. A huge lion was chasing her. Quickly Sam took out his camera and pointed it at his wife and the lion. Then he shouted, “Slow down, woman. I can’t get you both in the picture.”
小题1:Sam Higgins made his money by             .
A. travelling           B. appearing in many magazines            C. taking photos
小题2:He never took his wife with him because             .
A. he thought she didn’t enjoy it.                
B. his wife refused to go with him  
C. he thought his work was dangerous.
小题3:When Sam ran back and saw his wife, he             .
A. tried to save her   
B. was too frighten to save her  
C. wanted to take a wondul picture.
小题4:What does “fork” mean in this passage ?
A.a place where a road divides into two parts
B. a tool used for digging(挖) the ground
C. an instrument used for lifting food to the mouth.
小题5:We can infer(推断) that          .
A. Sam was crazy about photography         
B. Sam didn’t love his wife at all
C. Sam’s wife was very beautiful

Writing a good story is not an easy task. What’s the secret? Mo Yan, last year’s Nobel Prize winner in literature, believes his success comes from a large amount of reading.
Mo was born into a farming family in a village in Shandong province. He grew up listening to folk stories about gods, spirits and foxes. Those stories later became the inspiration(灵感) for Mo’s writing.
Mo left school at the age of 12 and started to work in the fields.
Although he was tired after his daily hard work, Mo was always hungry for books. However, there were very few in the village. He read his older brother’s textbooks and even dictionaries. He helped others with farm work in exchange for books.
“When I finished reading all the books around, I thought I was the most knowledgeable man in the world,” he told Xinhua.
After Mo left his hometown and joined the army in 1976, he began to read widely, including works by Lu Xun and many other famous writers. He studied from these writers but did not copy them. Instead, he developed his own style. As the first Chinese citizen to win a Nobel Prize in literature, Mo told a group of reporters in his hometown shortly after he won the award. “I grew up in an environment filled with folk culture. It enters my novels whenever I pick up a pen. This has affected, even decided, my style.” 
小题1:Mo Yan is from         .
A.Shandong B.ShanxiC.JiangsuD.Guangdong
小题2:Mo Yan developed his own style          .
A.while listening to folk stories about gods, spirits and foxes.
B.during his daily hard work in the fields.
C.after he studied from many famous writers
D.when he won the Nobel Prize in literature
小题3:Which of the following is wrong?
A.Mo Yan left school when he was very young.
B.Mo Yan read many books when he was very young.
C.Mo Yan was the most knowledgeable man in the world.
D.Mo Yan is the first Chinese citizen to win a Nobel Prize in literature.
小题4:What can we learn from Mo Yan’s success?
A.Easier said than done. B.Rome was not built in a day.
C.Well begun, half done.D.The older, the wiser.
Lester was walking in the street with two huge and heavy suitcases . A stranger walked up to him and asked ,“Have you got the time ?”
Lester stopped , put down the suitcases and looked at his watch .“It’ s five fifteen ,”he said .
“Hey , what a nice watch !”said the stranger .
Lester smiled a little and said ,“Yes , it’ s not bad . Look at this .”Then he showed the stranger a time display for the 86 largest cities in the world .
He hit a few buttons(按钮)and a voice told the time in Chinese . Lester continued ,“Its voice can be set(设置)for different languages .”
The stranger seemed very interested in the watch .
“That’ s not all ,”said Lester . He then pushed a few more buttons and a small map appeared on the watch .“The map can show where we are ,”explained Lester .
“I want to buy this watch !”said the stranger .
“Oh , no , I’ m not selling it . I have spent nearly two years making it ,”said Lester .
“I’ ll give you $ 1,000 for it !”
“Oh , no , I’ ve already spent more than that .”
“I’ ll give you $ 5,000 for it !”
Lester stopped to think . The stranger quickly gave him a check(支票)and said ,“$ 5,000 . Here it is .”
Lester finally agreed to sell the watch . When the stranger was going to leave with the watch , Lester pointed to the two huge suitcases and said ,“Hey , wait a minute . Don’ t forget your batteries .”
小题1:Lester stopped in the street because _____ .
A.the suitcases were very heavy
B.he felt very tired
C.a stranger wanted to buy his watch
D.someone asked him what the time was
小题2:What was in the suitcases that Lester was carrying ?
A.Money .B.Batteries .C.Watches .D.Paper .
小题3:We can infer from the passage that Lester was a(n) _____ .
小题4:The stranger paid _____ for the watch .
A.nothingB.$ 1,000C.$ 5,000D.$ 4,000
小题5:Which of the following is NOT true about the watch ?
A.It can tell the time in different languages .
B.It can tell you where you are .
C.It is easy to wear and carry .
D.It can show a time display for many large cities around the world .

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