
Nowadays green food is popular. We know we need green food and good health,        not all people knew that years ago. When I was in Grade Seven, my teacher asked us to        something about green food by ourselves. We didn’t have any idea at first. Then our four-member group had a        and decided to do some research(调查) in a supermarket. Two of us wrote down the names of the        food on the shelves(货架). The other two        customers(顾客) some questions like “Do you know what green food is? ” “How often do you         green food?” and so on. More than 30 customers        our questions! Later each group in our class wrote a research report         the topic and handed it in(交上). Our teacher chose the        ones and put them up on the wall of the classroom.         was one of them! We not only learned a lot about green food but also knew how to keep healthy.


小题1:考查连词及语境的理解。句意:但是多年前并不是所有的人都知道。 so所以,and 而且 , because 因为, but但是。根据We know we need green food and good health我们知道我们需要绿色食品和良好的健康,前后两句意思转折,故选D 。
小题2:考查动词及语境的理解。句意:我上七年级的时候,我的老师让我们自己去了解绿色食品。learn学会,plant种植,make 制造,buy买。根据语境可知是了解绿色食品,故选A。
小题3:考查名词及语境的理解。句意:。然后我们四个小组成员讨论了一下,决定去一家超市做些调查。game           游戏, lesson课, discussion讨论,fight打架。根据We didn’t have any idea at first.我们开始什么都不知道 ,可知是讨论怎么去做,故选C。
小题4:考查形容词及语境的理解。句意:我们两个人记下货架上的绿色食品的名字。 delicious美味的,green绿色的,fast快速的,colorful彩色的。根据语境可知是调查绿色食品,故选 B。
小题5:考查动词及语境的理解。句意:另两个询问顾客们问题,像“你知道什么是绿色食品吗?”“你多久买一次绿色食品?”等等。 asked问,told告诉,helped帮助,answered回答。根据语境可知答案是问问题,故选A。
小题6:考查动词及语境的理解。句意:你多久买一次绿色食品?。buy买,sell卖,give 给,take拿。对在超市里的顾客做关于绿色食品的调查,根据语境可知是买绿色食品,故选A。
小题7:考查动词及语境的理解。句意:30多名顾客回答了我们的问题!copied复制,asked 问,answered回答, remembered记住。根据The other two asked customers some questions:另两个询问顾客们问题 ,可知有很多顾客回答问题,故选 C。
小题8:考查介词及语境的理解。句意:后来我们班上的每个小组都写了一份关于此话题的调查报告交了上去。in在,about关于, to 到, for为。关于话题需用介词about,故选 B。
小题9:考查形容词及语境的理解。句意:我们的老师选出最优秀的报告贴在教室的墙上。long长的,bad 坏的, simple简单的,excellent优秀的。根据语境可知老师是选择最优秀的报告巾在墙上,故选D。
小题10:考查宾语从句及语境的理解。句意:我们的报告就在其中。Mine我的,Theirs他们的,ours我们的,His他的。根据Then our four-member group had a discussion and decided to do some research in a supermarket.然后我们四个小组成员讨论了一下,决定去一家超市做些调查, 可知是作者的调查小组有四个人,故答案选A。
Learning about the environment is very important. There are many good books that will help you learn. To get started, ask your teacher or your friends for some advice. You can also look at some good websites with information about the environment and climate change. Climate change may be a big problem, but there are many little things we can do to make a difference.
Driving a car or using electricity is not wrong. We just have to be smart about it. Some people use less energy by sharing a car. For example, four people can ride together in one car instead of driving four cars to work. Whenever we use electricity, we put greenhouse gases into the air. By turning off the lights, the television, and the computer when they aren’t needed, you can help a lot.
Don’t buy products (产品) that use too much energy. Some products, like certain cars, are made specially to save energy. These cars can travel longer on less gasoline (汽油). They don’t pollute as much, either. Products like computers, TVs and VCRs with the ENERGY STAR label (标签) are made to save energy. Buying products with these labels will help protect the environment.
Buy recyclable (可循环再用的) products instead of non-recyclable ones. Recyclable products are usually made out of things that have already been used. It usually takes less energy to make recyclable products than to make new ones. So when you go shopping, look for the recycle mark on the package. The less energy we use, the better.
小题1:The passage is mainly about ________________.
A.some suggestions about cars
B.an advertisement
C.the changes to the climate
D.the ways to protect the environment
小题2:From the passage, we can learn that ________________.
A.turning off the electricity when it isn’t needed can do good to the environment
B.electricity won’t cause great trouble to our environment
C.cars using less energy will not put greenhouse gases into the air
D.recyclable products are marked with the ENERGY STAR label
American and British people both speak English of course. But sometimes it does not seem like the same language. In fact, there are some important differences between British English and American English.
First of all, they sound very different. Often, Americans don’t say each word separately. They say several words together. Americans may say “I dunno” instead of “I don’t know”. Or they may say “Whaddya say?” instead of “What did you say?” however, the British are more careful in their speech. They usually say all the words and keep them separate.
Words sometimes have different meanings too. Some American words are never used in England. The same thing is true of some British words in America. For example, the vocabulary(词汇)for cars and driving is very different. Americans drive trucks, but in England people drive lorries.
Many expressions are also different in the two countries. In England, if you are going to telephone your friends, you “phone them up”. In America, you “give them a call”.
There’re also some differences in grammar. For example, when Americans ask a question., they say “Do you have a storybook?” But the British often say “Have you a storybook?”
All these differences can be confusing (易混淆的)if you are learning English. But most languages are like this. Languages change over time. When people live in separate places, the languages change in different ways. This is what has happened to English. It can also happen to other languages, such as French. Many people in Canada speak French but their French is very different from the French of France.
小题1:What does the word “separate” mean in the passage? It means “____”
小题2:The vocabulary for cars and driving is _____.
A.an example of British English
B.an example of American English
C.the same in America and England
D.not the same in America and England
小题3:Language _________.
A.are always changing as time passes
B.keep unchanged even if time changes
C.are the same in all places
D.are easy to learn
小题4: This passage is mainly about ______.
A.English vocabulary
B.how American sounds are different from British sounds
C.the way the British say words
D.some differences between American and British English
A teacher let her class play a game. The teacher told each child to bring a bag with some potatoes. Each potato would be given a name of a person that the child hated, so the number of potatoes in his/her bag would depend on the number of people the child hated. Some children had two potatoes, some had three and others had up to five potatoes. The teacher then told the children to carry the bag wherever they went for a week. After a week, the teacher asked, ”How did you feel?” The children started complaining about the unpleasant smell coming from the rotten potatoes when they had to carry the heavy and smelly potatoes everywhere they went.
Then the teacher said,” This is the same when you carry your hate for somebody inside your heart. The smell of hate will pollute your heart and you will carry it with you wherever you go. If you cannot bear the smell of rotten potatoes for just one week, can you imagine what it is like to have the smell of hate in your heart for your lifetime?”
小题1: Tom had two potatoes in his bag .It means he had ______ persons he didn’t like.
小题2: In the game, the students should _________.
A.keep the bag of potatoes in the classroom
B.carry the bag of potatoes everywhere they go
C.leave the bag of potatoes at home
D.count the bag of potatoes every day
小题3:The underlined word “rotten” most probably means ___________ in Chinese.
A.美味的 B.新鲜的C.甜的D.腐烂的
小题4: According to the last paragraph, we can learn that ________.
A.potatoes are very important to the students
B.hating others can make the life unhappy
C.the smell of hate is good for our health
D.the students like to carry the bag of the potatoes
小题5: Which is the best title of this passage?
A.An interesting game
B.Carry the smelly potatoes
C.The rotten potatoes
D.To excuse others is to excuse yourself
Some students think it difficult to learn English well. That’s because they don’t find the right way. I think reading is very important for students. The more you read, the better you’ll understand.
Reading is helpful to listening, speaking and writing. If you often read English aloud, you’ll improve your listening. On the other hand, listening a lot can help you to read better. Reading English everywhere when you are free, if you wish. You can get a lot of knowledge when you read. Sometimes you need to express your ideas, you can either speak or write. That means you are using what you learned from reading. The same as Chinese, the more you read, the better you can write. If you want to remember something, you should read again and again.
So from now on, you’d better do more reading. It’s a good way to learn English well.
小题1: Some students think it difficult to learn English well because _________.
A.they don’t work hard B.they are afraid of English.
C.they don’t find the right way D.they aren’t clever
小题2: Reading is helpful to ________.
A. speaking            B. listening            C. writing           D. A. B & C
小题3:The writer thinks ________ is a good way to learn English well.
A.the better you write B.doing more reading
C.the more you remember D.the more you write
小题4: In Chinese studying, the more you read , _________.
A.the better you speak B.the better you write
C.the more you remember D.the more you write
小题5: The title of this passage may be _________.
A.English is important B.Reading is helpful
C.English is difficult D.Reading is important
You either have it, or you don’t—a sense of direction, that is. But why is that some people would find their way across the Sahara without a map, while others can lose themselves in the next street?
Scientists say we’re all born with a sense of direction, but it is not properly understood how it works. One theory(理论) is that people with a good sense of direction have simply worked harder at developing it. Research being carried out at Liverpool University supports this idea and suggests that if we don’t have it, we lose it.
“Children as young as seven have the ability to find their way around,” says Jim Martland, Research Director of this project. “However, if they are not allowed out alone or are taken everywhere by car, they never develop the skills.”
Jim Martland also emphasized(强调) that young people should be taught certain skills to improve their sense of direction. He makes the following suggestions:
If you are using a map, turn it to the way you are facing.
If you leave your bike in a strange place, put it near something like a big stone or a tree. Note landmarks on the route as you go away from your bike. When you return, go back along the same route.
The simple way of finding your direction is by using lines such as streets in a town, streams, or walls in the countryside to guide you. Count your steps so that you know how far you have gone and note any landmarks such as tower blocks or hills which can help you find out where you are.
Now you will never get lost again!
小题1:Scientists believe that            .
A.only some babies are born with a sense of direction
B.people never lose their sense of direction
C.people learn a sense of direction as they grow older
D.everybody has a sense of direction from birth
小题2:What is true of seven-year-old children according to the passage?
A.They never have a sense of direction without a map.
B.They have a sense of direction and can find their way around.
C.They should never be allowed out alone if they lack a sense of direction.
D.They can develop a good sense of direction if they are driven around in a car.
小题3:If you leave your bike in a strange place, you should             .
A.tie it to the tree in order to prevent it from being stolen
B.draw a map of the route to help remember where it is
C.take the different routes when you come back to it
D.remember something easily recognizable(可辨认的) on the route
What’s water
The students were having their chemistry (化学) class. Miss Li was telling the children what water was like. After that, she asked her students,“ What’s water?” No one spoke for a few minutes. Miss Li asked again,“ Why don’t you answer my question? Didn’t I tell you water is like?” Just then a boy put up his hand and said,“ Miss Li, you told us that water has no color and no smell. But where to find such kind of water? The water in the river behind my house is always black and it has a bad smell. ”Most of the children agreed with him.“ I’m sorry, children.” Said the teacher, “Our water is getting dirtier and dirtier. That’s a problem.”
小题1:The students were having their         class.
A. English              B. Chinese              C. chemistry
小题2:Miss Li was telling the children what         was like.
A. water                    B. air                  C. earth
小题3:A boy said, “The water in the river behind my house is always __________.”
A. white                    B. black                    C. clean
小题4:Most of the children         the boy.
A. agreed with              B. wrote to             C. heard from
小题5:The water in the river has color and smell because it is getting _________.
A. more and more            B. less and less            C. dirtier and dirtier
Being safe in your everyday life needs knowledge. If you remember the following information, your life will be much safer.
Don’t use earphones when running in the schoolyard or on the street. You will keep yourself from the outside world and can be easily surprised.
Schoolbags should be carried towards the front of your body instead of putting them on your back. When buses are crowded, it is easy enough for thieves to steal the things in your bag on your back.
If you are followed by a stranger, cross the street and go to the other way, let the stranger know that you know he or she is after you. Next, go and get help from others if it is necessary. Don’t go home directly. You are safer on the street than you are in your home or in a lift.
If you have to take a bus to a place far away, try to get to the stop a few minutes before the buses leave. This prevents a stranger from studying you. On buses, don’t sit alone, sit behind a driver or with friends. Don’t sleep.
Don’t play with matches(火柴)or candles, because it may cause fire. If your house catches fire and you have to escape through smoke, move on your hands and knees with your head 30 to 60 centimeters(厘米)above the floor. Please remember there is cleaner, cooler air near the floor during the fire.
根据短文内容判断正(T )误(F).
小题1:If you find a stranger following you, you should go home right away.
小题2:You’d better sit after the driver when you take a bus alone.
小题3:It’s good for you to use earphones when you are running outside.
小题4:You shouldn’t sleep all the way although it’s a long bus trip.
小题5:During the fire, the cleaner and the cooler air is far from the floor.

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