
Hello, everybody! Do you want to improve your English in a short time? Windy English Club is a good place for you. We have a good environment for you to study in. And we have many excellent teachers to teach you.
Here is some information about our club. Our courses start on July 3rd, and end before National Day, on September 29. Classes meet every Wednesday and Friday, from 7 to 9 in the evening. If you want to take the course, please come to my office a week before classes begin. You need to pay 800 yuan for them. The courses include grammar, written English, conversation and listening skills. If you want to know more about the courses, please call me at 8673425. I’m Allan. Thank you.
Windy English Club
It has a good environment and a lot of       (1) teachers.
Duration(持续时间) of the courses
About          (2) month(s).
Time for classes
Every         (3) and Friday, from 7:00pm to 9:00 pm
Grammar,         (4), conversation and listening skills
Allan’s telephone number

小题2: three/3   
小题3: Wednesday    
小题4:written English

小题1:本文的第一段第二行有一句 we have many excellent teachers to teach you.意思为在这儿我们有许多杰出的老师来教你。所以温迪英语俱乐部都优点是有一个好的环境和有许多杰出的老师,故第一个空填excellent。
小题2:本文的第二段第一行有一句Our courses start on July 3rd, and end before National Day, on September 29.意思为我们的课程是在7月3号开始,在9月29号之前结束,所以该俱乐部持续的上课时间大约为3个月,故本文的第二个空填three或
小题3:.本文的第二段第二行有一句 Classes meet every Wednesday and Friday, from 7 to 9 in the evening. 意思为我们上课的时间是每个星期三和星期五晚上7点到9点,故本文的第三个空Wednesday。
小题4:本文的第二段第四行有一句The courses include grammar, written English, conversation and listening skills.意思为此课程包括语法,书面表达,对话和听力技能,故本文的第四个空填written。
Are you carrying too much on your back at school? You’re not alone. Back experts(专家) in the USA are worried about that young students are having back and neck problems because they are carrying too much in their backpacks .
“It hurts my back when I run,” said Ebelin Reyes, a student in Virginia. “It’s hard to get up the stairs with my backpack because it’s too heavy.” Students have to carry heavy backpacks on their backs for a whole week’s study. Ebelin is one of them. They have   regular(固定的)backpacks with two straps(带子) to carry them, but a number of students with heavy loads(负担) have switched to rolling backpacks. The backpacks have wheels and can roll on the ground. Shirley Park’s backpack weighs 10 kilos, and she said, “I’ll change to a rolling backpack because I am starting to have back pain.”
How much is too much? Experts say that students should carry no more than 10% to 15% of their own body weight. A few students have had a good idea to lighten(减轻) the load: less homework.
Doctor’s suggestions:
Lighten the load. Take home only the books the students need that day.
(2) Wide straps are better. They can send out weight over your shoulders (肩)and be sure to wear backpacks with two straps.
(3) The heaviest things should be packed closest to the back.
(4) Bend(弯曲) both knees when you pick up the pack, don’t just bend over the waist(腰).
小题1:The main idea of the passage is about _______.
A.the problems made by rolling backpacks
B.the advantage of backpacks
C.the best backpacks for students
D.how to lighten students’ backpacks
小题2:From what Ebelin Reyes and Shirley Park said, we know______.
A.students like to carry heavy backpacks
B.students have to do a lot of homework
C.backpacks with wheels are bad for students
D.students have no time to play because of heavy backpacks
小题3:The underlined word “switch to” means______.
A.use forB.turn toC.catch upD.begin to use
小题4:According to the experts, it’s better for a student of 40 kilos to carry a backpack of ____ at most.
A.10 kilosB.8 kilosC.6 kilosD.7 kilos
小题5:If students follow the doctor’s suggestions, they______.
A.may do less homework
B.may feel their backpacks are lighter
C.can learn how to enjoy themselves
D.will know why to wear heavy backpacks

American cities are similar to other cities around the world: In every country, cities reflect(反映)the values of the culture. American cities are changing, just as American society is changing.
After World War Ⅱ, the population of most large American cities became smaller; however, the population shifts(转移)to and from the city reflect the changing values of American society. In the late 1940s and early 1950s, city residents(居民)became richer. They had more children so they needed more space. They moved out of their flats in the city to buy their own homes. They bought houses in the suburbs(郊区).
Now things are changing. The children of the people who left the cities in the 1950s are now adults. Many, unlike their parents, want to live in the cities. They continue to move to Sun Belt cities and older ones of the Northeast and Midwest. Many young people are moving back into the city. They prefer the city to the suburbs because their jobs are there; or they just enjoy the excitement and what the city offers.
This population shift is bringing problems as well as some advantages. Countless poor people must leave their flats in the city because the owners want to sell the buildings or make flats for sale instead of for rent(租金). In the 1950s, many poor people did not have enough money to move to the suburbs; now many of these same people do not have enough money to stay in the cities.
Only a few years ago, people thought that the older American cities were dying. Some city residents now see a bright, new future. Others see only problems. One thing is sure: many dying cities are alive again.
小题1:The main idea of the passage is _________.
A.cities around the world
B.the dying cities
C.the changing American cities
D.the changing of the American culture
小题2: Why did American city residents want to live in the suburbs after World War Ⅱ?
A.Because older American cities were dying.
B.Because they were richer and needed more space.
C.Because cities included the worst parts of society.
D.Because they could hardly afford to live in the city.
小题3: According to the 4th paragraph, a great many poor people in American cities _________.
A.are faced with housing problems
B.are made to move to the suburbs
C.want to sell their buildings
D.need more money for daily costs
小题4:We can know from the passage that _________.
A.American cities are changing for the worse
B.the population is getting smaller in older American cities
C.many people are now moving from American cities
D.people have different views on American cities
We can not live a modern life without traveling. The fastest way of traveling is by air. With a plane
one can travel in one day to places which it took a month or more to get to a hundred years ago. 
Traveling by train is slower than by plane, but one can see the country he is traveling through. 
Modern trains have comfortable seats and dinning-cars. They make even the longest journey enjo
Some people prefer to travel by sea when possible. There are large luxury liners or river boats
.They are not as fast as trains or planes, but traveling by sea is a very pleasant way to spend a holi
Many people like to travel by car. They can make their own timetable. They can travel hundred
s of miles a day, just as their wish. They can stop wherever they want to see something interestin
g or to enjoy a good meal at a good restaurant, or to spend the night at a hotel. That is why peopl
e choose traveling by car for pleasant trips, while they usually take trains or planes for business.小题1:According to the passage, the fastest way of traveling is _______. 
小题2: If we travel by car, we can _________.
小题3: When people travel on business, they usually take _________.
小题4:  _______ have comfortable seats and dinning-cars.
小题5:If possible, people like traveling by sea because  _______ .
Computers are very important to modern life. Many people think that in the future we will use computers in everyday life. It is thought that we won’t have to go shopping because we will be able to get most things which are sold in shops on the Internet. There will be no more books because we will be able to get all texts from computers. People will use the Internet to play games, see films and buy food. Also,we can use the Internet to make telephone calls.
Some people are glad about these new ways of shopping and communication (交际). Others do not think that computers will replace our old ways.
Let’s look at books, for example. Some people think that one day we will not read books made of paper. Instead, we will buy and read books using computers. We’ll read texts on small pocket computers. The computers will keep many different books in them at the same time. We won’t need to turn to lots of pages and we will save lots of paper. We will use more and more computerized (计算机化的) books
Is Internet shopping such a pleasure(愉快的事) as going to the shop? Many people say it is not. It is a pleasure to go into shops and look at things you want to buy. It is also unlikely (不大可能) that many people will want to read large texts on our computers, because paper books may be more friendly. Maybe computers won’t change these two habits .
小题1:In the future , people will use computers for ___.
A.playing games, shopping and making telephone calls
B.making telephone calls, having meals and seeing films
C.seeing films, buying food and going for holidays
D.playing games, making telephone calls and seeing the doctors
小题2:In the passage, the word “replace” means ___.
小题3:Which reason for using computerized books is not said in the passage?
A.Computerized books won’t be very expensive.
B.Computers can keep many different books in them.
C.We won’t have lots of pages.
D.We won’t need any paper.
小题4:It tells us _________ in the last paragraph
A.about the old and new ways of shopping and communicating
B.if the Internet will change our habits
C.about computerized books
D.about future uses of computers
小题5:The title for this passage is ___.
A.Computers will replace shops and books
B.Computers are the future
C.Computers will do everything for man
D.How computers change our life
Information is received into our brain by attention, and its quality determines (决定) how well it will be processed, saved and used afterwards.
All information we receive is chosen by our attention. Factors (因素) affecting (影响) our attention are personal interest, experience, ability, feelings, knowledge, environment, timing, and so on. The same information may attract different forms and levels of attention from different people. Some people can get and save the information easily; some may have great difficulty; while others may just turn a blind eye to it. To the same information, one may even pay different levels of attention at different times. But if the facts work together, the quality of attention may be better. Therefore, it is not surprising to see that somebody with average intelligence (智力) can have excellent performances in some fields.
The good news is that a person's attention can be shaped, trained and made stronger by effective exercise. With this in mind, we should keep improving the quality of our attention.
小题1:"it" in Paragraph 1 means _______.
小题2:All information we receive depends on _______.
A.information itselfB.our attention
C.our intelligenceD.the environment
小题3:Which is not the factor that affects our attention according to the passage?
A.Interest and experience.
B.Experience and knowledge.
C.Ability and feelings.
D.Food and drinks.
小题4:About attention, which of the following statements is right?
A.People always have the same level of attention.
B.People pay the same attention to the same information.
C.A person may pay different levels of attention to the same information at different times.
D.All factors affecting attention never work together.
小题5:According to the passage, _______ can help people to make their attention better.
A.speaking moreB.effective exercise
C.hard workD.high intelligence

Passage 2
When you get tired of homework, several minutes’ walk in a nearby green park helps you relax at once. Or you may stand facing the lake or the seas. They will calm (not to be excited or nervous) you just like the green plants.
Wonder why? Color is a key part of the answers. Since it is so, green and blue help make people feel more quiet and safe.
All colors have special power. Scientists have found that many colors have specific effects (效果) on people’s mind and feelings.
Try an easy and interesting experiment and you’ll see how color “mislead” you sometimes. Wrap (包装) two boxes of the same size with colored paper, one red and the other white. Then weigh the two boxes with your hands. Which one is heavier? Most people will think that the red box is heavier, even though they weigh the same.
Colors can affect (影响) learning. Scientists have found that students spend more time reading if they read information written in blue text. Blue helps most people calm down and think more.
Clever uses of colors in daily life are to be seen everywhere. Hospitals and libraries seldom paint their walls, tables and desks red. They use light colors, like light blue or green. Red makes people excited while light colors help them relax. Haven’t worked out how color affects your daily life? Start with your small room. Try to make some changes in it and you’ll get to know how important color is!
小题1:The underlined word “mislead” means _____.
C.causes someone to have a wrong ideaD.give wrong directions
小题2:We’d better paint the walls of the hospital in _____.
A.light blue or light greenB.deep red or deep brown
C.deep orange or deep redD.light green or light yellow
小题3:If you want to ______, you’d better sit in the room painted blue.
A.weigh something with your handsB.study attentively
C.face the lake or the seaD.enjoy some rock music
小题4:Which of the following is NOT true?
A.When you are going to have a rest, you’d better sit in the room painted green
B.Scientists have known some differences among some colors
C.When you get tired of homework, you should look at the green plants far away
D.The passage has told us clearly why some colors are warm and other colors are cool.
小题5:The reading mainly shows us _____.
A.the difference between red and blue
B.how to get on well with others
C.how to make smart uses of different colors in our daily life
D.how to paint and decorate our rooms

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