Life in the future will be different from life today. Between then and now many changes will take place, but what will the changes be?
The population is growing fast. There will be many people in the world and most of them will live longer than people live now.
Computers will be much smaller and more useful, and there will be at least one in every home. And Computer Studies lessons will be one of the most important subjects in schools then.
People will work _______ hours than they do now and they will have _____ free time for sports, watching TV and travel. Traveling will be much cheaper and easier. And many more people will go to other countries for holidays.
There will be changes in our food, too. More land will be used for building new towns and houses for all the people. Then there will be less room for cows and sheep, so meat will be more expensive. Maybe no one will eat it every day. Instead they will eat more fruit and vegetables. Maybe people will be healthier.
Work in the future will be different, too. Dangerous and hard work will be done by robots. Because of this, many people will not have enough work to do. This will be a problem.
小题1:在文中空格处填上适当的词 _____________ ______________
小题2: 将划线句子译成汉语_________________________________________________
小题3:找出同义句: Every family will have one computer or more.
小题4: 回答问题:What will be one of the most important subjects?
Jim: Hello! 6785238.
Wu: Hello! Could I s  1  to Jim ,please ?                            1              
Jim: This is Jim .
Wu: Hi, Jim . Summer holidays will begin next week. W  2  will you spend your holidays this year ?                                                           2              
Jim: I’m going to Nanjing .
Wu: Oh, Nanjing is a p   3   of interest . Have you ever been there before?  3              
Jim: N  4   . I’ve never been there.                                     4            
Someone says it’s very hot there i    5 summer.                            5_________
Wu:Yes.How will you go there?                                                                     
Jim: B  6 train.                                                    6            
Wu: I hope you will e  7   yourself in Nanjing.                          7  _________
Jim: Thank you . And what about you ?                               
Wu: Maybe my father will t__8___me to some cities in the south.              8             
Jim: That’ll b   9   very interesting.  Have a good time!                  9              
Wu: Thanks, g   10                                                  10          
When Jane was a little girl, she liked 小题1:__ (keep) pets. She had many books about animals and there were many pictures and stamps on the walls of her bedroom. She often said that she ___小题2:__(work) in a zoo when she grew up.
Most of Jane’s pets were quite small— parrots, cats, dogs and so on. But one day she met something quite big.
That afternoon, Jane’s mother was surprised _小题3:___ (see) a big animal with long hair in the kitchen. He _小题4:____ (wear) a T-shirt and sitting on a chair, trying to put on a pair of glasses and making faces at her. In front of him, on the table, were a basket of fruits and a glass of wa­ter. “Jane, where are you?” the mother shouted. Then suddenly she __小题5:______(remember) that a few days before a young gorilla(大猩猩)_小题6:__ (call) Gor had run away from the zoo.
“I found him in the city square,” Jane said. “He seemed so lonely. I talked to him. We became friends at once and he followed me home.”
“Well, you know you can’t (keep) him,” her moth­er said. “He must _小题7:__(send) back to the zoo. You’d better_小题8:____ (phone) the police.”
Soon a policeman came and also a truck from the zoo. Nobody was angry with Jane when she told her story. The policeman knew Jane loved animals. And the zoo-keeper said, “Thank you for your kindness. I can see Gor _小题9:___ (like) you, but we need him back.” Jane agreed. She hugged Gor and said that she would go and see him at weekends. These days Jane _小题10:___(stop) collecting animals. But you can still find her with her friend Gor at the zoo on Saturdays and Sundays!

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