
Which one of the following has a different stress from the others?  
Children are amazing! They pick up languages so naturally and easily. Have you ever wondered why? It’s not because they have great natural language abilities. In fact, studies 小题1:  that an adult’s potential(潜能) to learn language is just as good as a child’s .
So why do children still 小题2:  to acquire(学到) language more quickly than the rest of us? It’s because of the way they learn. Children learn by simply d 小题3: what comes naturally—they listen, copy and communicate. Let’s take a 小题4:  look at how children acquire language. Perhaps we can discover a better, more “natural” way to learn English.
Children don’t practice grammar drills, but 小题5:  language to talk about things that interest them. This helps them learn to express themselves. They don’t 小题6:  about inadequate(不足的) vocabulary or poor grammar. They find w 小题7: to express themselves, and they do it successfully.
Students of English should also pay more attention to genuine(真实的) communication. Look for chances to talk with people in English. If you can’t find a foreigner to talk to, talk with other English students 小题8:. Start an English discussion group and chat about music, movies or whatever interests you.
Don’t worry about m 小题9:  mistakes. The aim is to learn how to communicate easily and comfortably. Remember that you can communicate successfully even with a small vocabulary.
Trust your own natural 小题10:  to learn English. You’ve got more potential than you probably realize!
Most people have jobs. They go to work nearly every day. Some people are lucky. Either they have very interesting jobs or they make a lot of money. Most people are not so lucky. Either their jobs are not very interesting or they don’t make much money.
The most interesting jobs are often the most difficult. People take a long time to learn how to do them. Doctors study for at least six years after finishing school.
Some young people have interesting and high-pay jobs. Many young players do their work successfully. Football and tennis stars are usually under 35 Years old. Older people usually cannot play these sports very well. They cannot move fast enough. Golf, however is a good sport for older people. Many golf players are quite old, but they can play it successfully.
Most people work until they are 60 or 65 years old. Then they retire (退休) and have a lot of free time. Some people never retire though. These people usually have very interesting jobs. Writers, artists, scientists and actors (演员) usually work until they die. Their work is their life.
小题1:Some _______ people have interesting or high-pay jobs, but most people don’t have such good luck.
小题2:Some jobs take a long time to learn because they are _______.
小题3:Young players can move very fast, so many of them play these games like football and tennis very _______.
小题4:Golf is a good sport for _______ people.
小题5: Most people keep _______ until the age of 60 or 65. but writers, artists, scientists and actors can work all their lives.
阅读短文, 根据其内容回答问题。
A type of bird that is now extinct (消失) is the passenger pigeon. The passenger pigeon lived in the eastern part of North America. Scientists believe that in the year 1500 there were as many as five billion of these birds living from Canada to the Gulf of Mexico. They flew at great speeds and would travel to many places to look for food. Passenger pigeons grew to be about 16 inches long.
Settlers who came to North America killed the passenger pigeon for food and for its feathers. The forests where they lived were cut down to clear the land for farming. Because the passenger pigeon laid only one egg at a time, their population did not grow quickly. The last passenger pigeon died at Cincinnati Zoological Gardens in 1914.
Another type of bird that has become extint is the dodo. The dodo lived on an island called Mauritius in the Indian Ocean. It had short, stubby legs and wings and a large curved beak. The dodo was about the size of a large turkey. It was acturally related to the pigeon, but it could not fly. Like the passenger pigeon it laid only one egg at a time. Dodos became extinct because they were eaten by sailors and animals, such as pigs and monkeys, that the sailors brought to the island. The dodo is believed to have died out in 1680.
Another flightless bird that has become extinct is the moa. The moa lived on the North and South Islands of New Zealand. Like the dodo, the moa’s legs were shorter, but some of these birds grew to be more than ten feet tall. And the causes of its extinction is the same as the dodo’s.   The moa is believed to have died out sometime during the 1700s.
小题1: Were there many passenger pigeon in the year 1500?
小题2:When did the last passenger pigeon die at Cincinnati Zoological Gardens ?
小题3:Where did the dodo live before it died out?
小题4: How many kinds of birds have died out in the passage?
小题5: Why have these birds died out?

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