
When Jane was a little girl, she liked 小题1:__ (keep) pets. She had many books about animals and there were many pictures and stamps on the walls of her bedroom. She often said that she ___小题2:__(work) in a zoo when she grew up.
Most of Jane’s pets were quite small— parrots, cats, dogs and so on. But one day she met something quite big.
That afternoon, Jane’s mother was surprised _小题3:___ (see) a big animal with long hair in the kitchen. He _小题4:____ (wear) a T-shirt and sitting on a chair, trying to put on a pair of glasses and making faces at her. In front of him, on the table, were a basket of fruits and a glass of wa­ter. “Jane, where are you?” the mother shouted. Then suddenly she __小题5:______(remember) that a few days before a young gorilla(大猩猩)_小题6:__ (call) Gor had run away from the zoo.
“I found him in the city square,” Jane said. “He seemed so lonely. I talked to him. We became friends at once and he followed me home.”
“Well, you know you can’t (keep) him,” her moth­er said. “He must _小题7:__(send) back to the zoo. You’d better_小题8:____ (phone) the police.”
Soon a policeman came and also a truck from the zoo. Nobody was angry with Jane when she told her story. The policeman knew Jane loved animals. And the zoo-keeper said, “Thank you for your kindness. I can see Gor _小题9:___ (like) you, but we need him back.” Jane agreed. She hugged Gor and said that she would go and see him at weekends. These days Jane _小题10:___(stop) collecting animals. But you can still find her with her friend Gor at the zoo on Saturdays and Sundays!

1.keeping 2.would work 3.to see 4.was wearing 5.remembered
6.called 7.be sent 8.phone 9.likes 10.has stopped

1.like doing sth表示喜欢做某事的含义,故本句空格处填饲养的动名词形式keeping。
2.本句的含义为她说他将在动物园工作,主句为过去时,从句也应该用过去将来时,结构为would+动词原形,故本句空格处填would work。
3.be surprised to do表示诧异的做某事,故本句空格处填to see。
4.本句的含义为他正穿着T恤衫,表示的过去进行,故本句空格处填was wearing。
7.本句表示被动的含义,使用的结构为be+动词过去分词sent,故本句空格处填be sent。
8.had better后跟动词原形表示最好做某事的含义,故本句空格处填phone。
10.本句的含义为这些天简不在收集动物了,本句表示完成的意思,故本句空格处填完成时态的结构has stopped。
Weddings(婚礼)are important in every country, and there are different wedding customs in different countries. In western countries the bride’s (新娘的) dress – her wedding dress—is very important. Some brides wear a new dress.    1       
Some people believe the bride should wear something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue.     2      She may borrow something to wear from a friend------ that will be something borrowed, and the ring on her finger may have a blue jewel in it or some of her clothes may be blue.
   3    They wear the ring on the fourth finger of their left hands.
At the wedding, as soon as the man and the woman are married, their friends often throw rice or very small pieces of paper over them.    4     The bride often carries flowers, and after the wedding she throws them up in the air. People believe that the woman who catches the flowers is lucky enough. The bride and the groom(新郎), their friends and family then have a party. After that the bride and the groom go on holiday together. This is called “the honeymoon”.
A. She may wear an old ring and will usually have new shoes.
B. Many married people in western countries wear a ring to show that they are married.
C. Some brides wear the dress their mothers or even their grandmothers wore at their weddings.
D.They believe this will bring them good luck and that they will have many children.
(     )5. The passage mainly talked about ________.
A. the bride’s wedding dress             B. the flowers in the wedding party
C. the rings for the married people        D. the wedding customs in the countries
On Sunday, April 22, people all over the world take time out to appreciate(珍惜) the earth that we all share. It’s Earth Day, a special day to learn about our planet(星球) and how to take care of it.
On Earth Day, some people listen to speeches about the environment. Others help clean up their offices or save water and electricity at home. Your parents may even decide to take a day off from driving their cars.
The idea for Earth Day came from a U.S. Senator (参议员), who was worried about the pollution and the health of plants and animals. And the idea quickly caught on. In 1970, the first Earth Day was celebrated. More than 20 million people in cities all over the U.S. took part in. Since then, Earth Day has been used to educate people about their role in taking care of our planet.
Now, Earth Day has become a global celebration. In 1990, 200 million people from 140 countries took part in clean-ups, tree planting and other environmental events on Earth Day.
1. When is Earth Day?
2. Who came up with the idea for Earth Day?
3. What does the underlined sentence mean in Chinese?
4. A lot of people celebrated the first Earth Day in 1970, didn’t they?
5. What is Earth Day?
Most people have jobs. They go to work nearly every day. Some people are lucky. Either they have very interesting jobs or they make a lot of money. Most people are not so lucky. Either their jobs are not very interesting or they don’t make much money.
The most interesting jobs are often the most difficult. People take a long time to learn how to do them. Doctors study for at least six years after finishing school.
Some young people have interesting and high-pay jobs. Many young players do their work successfully. Football and tennis stars are usually under 35 Years old. Older people usually cannot play these sports very well. They cannot move fast enough. Golf, however is a good sport for older people. Many golf players are quite old, but they can play it successfully.
Most people work until they are 60 or 65 years old. Then they retire (退休) and have a lot of free time. Some people never retire though. These people usually have very interesting jobs. Writers, artists, scientists and actors (演员) usually work until they die. Their work is their life.
小题1:Some _______ people have interesting or high-pay jobs, but most people don’t have such good luck.
小题2:Some jobs take a long time to learn because they are _______.
小题3:Young players can move very fast, so many of them play these games like football and tennis very _______.
小题4:Golf is a good sport for _______ people.
小题5: Most people keep _______ until the age of 60 or 65. but writers, artists, scientists and actors can work all their lives.

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