
阅读表达 阅读短文,按要求完成短文后的各项任务。(10分)
The summer is coming, and the storms are often. Though they happen often, some people don’t take them seriously. 1) In fact, it’s very ______ for people and it even can ______ people die at once.
So how do we keep safe during a lightning storm?
If you are indoors, stay away from windows and doors during a lightning storm. Don’t take a shower or do some dishes, because lightning can travel through water. Turn off the TV and computer. I learnt the hard way, and my computer was broken. Never use the phone. Lightning could travel through the phone line and hit you.
If you are outdoors during a lightning storm, never take shelter under a tree, because the lightning could hit the tree and travel through the trees to hit you. Stay away from anything that is metal. Try to get in your car and close all the windows or go into a nearby building right away.2) If there is no building around, try to find a low place to stay in. Squat(蹲) down near the ground and put your hands over your ears. Never use a cell phone.
小题3:回答问题:Why can’t people use the phone?
小题4:在文中找出与 If something is made of metal, keep away from it.意思相近的句子。

小题1:dangerous, make
小题3:Lightning could travel through the phone line and hit you.
小题4:Stay away from anything that is metal.
小题5:So how do we keep safe during a lightning storm?

小题2:句意理解题,根据文中语句“f there is no building around, try to find a low place to stay in”理解可知。此句的含义如果周围没有建筑物,尽量找个地势低的地方待。
小题3:细节理解题,根据文中语句“Never use the phone. Lightning could travel through the phone line and hit you.”理解可知。雷电有可能通过无线电波伤及到你。
小题4:细节理解题,根据文中语句“Stay away from anything that is metal.”理解可知。它们两句的含义一致,都是要我们远离金属物。
小题5:理解归纳题,根据文中语句理解可知此文重点就是怎样远离雷电的伤害,故选So how do we keep safe during a lightning storm?作为本文的标题。
阅读表达 阅读短文,按要求完成短文后的各项任务。
There are many things you can do to improve your memory. Among them are many kinds of useful ways as well as taking special care of your health.
(1)It is _______ that you make ________ excited to make your memory more active. You can do this by doing some new activities and by changing your daily habits. Learning a new skill helps your brain(大脑)to develop. When trying to remember something, you should pay special attention to the most important things about it. Do not allow other thoughts to enter your mind because this will reduce your chances of making right memories.
An excellent way to help memory is to connect information with pictures. Try to see the pictures in your mind. Taking notes and keeping a diary will also be helpful.
(3)Healthy food and plenty of vitamins are necessary for your memory to work well. Drinking a lot of water also helps keep your memory. You must allow your brain to have enough sleep and rest. When you are asleep, your brain stores memory. Not enough sleep can cause problems with storing information. And being tired will also stop you from being able to think clearly and well.
In order to keep your mind on your work, you must be free-from worry. Generally keeping fit and normal health checks are both important as well-not just for improving your memory.
___________ ______________
小题2:回答问题:What should you pay special attention to when trying to remember something?
小题4:在文中找出与If you are tired, you can’t think clearly and well.意思相近的句子,并将它写在答题卡上。
April 22 is Earth Day. Everyone on earth should care about and protect the earth! The earth has warmed by about 1 °F over the past 100 years, but why and how? Well, scientists are not quite sure. Maybe the earth gets warmer and warmer on its own. __1__
First, greenhouse effect (效应) is a very important reason for the change of the earth. People give out too much energy into the air every year. It makes the earth warmer. __2__Sometimes it becomes too hot and sometimes too cold. Sometimes there is too much rain and sometimes too little. The change of the climate makes the earth warmer. In turn, the warmth of the earth changes the climate, too.
When the earth becomes warmer, there may be more rain and a rise in sea level. __3___ On a Pacific island, 100 people have to move to higher ground because the sea is rising. These people can no longer live on the coast. Before that, two islands without people went underwater in 1999. Scientists say that the seas can rise by nearly one metre by 2100.
People can affect the earth's air, land and water. As for us, we can do many things to protect the earth. __4___ We can tell more people about protecting the earth.
A.So it will affect the growth of plants, animals and people.
B. But many scientists say that people are doing many things which make the earth warmer.
C.For example, we can use fridges less.
D. People in many cities turn off the lights for an hour on that day.
E.Another important reason is climate change.
任务型阅读。 (10分)
As young students, you have many dreams. These dreams can be very big, such as winning the Nobel Prize; they can also be small, such as becoming one of the best students in your class.
Once you find a dream, what do you do with it? Do you ever try to make your dream real?
Andrew Matthews, an Australian writer, tells us that making your dreams real is life’s biggest challenge (挑战). You may think you’re not very good at some school subjects, or that (1) to become a writer is difficult for you. Those kinds of ideas stop you from realizing (实现) your dream.
In fact, everyone can realize his dream. The first thing you must do is to remember what your dream is. Don’t let it leave your heart. (2)Keep telling yourself what you want every day and then your dream will come true faster. You should know that a big dream is, in fact, made up of (由…组成) many small dreams.
You must also never give up your dream. There will be difficulties on the road to your dreams. But the biggest difficulty comes from yourself. You need to decide what is the most important. (3)You shouldn’t watch TV. You’d better study instead. It will help you to get better exam results.
小题1:回答问题:What does Andrew Matthews do?
He _______________________________________________________.
小题2: 在文中找出realize的同义词组:________ ________
It’s ________ for you to ________ a writer.
小题4: 将(2)处翻译成汉语。
小题5: 根据(3)处完成下面的句子。(每空一词)
You’d better study instead of ________ ________, so you will get good exam results.

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