
The performance was posted on line and before long, the 47-year-old Scottish woman has been famous all over the world.
Speaking from her home in Scotland, Ms Boyle said that she hasn’t thought of changing her appearance. She said that her friend helped her with make-up. “I mean ,that’s hardly a makeover,” she added.
Ms Boyle also spoke of the reason she first began  to explore her vocal talents, “I was kind of slow at school, so getting like singing was a good way of hiding behind that and thus it built my confidence.”
小题1:Susan Boyle is _________ 
A.a judgeB.a reporterC.a beautifulD.a Scottish woman
小题2:Susan Boyle had a look of satisfaction on her face when she was singing because______.
A.she was confident of her singing
B.she was satisfied with the judges
C.she was pretty and in good shape
D.she sang the song I Dreamed a Dream from Les Miserables
小题3:According to the passage, which is NOT true?
A.It was the vocal talents that built Susan’s confidence
B.Susan Boyle was not good at her lesson when at school.
C.Susan Boyle became famous because of her appearance.
D.Simon Cowell didn’t think Susan Boyle a good singer at the first sight.
小题4:What can we learn from Susan Boyle’s success
A.It’s never too old to learn.
B.It’s easier to succeed at the age of 47.
C.If you have a dream, try to make it come true!
D.If you are not able to study well, to be a singer instead.


试题分析: 这篇短文主要描述了英国达人秀一位著名的达人——苏珊大妈。这是一个长得不怎么漂亮的女人,但是她用自己的歌声征服了观众,征服了世界。告诉我们只要有梦想,就要让它成为现实。
小题1:D细节题。根据文章第三段The performance was posted on line and before long, the 47-year-old Scottish woman has been famous all over the world.说明她是一个苏格兰女性。故D正确。
小题2:A细节题。根据第二段She knew we were going to have that reaction and just to see that look of satisfaction on her face through -it was one of my favorite moments,说明她对自己的表现很有信心,知道会有什么样的反应,故A正确。
小题3:C细节题。根据最后一段Speaking from her home in Scotland, Ms Boyle said that she hasn’t thought of changing her appearance.可知她都考虑去整容了,说明他的外貌和不好看,故C项错误。她出名不是因为外貌,而是因为声音。故C符合本题的题意。
小题4:C推理题。本文讲述了在“英国达人秀”中出名的Susan Boyle一直在苦练唱歌,最后实现自己梦想的故事。故事我们如果你有梦想,就努力让它成真吧!故C正确
Life is not easy, so I’d like to say “When anything happens, believe in yourself.”
When I was a young boy, I was ____ shy to talk to anyone. My classmates often ____me. I was sad but could do nothing. Later,___ happened, and it changed my life. It was an English speech contest. My mother asked me to ____ it. What a terrible idea! It meant I had to speak ____ all the teachers and students of my school!
“Come on,boy! Believe in yourself. You are sure to ___.”Then mother and I talked about many different topics. At last I _____ the topic “Believe in yourself!” I tried my best to remember all the speech and practiced it over 100 _____. With my mother’s great love, I did ___ in the contest. I could hardly believe my _____ when the news came that I had won the first place.
小题1:A. too                B. so                   C. quite
小题2:A. made faces at       B. looked after            C. laughed at
小题3:A. something         B. everything             C. anything
小题4:A. take part in         B. join                  C. get
小题5:A. to                 B. among                 C. before
小题6:A. win              B. pass                   C. beat
小题7:A. brought            B. thought                C. chose
小题8:A. words            B. times                  C. sentences
小题9:A. well             B. good                   C. bad
小题10:A. result            B. eyes                   C. ears
People often said Thomas Edison was the greatest genius(天才) of his age. There are only a few men in all of history, who have changed the lives of other men as much as the inventor of the first useful electric light. But Edison could never be pleased only because someone said he was a genius. “There is no such a thing as genius,” Edison said. He thought what people called genius was mostly hard work.
But Edison was a thinker as well as a worker. From his earliest days as a child he wondered about the secrets of nature. He tried to understand them, and then he tried to learn what he could usefully do with them.
Edison enjoyed thinking. He knew that most people would do almost anything instead of the difficult work of thinking, especially if they do not think very often. But he knew, too, that thinking could give men enjoyment and pleasure.
Edison could not understand why anyone could not be interested in life. As he loved to think, he also loved to work. On the day he became 75 years old, someone asked him what idea he had about life. “Work,” he answered, “Discovering the secrets of nature and using them to make men happier.” He said he had enough inventions in his mind to give him another 100 years of work.
小题1:What is genius according to Thomas Edison?
A.Hard thinking. B.Hard work.C.Useful ideas.D.Useful inventions.
小题2:How did Edison always deal with the secrets of nature after exploring them?
A.To write down what he had learned.
B.To carry out a new experiment.
C.To make them useful in life.
D.To share them with others.
小题3:What does the last sentence in the passage mean?
A.Edison was born to be a great inventor.
B.Edison was able to live another 100 years.
C.Edison was ready to make his 100th invention.
D.Life was too short for Edison to work for human beings.
Long long ago, in a small, lonely village, there was a place known as the House of 1000 Mirrors. A small, happy little dog heard of this place and decided to pay a _________.  He ran all of his way with a happy heart. When he _________, he jumped happily up the stairs to the doorway of the house. There was a hole in the door. He looked __________ the hole with his ears lifted high and his tail(尾巴) shaking as fast as it ___________. To his great surprise, he found himself looking at 1000 other happy little dogs with their tails shaking just as fast as his. He smiled a great smile, and was answered with 1000 great smiles just as warm and friendly as__________. As he left the House, he said to himself, "This is a ____________place. I will come back and visit it often."
In this same village, ___________ little dog, who was sad and in blue all the day, decided to visit the house, __________. He slowly climbed the stairs and hung his head low as he looked into the hole in the door. To his great ___________, he saw the 1000 unfriendly looking dogs looking at him, so he growled at them right away. Then he was terrified to see 1000 little dogs growling back at him. As he left, he thought to himself, "That is a terrible place, and I will never come _______ and visit it."
All the faces in the world are mirrors. What kind of reflections do you see in the faces of the people you meet?
A.travel B.tripC.visit D.ride
A.arrivedB.gotC.reached D.got to
A.across B.atC.throughD.past
A.couldB.canC.possible D.would
A.terrible B.badC.wonderful D.strange
A.the otherB.otherC.othersD.another
One day, I saw Harry sitting under a tree. He looked very sad. So I asked him what was wrong.
“Nothing,” He said, “I’m too short to join the school basketball team.” “And our P.E .teacher thinks I’ve little hope to be in the team in half a year,” he added.
“Why not join another team?” I asked.
“But my dream is to be an excellent basketball player in the future,” he said.
He told me his father wanted him to change his idea to join the school ping-pong team.
“Good idea.” I agreed. “You’re sure to be popular, because you have a smart head.”
The next day, he joined the school ping-pong team. He worked harder than any other boy. Soon he was very popular in the team and looked happy every day.
At the end of last month, his team took part in the city’s high school ping-pong match. He and his team beat the others and won the championship.
Sometimes your dream may not come true. Then make a small change, and it will bring you another success.
小题1:Why did Harry look sad that day?
A.There was something wrong with his leg.
B.His P.E. teacher told him not to play basketball.
C.He was too short to join the school basketball team.
D.He wasn’t well enough for the school basketball team.
小题2:Harry’s father would like him to _______.
A.join the school ping-pong team.
B.take part in another basketball club.
C.take part in the city ping-pong match.
D.beat others and win a championship.
小题3:According to the passage, we know ______.
A. Harry dreamed to be a ping-pong player.
B. Harry worked harder than others in the team.
C. Harry was soon popular in their team.
D. Both B and C.
小题4:Which of the following is NOT true?
A.Ping-pong made Harry happy.
B.Ping-pong is easier than basketball.
C.Harry is a high school student.
D.Harry and his team won the match.
小题5:The passage tells us that ______.
A.Harry is too short to play basketball.
B.Harry wants to be a basketball player.
C.Making a change may be good for you.
D.a big dream can bring you success.
I had a very unusual experience(经历)on Sunday. At ten in the morning, I was      down the street when a UFO landed right       of me. You can imagine(想象)     strange it was! An alien     and walked down Center Street. I followed it to see      it was going, and I was very surprised when it went      a souvenir shop. While it was         at the souvenirs(纪念品), the shop assistant called the       . Before the police arrived, the alien left the        and then visited the Museum of Flight.      the alien was in the museum, I called the TV station. Isn’t that amazing!
小题1:A. arriving              B. walking             C. looking    
小题2:A. in front               B. before              C. at        
小题3:A. what                   B. when                C. how       
小题4:A. got in                 B. got on              C. got out     
小题5:A. where                  B. when                C. which      
小题6:A. onto                   B. on                  C. into       
小题7:A. walking                B. looking             C. giving            
小题8:A. police                   B. teacher              C. driver      
小题9:A. school                 B. shop                C. street     
小题10:A. While                 B. What                C. Which    
判断  阅读下面的材料,判断下列句子是否符合短文内容。符合内容的写(T)不符合的写(F)。(T="True," F= False)
Last Friday after I got my pay, I went shopping on my way home. In the crowded supermarket, I lost my purse and my money was gone with it. I felt very angry and sad. We were not rich and the money was important for us. How could I tell my wife about it?
I felt really sorry for losing the money. When I got home, I cleaned the house and prepared a nice meal. I hoped what I did could comfort(安慰) my wife. When she came back, she was surprised to see the clean house and the nice meal. Then I began to tell my story when we were at table, but my wife didn't respond (反映) as if she had not heard my words. Maybe she was trying hard to hide her anger, I thought.
“I've lost my pay." I said to her again.
“I see.” She didn't seem to be angry with me. For a moment, she said nothing but enjoyed the meal with me.
“I've lost my money," I could not help asking, “why don't you blame (责备) me?"
“Oh, my dear," she raised her eyes, looked at me and said, "I'm thinking about how to comfort you. It's the thief who is to be blamed!"
小题1:I got my pay last Monday.
小题2:In the supermarket I lost my purse and money.
小题3:I cleaned the house because I liked doing it.
小题4:My wife was surprised to see what I did.
小题5:When my wife heard my story, she became very angry.
Tigers are dangerous and cruel animals. They are the bosses of the Asian jungles with their cleverness, quickness and s小题1: .A cat, on the o 小题2: hand, is a homebody that comforts us with its gentle warmth and calms us with its purring(猫叫声).
As a mother, there is no doubt that the Chinese-American writer Amy Chua is a tiger. Her book, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother,t 小题3: people about the strict raising she gave her two children. She thinks that being strict is the o 小题4: way to develop a child's potential(潜力)and to make them strong, independent and successful. Her kids were not allowed to watch TV or play video games. They were not allowed to "hang out" with other kids after school. They had to be the top students in their classes. And they had to practise playing the piano and violin for hours every day. As a r 小题5: , her kids became successful.
Chua says, I 小题6: her, most Asian mothers are tigers because they believe their children can achieve a lot if they're pushed hard enough. She says American mothers are really cats. They care m 小题7: about their children's self-esteem(自尊).They don't want to push their kids too hard for fear of hurting their feelings. American mothers e 小题8: their children to find their own path.
So, is a tiger mom better than a cat? Perhaps it depends on the differences b小题9: Asian and Western cultures. It may a 小题10: depend on the child himself. Some kids need to be pushed while others respond(反应)to a gentler hand. To growl or to purr? There is no easy answer.
Playing video games on his iPad in a chair, Justin Bieber looks like any 16-year-old. But when he opens his mouth, you know he’s different – the Canadian teen can really sing.
Do you like listening to the songs of Justin Bieber? In his 3D documentary  , Justin Bieber: Never Say Never, now playing in US theaters, the 16-year-old Canadian sings the song Never Say Never. It’s an encouraging song.
Bieber uploaded a music video to the Internet three years ago, and since then has never looked back. He has sung at the White House, opened for Taylor Swift and appeared on the cover of People magazine, which called him the “world’s biggest pop star”. He has won many honors, the most recent being Best New Artist of the Year at 2010 MTV Video Music Awards.
There are many interesting things going on in Justin Bieber’s life these days. He has a girlfriend, actress and singer Selena Gomez. He just celebrated his 17th birthday. And, he has a new haircut. Bieber gave some of his hair to sell online. One of his fans bought  it for $40,000 (260,000 yuan)! The money will go to protect animals. What would you do with Bieber’s hair? 
小题1:Where is Justin Bieber from ?
小题2:What’s the meaning of the underlined word “uploaded”?
小题3:What’s the name of the song in his 3D documentary?
A. Baby    C. Smile    C. Just a dream    D. Never say never
小题4:What can learn from the passage?
A. Justin Bieber can sing as well as any 16-year-old.
B. He had sung at the White House three times.
C. His new girl friend is a writer.
D. One of his fans bought some of his hair .

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