
Street art is a very popular form of art that is spreading quickly all over the world. You can find it on buildings, sidewalks, street signs and trash cans(垃圾桶) from Tokyo to Paris, from Moscow to Cape Town. Street art has become a global culture and even art museums and galleries(画廊) are collecting the works of street artists.

Street art started out very secretly because it was criminal to paint public and private things without permission(允许).
People often have different opinions about street art. Some think it is a crime and others think it is a very beautiful new form of culture.
Art experts say that the street art movement began in New York in the 1960s. Young adults painted words and other images on walls and trains. This colorful style of writing became known as graffiti(涂鸦). Graffiti art showed that young people wanted to be against society. They didn’t want to accept rules and travelled around cities to create paintings that everyone could see. In many cases, they had trouble with the police and the local government.
One well-known New York street artist is Swoon. She cuts paper images of people and puts them on walls or sets them up on sidewalks. Swoon didn’t start her career as a street artist. She studied art, but as time went on, got bored with the works she saw in museums and galleries. People in New York enjoy Swoon’s strong and imaginative style. Some museums have already bought some of her works.
Advertising companies also use street art in their ads because it gives people the feelings of youth and energy.
In Today’s world the Internet has a big influence on street art. Artists can show their pictures to the audience all over the world. Many city residents, however, say that seeing a picture on the Internet is never as good as seeing it live.
The street art movement lives with the energy and life of a big city.
【小题1】What can we learn from Paragraph1?

A.Street art is an old culture.
B.Street art is of great artistic value.
C.Many big cities are famous for street art.
D.Street art has been accepted by more and more people.
【小题2】Why do street artists usually get into trouble?  Because _____________
A.they can’t make a living by themselves.
B.it was criminal to paint pubic and private things without permission.
C.the local government doesn’t like them.
D.they are threatening (威胁) public safety.
【小题3】Swoon becomes famous mainly because_____________.
A.her works are full of imagination
B.her works can be seen everywhere
C.she is good at cutting paper images of people
D.her works are collected by some museums
【小题4】Street artists can show their pictures to the whole world______________.
A.on the Internet
B.by painting them on walls
C.through exhibitions in galleries
D.by drawing them on famous buildings
【小题5】Which of the following is NOT the reason young artists choose street art?
A.It is closer to people.
B.They want to be against society.
C.It makes cities more beautiful.
D.They are tired of various rules.


【小题2】细节理解题。根据文中原句because it was criminal to paint public and private things without permission(允许).(因为未经允许在公共场所和私有东西上画画是违法的)此题应该选B。
【小题3】细节理解题。根据文中原句People in New York enjoy Swoon’s strong and imaginative style.(在纽约的人们喜欢Swoon那种浓重并有想象力的风格)可知此题选A。
【小题4】细节理解题。根据文中所提供的信息In Today’s world the Internet has a big influence on street art. Artists can show their pictures to the audience all over the world.(在今天的世界里,因特网对街道艺术有很大的影响,艺术家们能够向全世界的观众展示他们的作品),所以此题应选A。


A 14-year-old British student is packing for the next day of school: textbooks, notebooks, pens, 250 grams of flour, an egg and some cooking oil. Wait, what? It’s not a joke.
From September, cookery will be a compulsory (必修的) course for kids aged 7-14 in the UK. Primary school students will learn how to put things together and make simple, healthy food. At high school, students will then master a number of different meals. They will also learn some cooking skills including baking.
Britain is sometimes known as a country with bad food and unhealthy eating habits. These new courses are part of the country’s effort to bring healthy food back onto the table.
“One in four British families no longer has a table that everyone can eat around.  One out of every two meals we eat is eaten alone. Only four out of ten of us enjoy eating meals with our children,” British writer Joanna Blythman wrote in her book Bad Food Britain: How A Nation Ruined Its Appetite in 2006. Instead, ready meals have become the first choice for many British kids, because their parents are often too busy to cook a proper meal.
“It’s important that children can develop an interest and understanding of good food,” said a spokesman of the Department for Education. “We want to encourage them to develop a love of food and cooking that will stay with them as they grow up.
【小题1】What are high school students in UK supposed to learn about cookery?
【小题2】Is UK famous for its delicious food?
【小题3】How many British people of all enjoy eating meals with their children according to Joanna Blythman?
【小题4】Why have ready meals become very popular with many British kids?
【小题5】What’s aim of the cookery course in UK?

With the increasing numbers of smart phones and Chinese Internet users, micro blogging, known as Weibo in Chinese, has become more and more popular. Popular websites have created their own Weibo sites, which allow users to post a message of up to 140 words, along with pictures and videos(视频).
In August 2009 the largest website in China —— “sina.com” firstly set up sina Weibo”, helping micro blogging enter the mainstream in China. In 2010, Internet giants sohu, yahoo, baidu also sent up their own Weibo sites. By the end of October 2010, only sina’s Weibo site had registered(登记)more than 50 million users, with an average of 40 people opening a Weibo site every second. Weibo allows people to post messages quickly using their mobile phones, to stay in touch with friends, and provides channels for different people to communicate.
As the social influence of Weibo continues to grow, more and more news agencies(通讯社)and government departments are beginning to send information through Weibo sites. Wang Peng, a Weibo blogger, said, “Through Weibo it allows me to send my advice to director of my news agencies. Also, I can keep in touch with friends. There are many middle school and university classmates on my blog”. With sending more information to people, the influence of micro blogging in China is increasing.

【小题1】From this passage, we know that “Weibo” is a ______ way of communicating.
A. boring                       B. popular                  C. difficult
【小题2】You can send ­­­_______ to your friends by using micro blogging.
A. long messages               
B. mobile phones               
C. nice pictures
【小题3】According to the passage, ________ was the first one to open a Weibo site.
A. sina.com                 B. sohu.com                 C. baidu.com
【小题4】From Wang Peng’s words, we can guess that he is most probably a(n) ______.
A. engineer                 B. student                      C. reporter
【小题5】The best title of this passage is “______”.
A. Micro blogging was first used in China
B. Micro blogging in China takes off
C. Weibo changes Chinese Internet users

Do you like drinking Coke? As a symbol of American culture, Coca-Cola is liked by many people, especially young people all around the world. But from now on, perhaps it will be hard for students in the US to get it on campus. A new agreement will end almost all sales of high-sugar fizzy drinks in US schools. The agreement allow only unsweetened juice, low-fat milk and water in primary and middle school vending machines(自动销售机) and cafeterias. Former American president Bill Clinton helped the American Heart Association and the beverage industry(饮料业) to come up with the agreement. He suffered from a weight problem and has had a heart operation since leaving the White House. He takes the agreement as “a bold step forward in the struggle to help 35 million young people lead healthier lives”.
Rising childhood obesity(肥胖) has become a big problem in America. A federal report noted that obesity has tripled among teenagers in the past 25 years. It called for new limits on the marketing of junk food to children. Soda is a particular target because of its caloric content and popularity among children.
Britain has already taken similar steps to fight obesity. A recent study shows that people in the UK are much healthier than the people in the US. However, it’s better late than never. Now American schools are trying to make new rules to guide the students to choose healthy drinks. American schools say goodbye to Coca-Cola.
【小题1】What kind of beverage is NOT allowed to sell on campus?
A. High-sugar fizzy drinks.  B. Unsweetened juice.
C. Low-fat milk.           C. Water.
【小题2】What dose the underlined word “tripled” in the second paragraph mean?

A.Became as much.
B.Became twice as much.
C.Became three times as much.
D.Became four times as much.
【小题3】What is the writer’s attitude (态度) towards limits on junk food?
【小题4】Which of the following statements is WRONG?
A.Coca-Cola causes students’ obesity.
B.Coca-Cola makes people unhealthier.
C.Coca-Cola isn’t very popular in the world.
D.Coca-Cola is bad for our body.
【小题5】Which is the best title of the passage?
A.Say “Goodbye” to Coca-Cola
B.The Junk Coca-Cola
C.Coca-Cola in China
D.Coca-Cola in the World

In the modern society, the traffic problem has become more and more serious, which has aroused(引起) wide public concern(关心), especially in the rush hour , at some time or other, people would rather walk on the street than drive the car, and the line people waiting for the bus can be as long as 10 meters. Because a great number of office workers go to work and go off work at the same time, most private cars and buses are on the roads at the same time, which of course leads to traffic jams(交通堵塞).
But how to solve it? As far as I’m concerned, for one thing, the government should build more roads to meet the needs of cars; for another, we should call for people to take a bus instead of driving their own cars. At times, we can also ride bikes to go to work or visit somewhere. Not only do we strengthen ourselves in this way, but also we protect the environment. In a word ,if all of us take actions to solve it, I believe there will not be a word named traffic jam .
Information Card

Ways to solve it
【小题1】        has become more and more serious.
The government should build 【小题2】      .
Traffic jams mostly happen in 【小题3】  .
We should call for people to 【小题4】.          or ride a bike sometimes instead of driving their own cars.
If all of us take actions to solve it, I believe there will not be a word named 【小题5】       .

Here are some facts about homes in the United States and the people who live in them. In the early 1990s, about 50% of the Americans owned their homes and the rest rented(租) their homes. The rented homes were usually apartments(公寓).
74% of the people in the US make their homes in or around cities. 26% live in the country. Dogs live in about 40% of all homes in the US. About half that number have cats.
Families in the US are becoming smaller. On the average(平均), 2.64 people lived at home in the early 1990s. In the1960s, the average was 3.5.
Half of the teenagers in the US have their own bedrooms.
An American moves, on the average, twelve times in his or her life. In Japan a person moves about five times, and in England a person moves eight times.
【小题1】Most Americans live ________, according to the passage.

A.in or around the citiesB.in citiesC.around citiesD.in the country
【小题2】Ho w many American families own a cat?
A.About 40%.B.About 20%.C.About 74%.D.About 26%.
【小题3】On the average, there were ________ people in an American family in 1994.
A.more than 3B.only 3.5C.less than 2D.about 2.64
【小题4】________ in the US have their own bedrooms.
A.All of the peopleB.Most of the children
C.Half of the teenagersD.Only some of the teenagers
【小题5】What can we learn from the passage?
A.In the early 1990s, most of the Americans owned their homes.
B.Families in the US are becoming bigger and bigger.
C.A Japanese moves more often than an American.
D.An American moves more often than an Englishman.

In China, parents often tell their kids not to waste food. However, it's reported that a lot of food is wasted in restaurants every day.
Many people say when they eat out, they usually order a lot of dishes and they can't eat them up. One person in Chengdu, Sichuan Province says he takes away the leftovers. "Usually we'll have some leftovers after meals, because when I invite friends to eat out, I don't know how much they can eat, so I order lots of dishes to make sure everybody has enough food."
While another person in Fuzhou, Fujian Province says she never packs what is left on the dining table. "What I usually experience during eating out is a big meal. I seldom take away the leftovers because we often have other activities after the meals, and it's not convenient to take the leftovers. And when no one suggests taking away leftovers, I won't do so."
Some people say they only take away leftovers when they eat out with family, but not if they eat with friends or colleagues (同事).
Food waste means washing money as well as wasting precious resources (宝贵资源). When food is thrown away, it becomes rubbish and can be harmful to the environment.
We should realize how important it is to save food. It's wise to order proper food for our meals. If there're leftovers, it's better to take home. To save food, we should start with ourselves and start from now.
【小题1】_________food is wasted in the restaurants of our country every day.

A.Little B.Many C.Few D.Much
【小题2】The underlined word "leftovers" means________ in Chinese.
A.残留物 B.离开 C.剩菜 D.垃圾
【小题3】Which of the following is not mentioned?
A.They wan to give the leftovers to the servers.
B.The person never packs what is left on the dining table.
C.The leftovers can be harm to the environment.
D.Some people only take away leftovers when they eat out with family
【小题4】From the passage, it's necessary for us to________ when we eat out.
A.pack our favorite food
B.invite our friend for dinner
C.throw the leftovers away
D.order proper food for our meal and finish all on our plates
【小题5】The best tile of this passage is__________
A.Washing Money B.Saving Food C.Throwing Away Leftovers D.Saving Money

Newspapers are not nearly as popular today as they were in the past.   【小题1】  Most people read only the sports pages, the advice or the gossip(闲话,绯闻)columns, the comics, and perhaps the classified advertisements.
Most people don't take the time to read the real news.     【小题2】  These techniques(技术,手段)are used on the front page because it is the first thing you see when you pick up the paper. The first page attracts attention and encourages the reader to look through the rest of the paper.     【小题3】    If the headline is horrible(恐惧的)enough or frightening enough or wild enough, perhaps they will go on to read the front page anymore. They may read the headlines, but that is all, then they turn to the sports page, or comics, or advertisements. It seems that people do not want the news from a newspaper anymore.   【小题4】  
More people watch television news because it is easier and more interesting than reading a newspaper. What about you? Do you read news from a newspaper?  【小题5】  Or do you care about news at all? Would you mind if there were no news?

A. They say they get the news on the television now.
B. There are not very many people who seriously read a newspaper every day.
C. More and more people read newspapers every day.
D. They attempt(试图)to catch the reader's interest with pictures and exciting headlines(大字标题,新闻提要)
E. Do you think it is easier to get the news from television?
F. They like reading stories.
G. This is why editors always look for a good first page story and headline to make them stop and look.

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