
【题目】—I got a 78 in the English exam. What about you?

—I did than you. I only got a 61.

A. well B. better C. badly D. worse





Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

This is an old English saying. Have you heard of it before? It means that we must go to bed early and get up early in the morning. Then we shall be healthy. We shall also be rich (wealthy) and clever (wise).

This is true. The body must have enough sleep to be healthy. Children of young age should have ten hours sleep every night. Children who do not have enough sleep cannot do their work very well. They will not be wise and they may not become wealthy!

The body also needs exercise. Walking, running, jumping, swimming and playing games are all exercise. Exercise keeps the body strong. Exercise also helps the blood (血液) to move around inside the body. This is very important. Our blood takes food to all parts of our body. The head also needs blood. Exercise helps us to think better!


1 If we get up early and go to bed early, well ______________.

A. have enough exercise

B. be healthy

C. think better

D. have strong blood

2 If a child doesnt have 10 hours sleep, maybe he ______________.

A. becomes wise

B. wont do well in his work

C. goes to school in time

D. has enough sleep

3A person needs exercise because ______________ .

A. it makes him healthy

B. he has a lot of homework to do

C. he is strong enough

D. he does exercise

4Exercise makes the ______________ move quickly and smoothly(流畅).

A. body B. blood C. children D. head

5Which of the following is NOT TRUE?

A. Exercise does good to a persons head.

B. A student should have 10 hours sleep.

C. Its good for you to get up early and go to bed early.

D. If you have enough blood, youll be wise.


Five Facts about Goal Setting

These practical tips on goal setting can help make it easier to set and reach goals:

1 When it comes to making a change, the people who succeed are those who set goals possible to achieve. Im going to recycle all my plastic bottles, soda cants, and magazines is a much more doable goal than Im going to do more for the environment. And that makes it easier to stick with.

2 It will probably take a couple of months before any changes like getting up half an hour earlier to exercise become a routine(日常的) part of your life. Thats because your brain needs time to get used to the idea that this new thing youre doing is part of your regular routine.

3 Say your goal out loud each morning to remind yourself of what you want and what youre working for. Every time you remind yourself of your goal, youre training your brain to make it happen.

4 The key to making any change is to find the strong wish within yourself you have to do it because you want it, not because a girlfriend, boyfriend, coach, parent, or someone else wants you to. It will be harder to stay on track and encouraged if youre doing something out of duty to another person.

5 Mistakes are actually part of the learning process as you retrain your brain into a new way of thinking. It may take a few tries to reach a goal. But thats OK its a normal to mess up or give up a few times when trying to make a change. So remember that everyone makes mistakes and dont beat yourself up about it. Just remind yourself to get back on track.


A. Making mistakes doesnt mean failure.

B. It takes time form a habit.

C. Repeating a goal makes it stick.

D. Specific, realistic goals work best.

E. Pleasing other people doesnt work.

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