Developmentally, girls take the lead. They talk earlier, read earlier, and count earlier. In preschool, they score higher on IQ tests than their male fellows. They usually receive better grades in elementary school than boys, yet in public schools, far more gifted boys than gifted girls are identified by the fifth grade.

   Girls begin to go underground with their talents and abilities sometime between the fifth and ninth grades.

   Traditional teacher training has focused on the teaching to boys’ interests and behaviors, which is thought to help keep order in classrooms. Boys mainly express themselves by “acting out”, disturbing the classroom in a variety of ways while girls, on the contrary, mainly express themselves by “acting in”, becoming silent, withdrawn and non-participative. One way to control boys was to be sure that they were contributing --- therefore, teachers have traditionally called on boys more often than girls.

   Boys and girls come to very different conclusions about themselves, even when the data on which they base their decisions are the same. Research shows that boys are more willing to accept success and be praised for their accomplishments than girls are.

   Adults, even teachers, often have different expectations of boys and girls, especially in the area of mathematical achievement.

64. According to the passage, in elementary school, a schoolgirl        than a schoolboy.

   A. is better at sports                       B. gets higher grades

   C. is less talkative                            D. is more troublesome

65. Generally, a schoolmaster traditionally pays more attention to boys because        .

   A. they are more gifted than girls           B. they are not good at expressing themselves

   C. they are more likely to make trouble       D. they often bully girls in class

66. According to the passage, a traditional experienced teacher would        .

   A. have a girl as monitor of the class           B. scold boys for their bad behaviors

   C. call on girls from time to time            D. praise boys more frequently

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