All life’s circumstances can be seen in an egg. The soft yolk (蛋黄) inside is our and the hard shell outside is the barrier. When the barrier breaks from outside, our desire is crushed (压制), but when it breaks from inside, we something.

I was 22 years old. I did not where the kitchen was in my house, since I had gone into the kitchen before. All of a sudden, I had to move to America to pursue(追求) my master’s degree. I I had to learn to cook a proper meal in order to . My desire to cook began to , and the yolk began to stir.

The first time I made , it came out like white glue. Within a month of experimenting with different recipes, I the art of making Chinese fried rice and north Indian curry. This breaking of the eggshell from gave me yet another skill for life, . Now that I look back, maybe my wife agreed to marry me for this alone.

It is easy to break an egg from outside, but it is to break it from inside. And sometimes, someone or something outside can you to break the egg from inside.

As a father, I took it as my responsibility to my son cycling and swimming. In this case, the yolk was the untapped (未被利用的) potential of my son and the barrier was his fear of losing . It took months of patience and coaching to help him his fear. It was an uphill task to keep him motivated through failures. , I was glad and relieved when he learned both these essential skills.

The important lesson here is that the egg will be no matter what. Success, when the egg breaks from inside, is more about what you overcome than what you achieve.

Life always throws you . I urge you all to persist, believe in yourself and allow your yolk to break through to a new soul and a new you.

1.A. concern B. desire C. weakness D. resource

2.A. lose B. change C. gain D. expect

3.A. know B. find C. forget D. question

4.A. often B. never C. sometimes D. ever

5.A. reminded B. promised C. imagined D. realized

6.A. survive B. compete C. continue D. settle

7.A. turn around B. get across C. take shape D. take part

8.A. tea B. rice C. yogurt D. porridge

9.A. recognized B. appreciated C. introduced D. mastered

10.A. inside B. outside C. sideways D. around

11.A. learning B. cooking C. cycling D. adapting

12.A. courage B. attempt C. skill D. hobby

13.A. funny B. simple C. boring D. difficult

14.A. prevent B. help C. agree D. warn

15.A. accompany B. keep C. teach D. require

16.A. balance B. patience C. courage D. freedom

17.A. understand B. discover C. reflect D. overcome

18.A. Meanwhile B. Finally C. Besides D. Therefore

19.A. broken B. cooked C. lost D. kept

20.A. ideas B. messages C. surprises D. challenges


Dear Michelle:

Why can't my daughter manage her life better? She is 17 and an honor student, but she seems to be wasting her life away with a boyfriend who is holding her back.

He consumes every waking minute of her precious time and smooth-talks her as well.

His goal is to get her to agree to go to the college of his choice, not her choice, and because his grades are lower, his choice will be limited.

I feel like I want to rescue her, but she pushes me away and shuts me out. She has only brought us pride and joy; and now this! Help!

A worried mother

Dear Mother of a 17-year-old Girl:

What's the matter with kids today? Remember that song from "Bye Bye Birdie"?

Well if you do not, let me fill you in about teenagers and their life-management skills. Do not expect too much too soon because at the ripe age of 17, life-management is not within their reach, not should it be.

Life experience creates both the conditions and the skills for management, and if management went before experience, there would be little of it.

Your daughter is an honor student for good reasons. She is smart, studies with

intelligence and you have given her good Values.

When the time comes for her to apply for college, and she visits the ones that were specifically designed for student the top of their grade, she will most likely break away from her boyfriend's influence.

It is rare for an honor student to change the path of their academic career for puppy love. That being said, there might be some adolescent wisdom in her behavior after all.

Perhaps she is choosing to worry you, her parents, for unconscious reasons. Being such a good girl and being a steady source of joy might have become a bit too much for her.

Let your daughter have her own private moment of 11th grade rebellion. She deserves a break from perfection.


1.From the mother's letter we can learn that her daughter__________.

A. is being fooled by the boy

B. has fallen behind in her studies

C. doesn't talk much with her mother

D. has chosen which college to attend

2.According to Michelle, 17-year-teenagers___________.

A. are too young to manage their life

B. are old enough to live their own life

C. should have management before experience

D. have reached the age of an adult

3.Michelle seems to believe that the daughter will finally __________.

A. come up with the right decision

B. follow her boyfriend's advice

C. worry her parents for unconscious reasons

D. influence her boyfriend's behavior

4.The best title for the passage would be__________.

A. College of kids’ own choice

B. How can I help my girl?

C. How to manage teenagers’ life?

D. A 17-year-old girl and her mother


The dirty, homeless man sat on the pavement, staring at the stones. He thought back more than twenty years to when he was a boy living in a small red brick house on this very street. He recalled the flower garden, the swing his dad made, and the bike he had saved up for months to buy.

The man shrugged impatiently, for the brightness of those pictures hurt him, and his memory travelled on another ten years. He had a job by then, plenty of friends and started to come home less. He did not really want to remember those years, nor the day when, because of debts, he had gone home planning to ask for money. He felt embarrassed, but he knew exactly where his dad kept the money. When his parents stepped out of the room, he took what he wanted and left.

That was the last time he had seen them. Ashamed, he went abroad, and his parents knew nothing about the years of wandering or time in prison. But locked in his cell he often thought of home. Once free, he would love to see his parents again, if they were still alive, and still wanted to see him.

When his prison time was up, he found a job, but couldn't settle. Something was drawing him home. He did not want to arrive penniless, so he hitchhiked most of the long journey back. But less than a mile from his destination he started to feel sick with doubt. Could they ever accept this man who had so bitterly disappointed them?

He spent most of that day sitting under a tree. That evening he posted a letter which, although short, had taken him hours to write. It ended with:

I know it is unreasonable of me to suppose you want to see me ... so it's up to you. I'll come early Thursday morning. If you want me home, hang a white handkerchief in the window of my old bedroom. If it's there, I'll come in; if not, I'll wave good-bye and go.

And now it was Thursday morning and he was sitting on the pavement at the end of the street. Finally he got up and walked slowly toward the old house. He drew a long breath and looked.

His parents were taking no risks. Every inch of the house was covered in white. Sheets, pillowcases and table clothes had been placed on every window and door, making it look like a snow house.

The man threw his head back, gave a cry of relief and ran straight through the open front door.

【小题】Why did the man shrug impatiently (Paragraph 2) while he was thinking of his childhood?

A. The thoughts made him angry.

B. He felt he had wasted time.

C. He was anxious to go home.

D. The sweet memory caused him much pain.

【小题】Why did it take him hours to write the letter?

A. He doubted if his parents still lived in that house.

B. He had much news to tell his parents.

C. He felt ashamed to ask for forgiveness.

D. He was longing to return home and felt excited.

【小题】The best title of the passage is _______.

A. Sweet Memory B. White Handkerchief

C. Abandoned Son D. Leaving Home

【小题】Which of the following is Not true?

A. The man asked his parents to lend money

B. His parents welcomed him home.

C. The man became homeless when he got out of prison.

D. He felt sorry for hurting his parents.


Although being famous might sound like a dream come true, today’s star, feeling like zoo animals, face pressures that few of us can imagine. They are at the center of much of the world’s attention. Paparazzi(狗仔队)camp outside their homes, cameras ready. Tabloids (小报) publish thrilling stories about their personal lives. Just imagine not being able to do anything without being photographed or interrupted for a signature.

According to psychologist Christina Villarreal, celebrities (famous people) worry constantly about their public appearance. Eventually, they start to lose track of who they really are, seeing themselves the way their fans imagine them, not as the people they were before everyone knew their names. “Over time,” Villarreal says, “they feel separated and alone.”

The phenomenon of tracking celebrities has been around for ages. In the 4th century B.C., painters followed Alexander the Great into battle, hoping to picture his victories for his admirers. When Charles Dickens visited America in the 19th century, his sold-out readings attracted thousands of fans, leading him to complain about his lack of privacy. Tabloids of the 1920s and 1930s ran articles about film-stars in much the same way that modern tabloids and websites do.

Being a public figure today, however, is a lot more difficult than it used to be. Superstars cannot move about without worrying about photographers with modern cameras. When they say something silly or do something ridiculous, there is always the Internet to spread the news in minutes and keep their “story” alive forever.

If fame is so troublesome, why aren’t all celebrities running away from it? The answer is there are still ways to deal with it. Some stars stay calm by surrounding themselves with trusted friends and family or by escaping to remote places away from big cities. They focus not on how famous they are but on what they love to do or whatever made them famous in the first place.

Sometimes a few celebrities can get a little justice. Still, even stars who enjoy full justice often complain about how hard their lives are. They are tired of being famous already.

1.It can be learned from the passage that stars today__________.

A. can no longer have their privacy protected

B. are often misunderstood by the public

C. spend too much on their public appearance

D. care little about how they have come into fame

2.What is the main idea of Paragraph 3?

A. Great heroes of the past were generally admired.

B. Well-known actors are usually targets of tabloids.

C. The problem faced by celebrities has a long history.

D. Works of popular writers often have a lot of readers.

3.What makes it much harder to be a celebrity today?

A. Inadequate social recognition.

B. Availability of modern media.

C. Lack of favorable chances.

D. Huge population of fans.

4.What is the author’s attitude toward modern celebrity?

A. Sincere B. Skeptical(怀疑的)

C. Sympathetic D. Disapproving


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Take control of your sleep

Zeo puts the science of sleep at your fingertips. The Zeo Bedside Display stores your sleep data so you can easily upload it to the Zeo Personal Coaching website. Here you’ll find a collection of online tools that help you analyze your sleep and uncover the links between how you live and how you sleep. Zeo’s Seven Step Sleep Fitness program assists you in creating a personalized action plan based on your own sleep patterns and goals, and delivers user-tailored coaching emails that help you get the sleep you need.

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The more you know, the better you sleep.

Zeo Personal Sleep Coach is neither a medical device nor a medical program and is not intended for the treatment of sleep disorders.

1.Zeo is a revolution in the science of sleep mainly because it _____.

A. can record one’s sleep process

B. is the first product to manage one’s sleep

C. is free of medical risks

D. provides access to sleep fitness websites

2.What is the most remarkable(杰出的) feature of Zeo?

A. Its direct contact with sleep scientists.

B. Its individualized coaching program.

C. Its effectiveness in curing sleep disorders.

D. Its immediate analysis of sleep data.

3.What customer service does Zeo provide?

A. Cheap online tools.

B. A 30-day action plan.

C. Personalized bedside display.

D. Free delivery of the product.

4.The passage is primarily written to _____.

A. encourage people to try the new product

B. instruct people how to use a new tool

C. provide the latest health information

D. illustrate(说明) the importance of good sleep habit


Critical thinking is an important skill that can increase students’ ability to learn in any situation. This can be applied to traditional education, or directly in a career related role. Many teachers find it such a valuable skill that they give their students a critical thinking question every day. Developing this ability can mean the difference between “just passing a course” and “understanding the material well enough” so that what students learn from it will follow them throughout their life.

Some characteristics of a critical thinker that teachers should encourage are;

-asking questions as a reaction to something read or discussed;

-determining the “deeper meaning” of a particular passage or topic;

-providing input and opinions to topics as a direct result of analysis and research;

-reasoning in an effort to develop an argument of your own opinion.

It is important for a student to understand more than definition(定义). One way to truly understand an idea is to have hands-on practice, and to apply concepts learned in a textbook. Such “mini-examples” will interest a student and improve their understanding of a topic. This is how life-long skills can be developed.

Teachers that use critical thinking practices in the classroom can “go above and beyond” by asking questions that promote a greater comprehension of the material. Instructors should be able to challenge students and create an environment where they are analyzing material and gaining a better understanding. This will make the classroom move in a direction for learning. It can also help students to stay interested in the course material, as they always have a new concept to consider.

At the same time, students benefit greatly from developing critical thinking skills. When learned early on, these skills can be used throughout their college education. Students can understand how to consider a topic, analyze it, and discuss it from different points of view. These are skills that will benefit them when they are part of the workforce as well.

1.Who are the intended readers of the passage?

A. Teachers. B. Parents.

C. Examines. D. Headmasters.

2.Critical thinking can best be described as .

A. a system to improve people’s memory

B. a method to expand people’s knowledge

C. a way to increase people’s ability to understand

D. a process to make people more critical of others

3.The underlined word “it” in Paragraph 1 refers to .

A. the ability B. the difference

C. the course D. the material

4.The author thinks “mini-examples” are useful because they .

A. assist students to better remember definitions

B. give students hands-on practice

C. help to keep students interested

D. help students develop concepts


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