
Dear Michelle:

Why can't my daughter manage her life better? She is 17 and an honor student, but she seems to be wasting her life away with a boyfriend who is holding her back.

He consumes every waking minute of her precious time and smooth-talks her as well.

His goal is to get her to agree to go to the college of his choice, not her choice, and because his grades are lower, his choice will be limited.

I feel like I want to rescue her, but she pushes me away and shuts me out. She has only brought us pride and joy; and now this! Help!

A worried mother

Dear Mother of a 17-year-old Girl:

What's the matter with kids today? Remember that song from "Bye Bye Birdie"?

Well if you do not, let me fill you in about teenagers and their life-management skills. Do not expect too much too soon because at the ripe age of 17, life-management is not within their reach, not should it be.

Life experience creates both the conditions and the skills for management, and if management went before experience, there would be little of it.

Your daughter is an honor student for good reasons. She is smart, studies with

intelligence and you have given her good Values.

When the time comes for her to apply for college, and she visits the ones that were specifically designed for student the top of their grade, she will most likely break away from her boyfriend's influence.

It is rare for an honor student to change the path of their academic career for puppy love. That being said, there might be some adolescent wisdom in her behavior after all.

Perhaps she is choosing to worry you, her parents, for unconscious reasons. Being such a good girl and being a steady source of joy might have become a bit too much for her.

Let your daughter have her own private moment of 11th grade rebellion. She deserves a break from perfection.


1.From the mother's letter we can learn that her daughter__________.

A. is being fooled by the boy

B. has fallen behind in her studies

C. doesn't talk much with her mother

D. has chosen which college to attend

2.According to Michelle, 17-year-teenagers___________.

A. are too young to manage their life

B. are old enough to live their own life

C. should have management before experience

D. have reached the age of an adult

3.Michelle seems to believe that the daughter will finally __________.

A. come up with the right decision

B. follow her boyfriend's advice

C. worry her parents for unconscious reasons

D. influence her boyfriend's behavior

4.The best title for the passage would be__________.

A. College of kids’ own choice

B. How can I help my girl?

C. How to manage teenagers’ life?

D. A 17-year-old girl and her mother








1.I feel like I want to rescue her, but she pushes me away and shuts me out.”可知,女儿不愿意跟妈妈交谈,故选C。

2.because at the ripe age of 17, life-management is not within their reach, not should it be.”可知,对于17岁的青少年来说,让他们学会管理自己的生活,有点苛刻了,因为他们还没有能力安排好自己的生活,故选A。

3.and she visits the ones that were specifically designed for student the top of their grade, she will most likely break away from her boyfriend's influence.”可知,Michelle认为到选择大学的时候,她会遇到一些专为尖子生准备的备选大学,到时,她会摆脱男朋友的影响。Michelle认为这个女孩会作出正确的决定,故选A。




As a leading Chinese language school and a cultural exchange institute in China,Global Exchange Education Center has been providing Mandarin (or Putonghua) language courses and cultural exchange programs for over a decade.

How to apply for our programs

■In order to apply for all of our programs, you must beat least 18 years old. in good health,

a senior high school graduate.

■Application Procedure for Chinese Language Programs

Step 1. Send us a completed application form by email or fax.

Step 2. Send us $60 application fee after receiving our email confirmation.

Step 3. Arrange the payment transfer.

Step 4. Plan the trip to Beijing.

■Application Procedure for Chinese Business Internship (实习)Program

Step 1. Send us a completed application form with your CV and personal statement for the program by email or fax.

Step 2. Send us $ 310, including $60 application fee and $250 internship placement deposit, after receiving our letter of acceptance for the program.

Step 3. Arrange final payment transfer after receiving our second confirmation.

Step 4. Plan the trip to Beijing.

■Personal Statement for applicants for Chinese Business Internship Program

You should state why you want to take this program and what your expectations of the program are. How you will make use of this program in your future career.

■ Application Deadlines

The applications for most programs are reviewed on a rolling basis. You are encouraged to submit your application ahead of the application deadlines.


Having received your application, Global Exchange Education Center usually sends out an email confirmation for the booking within 2-5 working days.

1.The text is probably written for ______.

A. junior high graduates B. international students

C. job seekers D. language trainers

2.If you apply for both of the programs, the total application fees will be ______.

A. $310. B. $ 120. C. $250. D. $ 370.

3. If you want to apply for Chinese Business Internship program successfully, you'll ______.

A. send the application form by post

B. send personal statement and CV only

C. have to get confirmed at least twice

D. have to make a travel plan in Beijing

4.Which of the following is not necessarily included in applicants,personal statement?

A. Their purposes of taking the program.

B. Their expectations of the program.

C. Their future practice of the program.

D. Their feedbacks on the program.


My class and I visited Chris Care Center in Phoenix, Arizona to comfort the old people who needed a little cheering up during the holiday season.

The first two there were for persons requiring help in taking care of themselves. We sang for them. They loved our sweet songs and the flowers that we left with them.

As we were on the third floor for old people with Alzheimer (老年痴呆症), most of them off at the walls or floor. However, one lady my eye. She was sitting by the door, in a wheelchair, singing songs to herself. They weren’t the songs that we were singing, at least they didn’t like that. As we got with each festive song, she did as well. The louder we got, the louder she got. she was singing, she was also out to us with her hands and body. I knew that I should have gone over to her, but I thought that my were to my students. People who worked at the care center could to her, I thought. Just when I stopped feeling about not giving her the attention she needed, one of my students, Justin, showed me what the holiday season is really about.

Justin also the same lady. The difference between us is that he on her needs, but I didn’t. During the last song, “Silent Night,” Justin walked over to her and held her hand. He looked this aged lady in her and with his actions said, “You are important, and I will take my to let you know that.”

This tired, elderly lady stopped singing and held his hand. Then she touched his cheek with the other hand. Tears began to fall down her face. No can completely describe that touching moment...

It a boy to teach me, a man, about kindness and love. Justin’s example of a complete, selfless attitude toward another was a that I will never forget. He was the teacher that day, and I consider myself to have witnessed his lesson.

1.A. floors B. buildings C. rooms D. groups

2.A. beautifully B. shyly C. madly D. bravely

3.A. singing B. meeting C. gathering D. dancing

4.A. shut B. stared C. paid D. glared

5.A. looked B. hurt C. escaped D. caught

6.A. appear B. hear C. sound D. feel

7.A. faster B. nearer C. louder D. higher

8.A. Because B. Though C. Since D. As

9.A. moving B. reaching C. coming D. spreading

10.A. interests B. abilities C. responsibilities D. feelings

11.A. speak B. object C. attend D. compare

12.A. guilty B. sure C. afraid D. scary

13.A. feared B. noticed C. helped D. avoided

14.A. called B. acted C. insisted D. kept

15.A. tears B. hands C. face D. eyes源:

16.A. body B. flower C. time D. cheek

17.A. songs B. poems C. expressions D. words

18.A. made B. wasted C. caused D. took

19.A. lesson B. message C. activity D. class

20.A. clever B. lucky C. right D. foolish


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