I always remembered the first time I took part in an English composition competition. “Right! Dean would be the of our class to participate in the English composition competition,” my classmates said. (Applauding)

I was too to speak when I heard what my classmates said. In order not to short of my classmates’ I trained myself very hard for the hope of being the of the competition, which would take place a month later. I a lot of vocabulary, sentence structures and rules and read many good or renowned articles. Not having I pretty well, the day came. Every candidate me looked so well –prepared and . “Only 1.5 hours. Start,” a supervisor suddenly said. Seeing the “What do most teenagers concern nowadays?” I was nervous and got block. What’s worse, other candidates had begun writing. Moments later, I myself, took a deep breath, and began brainstorming ideas the topic. I quickly wrote down the composition structure, central theme, and necessary elements. As the finishing time was , I tried my best to accelerate my writing. Unfortunately, my failure of time management, I left my composition incomplete. My final draft looked like a robot legs were broken.

The result came out two weeks later. To my surprise, I got the second prize! All my classmates cheered for me. This encouraged me a lot. I was not the first prize winner, I could still the scent of pride and happiness spreading around me.

1.A.playerB.choice C.representativeD.person








9.A.besidesB.exceptC.except forD.as well as




13.A.persuadedB.toldC.encouragedD.c almed


15.A.another B.the otherC.otherD.others


17.A.thanks forB.due toC.as a resultD.on account

18.A.of whichB.whichC.whoseD.that

19.A.HoweverB.As a resultC.Worse stillD.Although



What can help you make a fortune in the future? Graduating from a top university might not be enough. A new study from the University of Essex in Britain has shown that the more friends you have in school, the more money you'll earn later.

The idea that popularity could have a serious impact on one's earning potential shouldn't come as too much of a surprise. The researchers noted that if you want to get ahead in life, social skills and networking are easily as powerful as talent and hard work.

“If a person has lots of friends, it means that he or she has the ability to get along with others in all kinds of different situations," said XuYanchun, 17, from Nantou High School in Shenzhen, who totally agreed with the recent finding. "Also, friends always help each other. They not only create wider social circles for you but lift your mood when you occasionally feel depressed," said Xu. She believed that all this helps you "earn a higher salary”.

Maybe that's why some people think the younger generations are in the age of Friendalholism (交友狂症). A woman even complained that the networking website Face book's 5,000-friend limit was too low for her large reserve of social contacts.

But what does a friend mean? Should friends be regarded as a form of currency?

“Call me uncoil, but I think of a friend as an actual person with whom I have an actual history and whom I enjoy actually seeing. It seems, however, that this is no longer the definition (定义) of ‘friend',” said Meghan Daum, who works with The Los Angeles Times in the US.

1.The new study from the University of Essex in Britain shows that _________.

A. if you have more friends you will not live happily.

B. the more friends you have in school, the more money you'll earn in your late life.

C. the less friends you have, the poor lives you will live.

D. friends can make more money for you.

2. According to Xu Yanchun, when you have lots of friends, it means_____

A. You have the ability to earn more money.

B. You will not feel lonely.

C .You are quite content with your life.

D. You have the ability to get along with others in various situations.

3.What’s the main idea of the passage ?

A. The passage mainly tells us something about the friendship.

B. Friends plays an more important part in our daily life than anything else.

C. Friends are currency.

D. Friends give you success.

4.We can learn from the passage that _________.

A. If you have more friends, you can make a fortune in the future.

B. Graduating from college means that you can make a fortune in the future.

C. Friends means a form of currency.

D. Friends can make you wider social circle and make you feel better when you feel depressed.


Usually, when your teacher asks a question, there is only one correct answer. But there is one question that has millions of current answers. That question is “What’s your name?” Everyone gives a different answer, but everyone is correct.

Have you ever wondered about people’s names? Where do they come from? What do they mean?

People’s first names, or given names, are chosen by their parents. Sometimes the name of a grandparent or other member of the family is used. Some parents choose the name of a well-known person. A boy could be named George Washington Smith; a girl could be named Helen Keller Jones.

Some people give their children names that mean good things. Clara means “bright”; Beatrice means “one who gives happiness”; Donald means “world ruler”; Leonard means “as brave as a lion”.

The earliest last names, or surnames, were taken from place names. A family with the name Brook or Brooks probably lived near brook(小溪);someone who was called Longstreet probably lived on a long, paved road. The Greenwood family lived in or near a leafy forest.

Other early surnames came from people’s occupations. The most common occupational name is Smith, which means a person who makes things with iron or other metals. In the past, smiths were very important workers in every town and village. Some other occupational names are: Carter — a person who owned or drove a cart; Potter —a person who made pots and pans.

The ancestors of the Baker family probably baked bread for their neighbors in their native village. The Carpenter’s great-great-great-grandfather probably built houses and furniture.

Sometimes people were known for the color of their hair or skin, or their size, or their special abilities. When there were two men who were named John in the same village, the John with the gray hair probably became John Gray. Or the John was very tall could call himself John Tallman. John Fish was probably an excellent swimmer and John Lightfoot was probably a fast runner or a good dancer.

Some family names were made by adding something to the father’s name. English-speaking people added –s or –son. The Johnsons are descendants of John; the Roberts family’s ancestor was Robert. Irish and Scottish people added Mac or Mc or O. Perhaps all of the MacDonnells and the MacDonnells and the O’Donnells are descendants of the same Donnell.

1.Which of the following aspects do the surnames in the passage NOT cover?

A. Places where people lived.

B. People’s characters.

C. Talents that people possessed.

D. People’s occupations.

2. According to the passage, the ancestors of the Potter family most probably _______.

A. owned or drove a cart

B. made things with metals

C. made kitchen tools or contains

D. built houses and furniture

3.Suppose and English couple whose ancestors lived near a leafy forest wanted their new-born son to become a world leader, the baby might be named _______.

A. Beatrice Smith B. Leonard Carter

C. George Longstreet D. Donald Greenwood

4.The underlined word “descendants” in the last paragraph means a person’s _____

A. later generations B. friends and relatives

C. colleagues and partners D. later sponsors


Home stay provides English language students with the opportunity to speak English outside the classroom and the experience of being part of a British home.

What to Expect

The host will provide accommodation and meals. Rooms will be cleaned and bedcovers changed at least once a week. You will be given the house key and the host is there to offer help and advice as well as to take an interest in your physical and mental health.

Accommodation Zones

Home stays are located in London mainly in Zones2,3 and of the transport system. Most hosts do not live in the town centre as much of central London is commercial and not residential(居住的). Zones3 and 4often offer larger accommodation in a less crowned area. It is very convenient to travel in London by Underground.

Meal Plans Available

? Continental Breakfast

? Breakfast and Dinner

? Breakfast, Packed Lunch and Dinner

It’s important to note that few English families still provide a traditional cooked breakfast. Your accommodation includes Continental Breakfast which normally consists of fruit juice, cereal(谷物类食品),bread and tea or coffee. Cheese, fruit and cold meat are not normally

part of a Continental Breakfast in England. Dinners usually consist of meat or fish with vegetables followed by desert, fruit and coffee.


If you wish to invite a friend over to visit. You must first ask your host’s permission. You have no right to entertain friends in a family home as some families feel it is an invasion of their privacy.

Self-Catering Accommodation in Private Homes

Accommodation on a room-only basis includes shared kitchen and bathroom facilities and often a main living room. This kind of accommodation offers an independent lifestyle and is more suitable for the long-stay student. However, it does not provide the same family atmosphere as an ordinary home stay and may not benefit those who need to practise English at home quite as much.

1.The passage is probably written for ____________.

A. host willing to receive foreign students

B. foreigners hoping to build British culture

C. travellers planning to visit families in London

D. English learners applying to like in English homes

2. Which of the following will the host provide?

A. Room cleaning. B.Medical care.

C.Free transport. D.Physical training.

3.What can be inferred from Paragraph3?

Zone 4 is more crowded than Zone 2

B. The business centre of London is in Zone.

C. Hosts dislike travelling to the city centre.

D. Zone 2 is more crowded than Zone 4.

4. According to the passage. What does continental Breakfast include?

A. Dessert and coffee B. Fruit and vegetables.

C. bread and fruit juice D. Centre and cold meat.


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