
Home stay provides English language students with the opportunity to speak English outside the classroom and the experience of being part of a British home.

What to Expect

The host will provide accommodation and meals. Rooms will be cleaned and bedcovers changed at least once a week. You will be given the house key and the host is there to offer help and advice as well as to take an interest in your physical and mental health.

Accommodation Zones

Home stays are located in London mainly in Zones2,3 and of the transport system. Most hosts do not live in the town centre as much of central London is commercial and not residential(居住的). Zones3 and 4often offer larger accommodation in a less crowned area. It is very convenient to travel in London by Underground.

Meal Plans Available

? Continental Breakfast

? Breakfast and Dinner

? Breakfast, Packed Lunch and Dinner

It’s important to note that few English families still provide a traditional cooked breakfast. Your accommodation includes Continental Breakfast which normally consists of fruit juice, cereal(谷物类食品),bread and tea or coffee. Cheese, fruit and cold meat are not normally

part of a Continental Breakfast in England. Dinners usually consist of meat or fish with vegetables followed by desert, fruit and coffee.


If you wish to invite a friend over to visit. You must first ask your host’s permission. You have no right to entertain friends in a family home as some families feel it is an invasion of their privacy.

Self-Catering Accommodation in Private Homes

Accommodation on a room-only basis includes shared kitchen and bathroom facilities and often a main living room. This kind of accommodation offers an independent lifestyle and is more suitable for the long-stay student. However, it does not provide the same family atmosphere as an ordinary home stay and may not benefit those who need to practise English at home quite as much.

1.The passage is probably written for ____________.

A. host willing to receive foreign students

B. foreigners hoping to build British culture

C. travellers planning to visit families in London

D. English learners applying to like in English homes

2. Which of the following will the host provide?

A. Room cleaning. B.Medical care.

C.Free transport. D.Physical training.

3.What can be inferred from Paragraph3?

Zone 4 is more crowded than Zone 2

B. The business centre of London is in Zone.

C. Hosts dislike travelling to the city centre.

D. Zone 2 is more crowded than Zone 4.

4. According to the passage. What does continental Breakfast include?

A. Dessert and coffee B. Fruit and vegetables.

C. bread and fruit juice D. Centre and cold meat.







试题分析: 本文讲述的是寄居在当地人家里能够提供给学英语的学生在教室外面讲英语的机会同时也会有成为一个英国家庭的一部分的经历

1.推理题。根据文章第一段Home stay provides English language students with the opportunity to speak English outside the classroom and the experience of being part of a British home.可知本文是给那些想到英国去学习语言的人所写的,介绍homestay的信息。故选D项。

2.  细节题。根据文章第二段Rooms will be cleaned and bedcovers changed at least once a week.可知A项Room cleaning是对方提供的服务之一,故选A项。

3.推断题。根据第三段提到的Home stays are located in London mainly in Zones 2, 3 and 4 of the transport system. Most hosts do not live in the town centre as much of central London is commercial and not residential.可知伦敦1区是商业的集中区,2,3,4区有很多homestay的服务 故选B项。。

4.细节题。根据倒数第三段提到Your accommodation includes Continental Breakfast which normally consists of fruit juice, cereal, bread and tea or coffee.可知C项是传统的英国早餐的内容,故选C项。



China’s new term, tuhao, may be in next year’s Oxford English Dictionary. The word caught the attention of the dictionary's editing team after BBC’s recent program on influential Chinese words. “If its influence continues, it is very likely to appear on our updated list of words,” said Julie Kleeman, project manager with the editing team.

In Chinese tu means uncouth (笨拙的) and hao means rich. It has traditionally been referred to rich people who throw their weight around in China’s countryside. The word became more popular in September with the launch of Apple’s new gold-colored iPhone, which is loved by China’s rich people. The color became known as “tuhao gold.” The word is now also used by the online community to refer to people who have the cash but lack the class to go with it. Kleeman also mentioned two other Chinese words — dama and hukou — which may also make it into the dictionary.

People can have an intuitive (直观的) grasp of the meanings if they see pinyin, Kleeman said, adding that people avoid using an English word to keep the original meaning.

“We have nearly 120 Chinese-linked words now in Oxford English Dictionary,” she said. Some of them are: Guanxi, which means “connection”; Taikonaut, a mix of taikong, meaning outer space, and astronaut.

The new words will be first uploaded on the official website before the dictionaries arrive. The online version is also renewed every three months. “It at least broke our old rules. It used to take 10 years to include a new word but now we keep the pace with the time,” according to a statement from ex-chief-editor John Simpson.

1.Which of the following statements is true according to the text?

A. Dama and hukou have made it into Oxford English dictionary.

B. Some influential Chinese words appeared on one of BBC’s recent programs.

C. tuhao refers to people who have both the cash and the class.

D. John Simpson thinks that it is not good to break old rules.

2.What does the underlined part in paragraph 2 mean?

A. Give orders to others. B. Get ready to help others.

C. Go on a diet. D. Put on weight.

3.Tuhao becomes more popular in September partly because ______.

A. it is very likely to appear in Oxford English Dictionary

B. it is often used by the online community

C. people use Chinese pinyin to keep the original meaning

D. Apple launched a new gold-colored iPhone

4.The main idea of the text is that ______.

A. tuhao may end up in Oxford English Dictionary

B. sometimes pinyin makes Chinese words better understood

C. tuhao has a new meaning at the present time

D. Oxford English Dictionary Includes new words faster than before


A huge cloud of dust rose and an overpass disappeared. This was the scene in Zhuzhou,Hunan Province on May 17.Nine people were killed and 16 injured.

Things were similar last year in the Sichuan earthquake. Thousands of people were buried in the ruins and lost their lives. What if we could have warned them?

People are always racking their brains to find a way of preventing buildings’ collapse. Better materials and technology help,but they are not a solution.

Just like humans,a building has its own life cycle from “birth” to “death”.If we know when a building is going to collapse,we can repair it in advance or get out of it before it falls.

Now,scientists at the University of Illinois have developed a material that turns red before it breaks. The invention could be used in things like climbing ropes or bridge supports.

The research was led by Nancy Sottos,a professor at the university’s Beckman Institute,and Douglas Davis,a graduate research assistant.

The secret behind the color?changing material is a type of molecule (分子).A molecule is a group of atoms held together by chemical bonds. Imagine you and your friends standing in a circle,holding hands. Each person stands for one atom,your hands represent the bonds,and the entire circle represents a molecule. If one person lets go of his or her hands,the molecule changes color.

The research team put the molecule into a soft material. When the researchers stretched the material,it turned bright red for a few seconds before it broke into two pieces. When they repeatedly stretched and relaxed the material,without breaking it,it only turned a little red.

The major problem is that light can get rid of the red color. When the team shone bright light on the molecule,the broken bond was fixed,and the color disappeared.

If the bright light keeps the red color from appearing,the material’s warning system will be useless. Scientists still have a lot of work to do before the color?changing molecules can be used outside the lab.

1.What does the passage mainly introduce?

A.The collapse of an overpass in Zhuzhou,Hunan Province.

B.The Sichuan earthquake

C.A material that turns red before it breaks.

D.A way of preventing building from collapsing.

2.The underlined words “racking their brains” in the third paragraph mean ________.

A.suffering a lot B.collecting beyond imagination

C.losing a lot D.thinking very hard

3.Which of the following is a WRONG statement?

A.Thousands of people died from the collapse of buildings in the Sichuan earthquake because they hadn’t been warned.

B.There is no building that will never collapse.

C.A new material has been applied to buildings to warn people of collapse.

D.A color?changing material can turn red before it breaks.

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A.The color?changing molecules are certain to be used outside the lab.

B.There will be no collapse with the help of the color?changing material.

C.There is a long way to go before the material can be applied.

D.The problem caused by bright light will be solved by scientists.


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