There was a woman named Japan Atsuko Saeki living in the city of Fujisawa.When she was a teenager, she of going to the United States.Most of what she knew about American was from the textbooks she had read.“I had a in mind: Daddy watching TV in the living-room, Mummy cakes and their teenage daughter off to the cinema with her boyfriend.”

Atsuko __to attend college in California.When she arrived, however, she found it was not her world.“People were struggling with problems and often seemed ,” she said.“I felt very alone.”

One of her hardest was physical education.“We played volleyball,” she said.“The other students were it, but I wasn’t.”

One afternoon, the instructor asked Atsuko to the ball to her teammates so they could knock it the net.No problem for most people, but it terrified Atsuko.She was afraid of losing face __she failed.

A young man on her team what she was going through.“He walked up to me and , ‘Come on.You can do that.’”

“You will never understand how those words of made me feel…Four words: You can do that.I felt like crying with happiness.”

She made it through the class.Perhaps she thanked the young man; she is not .

Six years have passed.Atsuko is back in Japan, working as a salesclerk.“I have   forgotten the words,” she said.“When things are not going so well, I think of them.”

She is sure the young man had no idea how much his kindness to her. “He probably doesn’t even remember it,” she said.That may be the lesson.Whenever you say something to a person cruel or kind—you have no idea how long the words will .She’s all the way over in Japan, but still she hears those four words: You can do that.

1.A.learned B.dreamed C.spoken D.heard

2.A.picture D.spirit B.painting C.way D.drawing

4.A.frying B.baking C.steaming D.boiling

5.A.hoped B.attempted C.liked D.arranged

6.A.described B.created C.imagined D.discovered

7.A.tense B.cheerful C.relaxed D.deserted

8.A.classes B.questions C.times D.projects

9.A.curious about B.nervous about C.slow at D.good at

10.A.kick B.hit C.carry D.pass

11.A.over B.into C.through D.past

12.A.if B.after C.because D.until

13.A.believed B.considered C.sensed D.wondered

14.A.warned B.whispered C.ordered D.sighed

15.A.excitement B.suggestion C.persuasion D.encouragement

16.A.interested B.sure C.puzzled D.doubtful

17.A.seldom B.already C.never D.almost

18.A.happened B.applied C.meant D.seemed

19.A.stay B.continue C.exist

20.A.merciful B.bitter C.easy D.simple


In 1901, H.G.Wells, an English writer, wrote a book describing a trip to the moon.When the explorers landed on the moon, they discovered that the moon was full of underground cities.They expressed their surprise to the “moon people” they met.In turn, the “moon people” expressed their surprise.“Why,” they asked, “are you traveling to outer space when you don’t even use your inner space?”

H.G.Wells could only imagine travel to the moon.In 1969, human beings really did land on the moon.People today know that there are no underground cities on the moon.However, the question that the “moon people” asked is still an interesting one.A growing number of scientists are seriously thinking about it.

Underground systems are already in place.Many cities have underground car parks.In some cities, such as Tokyo, Seoul and Montreal, there are large underground shopping areas.The “Chunnel”, a tunnel(隧道) connecting England and France, is now complete.

But what about underground cities? Japan’s Taisei Corporation is designing a network of underground systems, called “Alice Cities.” The designers imagine using surface space for public parks and using underground space for flats, offices, shopping, and so on.A solar dome(太阳能穹顶) would cover the whole city.

Supporters of underground development say that building down rather than building up is a good way to use the earth’s space.The surface, they say, can be used for farms, parks, gardens, and wilderness.H.G.Wells’ “moon people” would agree.Would you?

1.The explorers in H.G.Wells’ story were surprised to find that the “moon people” _____.

A.lived in so many underground cities

B.knew so much about the earth

C.understood their language

D.were ahead of them in space technology

2.What does the underlined word “it” refer to?

A.Discovering the moon’s inner space.B.Traveling to outer space.

C.Meeting the “moon people” again.D.Using the earth’s inner space.

3.What sort of underground systems are already here with us?

A.Tunnels, car parks, shopping areas.

B.Offices, shopping areas, power stations.

C.Gardens, car parks, power stations.

D.Tunnels, gardens, offices.

4.What would be the best title for the text?

A.Alice Cities—cities of the future.B.Space travel with H.G.Wells.

C.Building down, not up. D.Enjoy living underground.


LONDON (Reuters)—Organic fruit, delivered right to the doorstep.That is what Gabriel Gold prefers, and he is willing to pay for it.If this is not possible, the 26-year-old computer technician will spend the extra money at the supermarket to buy organic food.

“Organic produce is always better,” Gold said.“The food is free of pesticides(农药), and you are generally supporting family farms instead of large farms.And more often than not it is locally grown and seasonal, so it is more tasty.” Gold is one of a growing number of shoppers buying into the organic trend, and supermarkets across Britain are counting on more like him as they grow their organic food business.But how many shoppers really know what they are getting, and why are they willing to pay a higher price for organic produce? Market research shows that Gold and others who buy organic food can generally give clear reasons for their preferences—but their knowledge of organic food is far from complete.For example, small amounts of pesticides can be used on organic products.And about three quarters of organic food in Britain is not local but imported to meet growing demand.“The demand for organic food is increasing by about one third every year, so it is a very fast-growing market,” said Sue Flock, a specialist in this line of business.

1.More and more people in Britain are buying organic food because _____.

A.they are getting richer

B.they can get the food anywhere

C.they like home-grown fruit

D.they consider the food free of pollution

2.Which of the following statements is true to the facts about most organic produce sold in Britain?

A.It grows indoors all year round.

B.It is grown on family farms

C.It is produced outside Britain.

D.It is produced on large farms.

3.What is the meaning of “the organic trend” as the words are used in the text?

A.better quality of organic food.

B.growing interest in organic food.

C.rising market for organic food.

D.higher prices of organic food.

4.What is the best title for this news story?

A.The making of organic food in Britain.

B.Organic food—to import or not?

C.Good qualities of organic food.

D.Organic food—healthy, or just for the wealthy?



City Varieties

The Headrow, Leeds.Tel.430808.

Oct 10—11 only.A Night at the Varieties.All the fun of an old music hall with Barry Cryer, Duggle Brown, 6 dancers, Mystina, Jon Barker, Anne Dural and the Tony Harrison Trio; Laugh again at the old jokes and listen to your favorite songs.

Performances: 8 pm nightly.

Admission: ?5; under 16 or over 60: ?4.

York Theatre Royal

St Leonard’s Place, York.Tel.223568.

Sept 23—Oct 17 Groping for Words—a comedy by Sue Townsend.Best known for her Adrian Mole Diaries, Townsend now writes about an evening class, which two men and a woman attend.A gentle comedy.

Admission: First night, Mon: ?2; Tues—Fri: ?3.25—5.50; Sat: ?3.50—5.75.

Halifax Playhouse

King’s Cross Street, Halifax.Tel.365998.

Oct 10—17 On Golden Pond by Ernest Thompson.This is a magical comedy about real people.A beautifully produced, well-acted play for everyone.Don’t miss it.

Performances: 7:30 pm.

Admission: ?2.Mon: 2 seats for the price of one.

Grand Theatre

Oxford Street, Leeds.Tel.502116.

Restaurant and Café.

Oct—17 The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole, Aged 13.Sue Townsend’s musical play, based on her best-selling book.

Performances: Evenings 7:45.October 10—17, at 2:30 pm.No Monday performances.

Admission: Tues—Thurs: ?2—5; Fri & Sat: ?2—6.

1.Which theatre offers the cheapest seat?

A.City Varieties. B.Halifax Playhouse.

C.Grand Theatre. D.York Theatre Royal.

2.If you want to see a play with old jokes and songs, which phone number will you ring to book a seat?

A.502116. B.223568. C.430808. D.365998.

3.We may learn from the text that Sue Townsend is _____.

A.a director actressC.a musician D.a writer


According to Beth Anaclerio, an Evaston mother of two, ages 4 and 18 months, a child’s birthday party doesn’t have to be a hassle; it can be a basket of fun, “Having a party at home usually requires a lot of running around on the part of the parents, and often the birthday boy or girl gets lost in wild excitement.But it really doesn’t have to be that way,” said Anaclerio.Last summer, Anaclerio and her friend Jill Carlisle, a Northbrook mother of a 2-year-old, founded a home party-planning business called “A Party in a Basket.” Their goal is to help parents and children share in the fun part of party planning, like choosing the subject or making a cake, while they take care of everything.

Drawing on their experiences as mothers, they have created 10 ready-to-use, home party packages.Everything a family needs to plan a party, except the cake and ice cream, is delivered to the home in a large basket.

“Our parties are aimed for children 2 to 10,” Anaclerio said, “and they’re very interactive(互动) and creative in that they build a sense of drama based on a subject.For example, at the Soda Shoppe party the guests become waiters and waitresses and build wonderful ice cream creations.”

The standard $200 package for eight children includes a basket filled with invitations, gifts, games and prizes, paper goods, a party planner and the like.For more information, call Anaclerio at 708-864-6584 or Carlisle at 708-205-9141.

1.The main purpose of writing this text is _____. share information about party planning introduce the joys of a birthday party sell a service announce a business plan

2.The most important idea behind the kind of party planning described here is that _____. brings parents and children closer together

B.guests play a part in the preparation of a party

C.parents are spared the trouble of sending invitations provides a subject of conversation

3.What does the underlined word “hassle” probably mean?

A.a party designed by specialists.

B.a plan requiring careful thought.

C.a demand made by guests.

D.a situation causing difficulty or trouble.

4.Which of the following is most likely to be a party planner?





Starting high school means changes in your life.Most teenagers look forward to the first day of high school, but still feel a little bit nervous.In order to make your high school life easier, ____1.____

Learn all you can about your first day before the first school day.Take part in some activities that are held at the school for new students to know the school better.If parents are invited to these activities, take yours with you.Carefully look over all the materials you receive.____2.____

Get the things you will need for class.Buy the things suggested on your teachers’ supply lists and place your materials for each class separately.

____3.____ If you find you’re not doing well in a subject, make use of after-school study groups or ask your teacher to help you with your schoolwork.Consider private tutoring to get you through a difficult time.

There’s more extracurricular (课外的) activities in high school than in middle school, such as clubs, music and theatre groups, student government, and sports teams.Make friends and be seen at such school activities.____4.___ Ask someone in the school office about opportunities to take part in school activities if you don’t know how.This is a good time to do what you like doing and an opportunity to try new things.Who said school has to be all work and no play?

Since you’re attending more activities in high school than in middle school, ____5.____ can follow these tips.

B.Keep up with your high school workload. are some tips for you to follow.

D.Be sure you know where the school’s buildings are.’ll have to learn to manage your time.

F.Join a club or other organizations to meet people and develop friendships.

G.All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.


Last week my youngest son and I visited my father at his new home in Tucson, Arizona. He moved there a few years ago, and I was eager to see his new place and meet his friends.

My earliest memories of my father are of a tall, handsome successful man devoted to his work and family, but uncomfortable with his children. As a child I loved him; as a school girl and young adult I feared him and felt bitter about him. He seemed unhappy with me unless I got straight A’s and unhappy with my boyfriends if their fathers were not as “successful” as he was. Whenever I went out with him on weekends, I used to struggle to think up things to say, feeling on guard.

On the first day of my visit, we went out with one of my father’s friends for lunch at an outdoor cafe. We walked along that afternoon, did some shopping, ate on the street table, and laughed over my son’s funny facial expressions. Gone was my father’s critical (挑剔的) air and strict rules. Who was this person I knew as my father, who seemed so friendly and interesting be around? What had held him back before?

The next day my dad pulled out his childhood pictures and told me quite a few stories about his own childhood. Although our times together became easier over the years, I never felt closer to him at that moment. After so many years, I’m at last seeing another side of my father. And in so doing. I’m delighted with my new friend. My dad, in his mew home in Arizona, is back to me from where he was.

1.Why did the author feel bitter about her father when she was a young adult?

A. He was silent most of the time.

B. He was too proud of himself.

C. He did not love his children.

D. He expected too much of her.

2.When the author went out with her father on weekends, she would feel ________.

A. nervous B. sorry

C. tired D. safe

3.What does the author think of her father after her visit to Tucson?

A. More critical. B. More talkative

C. Gentle and friendly. D. Strict and hard-working.

4.The underlined words “my new friend” in the last paragraph refer to ________.

A. the author’s son

B. the author’s father

C. the friend of the author’s father

D. the café owner


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