
Four years ago, Chris Nagele did what many other technology CEOs have done before he moved his team into an open concept office.

His staff had been working from home, but he wanted everyone to be together, to bond and communicate more easily. It quickly became clear, though, that Nagele had made a huge mistake. Everyone was distracted, productivity suffered and the nine employees were unhappy, not to mention Nagele himself. In April 2015, about three years after moving into the open office, Nagele moved the company into a 10,000-square foot office where everyone now has their own space complete with closing doors.

Numerous companies have embraced the open office about 70% of US offices are open concept and by most accounts, very few have moved back into traditional spaces with offices and doors. But research that we’re 15% less productive, we have great trouble concentrating and we’re twice as likely to get sick in open working spaces, has contributed to a growing backlash(反对) against open offices.

Since moving, Nagele himself has heard from others in technology who say they long for the closed office lifestyle. It’s unlikely that the open office concept will go away anytime soon, but some companies are following Nagele’s example and making a return to private spaces.

There’s one big reason we’d all love a space with four walls and a door that shuts: concentration. The truth is, we cant multitask and small distractions can cause us to lose concentration for more than 20 minutes. Beside the cheaper cost, one main argument for the open workspace is that it increases teamwork. However, it’s well documented that we rarely brainstorm brilliant ideas when we just talk casually in a crowd.

【1】 How did Nagele feel three years after moving into the open office?

A. He felt satisfied with it.

B. He felt doubtful about it.

C. He regretted his decision.

D. He was confused about it.

【2】 What made Nagele move the company in April 2015 again?

A. The suggestions from his friends.

B. The cheaper cost of the new office.

C. The complaints from his employees.

D. The negative results of the open office.

【3】What do we know about offices from the text?

A. The minority of US companies choose open offices.

B. Nagele influenced some companies to move offices.

C. Many US companies are moving into private offices.

D. Open offices will soon be replaced by traditional ones.

【4】 What is the best title for the text?

A. Open workspace matters a lot

B. Why open offices are bad for us

C. Productivity suffers in private space

D. New trends of offices excite companies


Tired of your quiet routine? 16 and taking up an extreme sport?

You can ride a bicycle, right? In that case youre half way to becoming a mountain biker. All you have to do is take your bike off the road and try some rough areas. 17 and became an Olympic sport in 1996. In the London 2012 Olympic Games athletes had to navigate a 4.7-kilometre track in less than two hours.

Not challenging enough? Skydivers(花样跳伞运动员) jump from aircraft at an altitude of 1,000 to 4,000 metres. 18 . Dilys Price from Cardiff went on her first jump at the age of 54. The minute she came down she wanted to go up again. "I was hooked, "said Dilys.

It seems that theres no lack of imagination when it comes to risking life to look cool and get the heart pounding. Surfing, diving, rock climbing… How about turning one of your chores into a daredevil(冒失鬼) pursuit? 19 ! Pressing your shirt on top of a mountain could be dangerous, depending on the mountain. Extreme ironing is said to have been created in the 1990s in the English town of Leicester by a man who saw a pile of wrinkled clothes and felt bored. That was Phil Shaw who also won the only Extreme Ironing World Championships ever held, in Germany in 2002. 20 . Shaw says, "Sometimes they look confused; sometimes they laugh. Its fun to see how people respond to it."

A. Extreme ironing isnt for timid people

B. Some peple have invented base jumping

C. You can see people and cars, which is amazing

D. How about leaving your computer games behind

E. You have to be fit but theres no age limit with this sport

F. Mountain biking was developed in California in the 1970s

G. For him, the thrill of this sport comes from looking at the audiences faces

【题目】 完形填空(每小题1分,共20分)


I Am Truly Grateful That I Had Cancer

At the age of 10, I was diagnosed with cancer. During treatment, I understood everything but the 1 of my case. It was not until recently that I realized how sick I was then.

This November of 2015 will 2 my five years off chemotherapy(化疗) and I will be finally 3 of cancer.

I know sick children often felt blue. In order to help brighten their 4 , I created a program through which I brought celebrities(名人) children 5 and respected to visit them in hospitals. The 6 I received from being able to 7 up the childrens day was indescribable.

This fall, I will 8 my junior year of high school. I love learning and I truly 9 the time spent in school because during chemotherapy treatments I was often too 10 to attend. Another big part of my life is 11 activity. During my treatment it was very hard for me to walk let alone 12 . After finishing chemotherapy my main 13 was being able to run and play 14 again. Im overjoyed to say Ive been able to 15 that aim. Being able to stand on the court and play sports again is a(n) 16 feeling.

To me its important to convey a 17 of positivity and hope that anyone can make the most of any situation in life. Many dont /span> 18 and think its strange when I say this, but Im truly grateful that I had cancer. Having experienced that, I have become brave 19 have also gained appreciation for life. I know with determination everyone can follow their 20 .

【1】A. development B. seriousness C. name D. cause

【2】A. mark B. end C. begin D. reward

【3】A. warned B. informed C. suspected D. cured

【4】A. spirits B. future C. rooms D. way

【5】A. attracted B. impressed C. admired D. missed

【6】A. respect B. joy C. gift D. education

【7】A. make B. clear C. clean D. light

【8】A. enter B. leave C. visit D. drop

【9】A. kill B. save C. treasure D. waste

【10】A. young B. weak C. lazy D. busy

【11】A. mental B. indoor C. physical D. social

【12】A. swim B. lie C. jump D. run

【13】A. goal B. task C. problem D. idea

【14】A. cards B. chess C. sports D. music

【15】A. further B. kick C. set D. achieve

【16】A. amazing B. puzzling C. satisfying D. touching

【17】A. note B. message C. word D. wish

【18】A. speak B. apologize C. understand D. remember

【19】A. and B. but C. or D. so

【20】A. steps B. examples C. suggestions D. dreams

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