

Robots industry is developing so rapidly that there is no denying that we may one day find ourselves surrounded by robots.

The humanoid (human like) robots with two legs such as Honda Motor Co. Ltd’s ASIMO would likely have an easier time climbing up stairs inside homes than a robot that moves on wheels, developers say.

But it will be some time before such devices make their way into people’s homes.

“They may look smart, but they are still quite stupid,” Shimoyama said. “I don’t think they will ever be as smart as humans.”

While safety is an obvious concern, robots also need to be sensitive to people’s needs. Researchers at Fujitsu Frontech Ltd and Fujitsu Laboratories responsible for developing “Enon”, a guide and patrol (巡逻) robot designed for use in shopping malls and corporate facilities (公共场所), are working on this.

Enon, which has a humanoid upper body but no legs, is equipped with a touch screen on its chest and space in its stomach to carry loads weighting up to 10 kg.

In guide mode, it will check a newcomer and approach the person with a nod and a greeting: “Are you a visitor? Hello.”

Visitors requiring directions can point to icons (图标) displayed on Enon’s chest screen. If the restroom icon is pressed, the screen will display a map that shows the way.

The robot will then face and point in the direction of the restroom, although it won’t actually walk the visitor there.

Enon is now in use at four locations in Japan, including a shopping mall near Tokyo. The main goal is to make it more helpful for the elderly.

“People who work in the transportation sector often ask whether we can build a robot that will find elderly people who look lost in train stations, and ask them if they are all right,” said Toshihido Marita, director of Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd’s autonomous system laboratory. “Actually that is hard to do, very hard,” he said.

1 What can we know about robots according to the text?

A. They will replace human one day.

B. They are difficult to control.

C. They can do whatever humans do.

D. They will be widely used in our life.

2 What does Shimoyama think of robots?

A. Safe. B. Friendly. C. Stupid. D. Kind-hearted.

3 What is peoples concern about robots?

A. Safety. B. Appearance. C. Weight. D. Size.

4 What can be the best title of the passage?

A. The disadvantages of robots.

B. The development and use of robots.

C. The benefits that robots bring.

D. The history of robots.


Every mom or dad knows how it’s difficult to cope with a baby who doesn’t want to sleep. 【1】 You can do some chores while your little one is sleeping. There are a few things that you may want to try when your baby won’t sleep.

1. Rocking

【2】 Almost every nursery contains a rocker for this reason. For instance, I rocked my daughter and I really loved each moment of it.

2. White noise

If your baby has trouble falling asleep, it can be a difficult time for the whole family. It may sound strange, but white noise can work wonders to calm your baby. 【3】 I recommend you to try sounds such as ocean waves, the wind rushing through the trees or the sound of rain. Soft music can also be calming to your child.

3. Sleeping pattern

【4】 It’s very important to have your child on a schedule and have a sleeping pattern. This way, your baby will sleep regularly and it will make your day and night easier to plan.

4. Pretend to asleep yourself

While it’s not very effective way to help your baby sleep, if you don’t know what else you can do, this way is worth trying. When you’re lying down with your little one, pretend to be asleep yourself and see if it works. 【5】

A. It can help your little one be more ready for a sleep.

B. It can help your baby grow healthier and brighter soon.

C. One of the best ways to help your span>baby sleep is rocking.

D. Your baby needs naps and you as a parent need them too.

E. When you play music loudly enough, your baby will sleep quickly.

F. When your house is quiet and everyone is quiet, your baby may fall asleep too.

G. One of the reasons you baby has trouble sleeping is because they don’t have a schedule.

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