







Dear Bob,

I’m glad to hear from you. I’d like tell you something about my voluntary work in the city library.

I got to the library earlier every day. When new books arrived, I helped the librarians move it in, and put them onto different catalogues. After that, each of the books were numbered and put in the right place on the bookshelf.

Although it was hard work and sometimes boring, I had learned a lot. For an example, I have got the idea of how the whole library runs but how to find out the books I need in the shortest time. However, by offering this service in the library, I have made some new friends, that is a very valuable experience for me.


Li Hua













【1】第一处:tell前加to 考查固定短语的用法。would like to do sth.愿意做某事,为固定表达。

【2】第二处:earlierearly 考查形容词的用法。这里没有比较的意思,故将earlier改为early。

【3】第三处:itthem 考查人称代词的用法。这里是指代上文中的new books,所以应该用them。故将it改为them。

【4】第四处:ontointo 考查介词的用法。此句是说将书放进不同的目录里,故将onto改为into。

【5】第五处:werewas 考查主谓一致。本句前面的主语是each of the books,所以谓语动词应用单数,而不是复数形式,故将were改为was。

【6】第六处:hadhave 考查动词时态的用法。这里主要是强调到目前为止我已经学到了许多,所以要用现在完成时。故将had改为have。

【7】第七处:去掉an 考查固定短语的用法。for example例如是固定短语,故将an去掉。

【8】第八处:butand 考查并列连词的用法。此处是递进关系,而不是转折关系,故将but改为and。

【9】第九处:HoweverBesides/Also/Additionally 考查副词的用法。however用来表示转折,但从上下文来看,这里作者是说通过在图书馆里提供服务,交上了很多新的朋友,应该是进一步地告诉人们他的收获,所以将However改为Besides/Also/Additionally。

【10】第十处:thatwhich 考查定语从句的用法。分析句子成分可知,空处引导定语从句,且其前有逗号,故此处为非限制性定语从句,又因that只能引导限制性定语从句,所以将that改为which。




Robots industry is developing so rapidly that there is no denying that we may one day find ourselves surrounded by robots.

The humanoid (human like) robots with two legs such as Honda Motor Co. Ltd’s ASIMO would likely have an easier time climbing up stairs inside homes than a robot that moves on wheels, developers say.

But it will be some time before such devices make their way into people’s homes.

“They may look smart, but they are still quite stupid,” Shimoyama said. “I don’t think they will ever be as smart as humans.”

While safety is an obvious concern, robots also need to be sensitive to people’s needs. Researchers at Fujitsu Frontech Ltd and Fujitsu Laboratories responsible for developing “Enon”, a guide and patrol (巡逻) robot designed for use in shopping malls and corporate facilities (公共场所), are working on this.

Enon, which has a humanoid upper body but no legs, is equipped with a touch screen on its chest and space in its stomach to carry loads weighting up to 10 kg.

In guide mode, it will check a newcomer and approach the person with a nod and a greeting: “Are you a visitor? Hello.”

Visitors requiring directions can point to icons (图标) displayed on Enon’s chest screen. If the restroom icon is pressed, the screen will display a map that shows the way.

The robot will then face and point in the direction of the restroom, although it won’t actually walk the visitor there.

Enon is now in use at four locations in Japan, including a shopping mall near Tokyo. The main goal is to make it more helpful for the elderly.

“People who work in the transportation sector often ask whether we can build a robot that will find elderly people who look lost in train stations, and ask them if they are all right,” said Toshihido Marita, director of Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd’s autonomous system laboratory. “Actually that is hard to do, very hard,” he said.

1 What can we know about robots according to the text?

A. They will replace human one day.

B. They are difficult to control.

C. They can do whatever humans do.

D. They will be widely used in our life.

2 What does Shimoyama think of robots?

A. Safe. B. Friendly. C. Stupid. D. Kind-hearted.

3 What is peoples concern about robots?

A. Safety. B. Appearance. C. Weight. D. Size.

4 What can be the best title of the passage?

A. The disadvantages of robots.

B. The development and use of robots.

C. The benefits that robots bring.

D. The history of robots.


A. Follow a proper exercise program.

B. Dont eat desserts in between meals.

C. Keep a daily check on what you consume.

D. Have soups or salads before a normal meal.

E. Reduce the use of red meat in your food.

F. Cut down on the intake of sodas and sweetened drinks.

Almost every overweight person wants to lose weight fast and healthy. However, to lose weight fast does not mean you have to go on crash diets (急速节食) or go to extremes (走极端). But by changing a few things, you can lose weight fast and in healthy ways. There are some really easy methods to lose weight fast that include a healthy diet and a proper exercise program which are really effective when it comes to weight loss.

【1】 Red meat is high in calories and other factors that are responsible for weight gain. Instead, you can replace red meat with poultry or fish in your burgers or sandwiches. This will be a healthier choice as white meat has lower cholesterol (胆固醇) and fat than red meat.

【2】 Soups and broths made of vegetables will give a feeling of fullness and also boost nutrients in your body. Salads must include green leafy vegetables that will make you get more fiber and make you feel full.

【3】 Sodas and sweetened drinks are packed with calories. Simply cutting out a can of soda or one sports drink can save you 150 calories span>or more each day. Drinking enough water everyday will not only help in losing weight but will also clear your body of harmful toxins (毒素) and other waste products.

【4】 Its very likely to finish a meal with something sweet, for instance, dessert. But it also increases the calorie count in the body. However, for healthy weight loss, replace them with fruits to reduce fat and calories. The body will also be benefited with extra fiber, minerals and vitamins.

【5】 There are some simple exercises that will help in weight loss in a healthy way such as walking, bicycling, swimming and dancing. They are considered to be the best exercises to burn calories. Besides, it helps to build muscles, which will give you a strong and healthy body.

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