【题目】 完形填空(每小题1分,共20分)

My husband and I enjoy seeing life through the eyes of our five children. It is amazing to watch them discover their 1 .

One day last summer, our oldest daughter, Kaytlin, found a(n) 2 red squirrel .We watched from the distance, not wanting to 3 it. But after a long wait, we 4 that the tiny squirrel was likely an orphan. He was 5 and hungry. There were no wildlife rehabilitators(复健员) in our country, 6 we decided to care for the squirrel ourselves. More extensive research taught us how to 7 him and that we should release him as soon as he could 8 on his own.

Our daughters and I fed “Squit”. Kaytlin volunteered to take more 9 . She woke in the night 10 his feeds. To our 11 , Squit soon began to get better. Within a few weeks, he would ask for his next meal and playfully crawl around on the girls. It wasn’t long 12 he was reintroduced to the wild.

On the first few visits to the great outdoors, he seemed to be 13 about the surroundings. After playing in the grass for a bit, he would 14 Kaytlin for safety. Soon she had him climbing trees and finding some leaves and sticks for nests.

One day in the trees, Squit met up with a family of gray squirrels that was not 15 at all. They tried to hit him, but finally he managed to get the 16 of dealing with them. Sevral days later, he played all day in the trees and came down at bedtime. And then one raining night, he didn’t 17 . But when the sun rose the next day, there was Squit, begging for food. And that 18 the pattern for weeks.

The 19 was heartwarming for our family. In the wild and silly moments of 20 an orphaned baby squirrel, our children learned to value and appreciate life.

【1】 A. relation B. stress C. world D. problems

【2】 A. old B. baby C. big D. strong

【3】 A. disturb B. beat C. lost D. leave

【4】 A. realized B. remembered C. forgot D. admitted

【5】 A. brave B. healthy C. sad D. weak

【6】 A. but B. so C. though D. for

【7】 A. trap B. train C. feed D. attract

【8】 A. fight B. survive C. climb D. play

【9】 A. photos B. measures C. risks D. responsibilities

【10】 A. for B. by C. with D. to

【11】 A. regret B. relief C. disappointment D. sorrow

【12】 A. before B. after C. when D. since

【13】 A. confident B. excited C. uncertain D. serious

【14】 A. look back on B. catch sight of C. stay away from D. run back to

【15】 A. active B. frightened C. rude D. friendly

【16】 A. habit B. interest C. trick D. purpose

【17】 A. eat B. return C. go D. sleep

【18】 A. developed B. changed C. built D. remained

【19】 A. truth B. lesson C. experience D. experiment

【20】 A. teaching B. raising C. competing with D. searching for

【题目】Passage 3











(2016·新课标全国卷IID)A new collection of photos brings an unsuccessful Antarctic voyage back to life.

Frank Hurleys pictures would be outstanding undoubtedly first-rate photo-journalism if they had been made last week. In fact, they were shot from 1914 through 1916, most of them after a disastrous shipwreck(海难), by a cameraman who had no reasonable expectation of survival. Many of the images were stored in an ice chest, under freezing water, in the damaged wooden ship.

The ship was the Endurance, a small, tight, Norwegian-built three-master that was intended to take Sir Ernest Shackleton and a small crew of seamen and scientists, 27 men in all, to the southernmost shore of Antarcticas Weddell Sea. From that point Shackleton wanted to force a passage by dog sled (雪橇) across the continent. The journey was intended to achieve more than what Captain Robert Falcon Scott had done. Captain Scott had reached the South Pole early in 1912 but had died with his four companions on the march back.

As writer Caroline Alexander makes clear in her forceful and well-researched story The Endurance, adventuring was even then a thoroughly commercial effort. Scotts last journey, completed as he lay in a tent dying of cold and hunger, caught the worlds imagination, and a film made in his honor drew crowds. Shackleton, a onetime British merchant-navy officer who had got to within 100 miles of the South Pole in 1908, started a business before his 1914 voyage to make money from movie and still photography. Frank Hurley, a confident and gifted Australian photographer who knew the Antarctic, was hired to make the images, most of which have never before been published.

【1】What do we know about the photos taken by Hurley?

A. They were made last week.

B. They showed undersea sceneries.

C. They were found by a cameraman.

D. They recorded a disastrous adventure.

【2】Who reached the South Pole first according to the text?

A. Frank Hurley. B. Ernest Shackleton.

C. Robert Falcon Scott. D. Caroline Alexander.

【3】What does Alexander think was the purpose of the 1914 voyage?

A. Artistic creation. B. Scientific research.

C. Money making. D. Treasure hunting.



Coming face-to-face with your inadequacies can be painful, to say the least. It challenges the way that you believe people see you and even makes you question yourself. 1 . But handling negative feedback properly will not only make you look well-behaved, but it could eventually help you grow as a person. Here’s how to do it.

Be objective about criticism

Before you jump to conclusions and begin to challenge the other person’s opinion, take a step back and look at it all-sidedly. 2 , don’t immediately allow your emotions to get the better of you, but rather, take a moment to consider whether the criticism is at all accurate. 3 .

Be open to the idea of change

4 . And it may be because of a concept called “cognitive dissonance” (认知失调) that can prevent us from changing even when that’s what we need most. “People have a view of themselves or the world that they only seek to confirm, not adjust or change,” Dr. Benn, a psychologist explains. “They may ignore criticism because they wish to avoid having to change, or because it makes them feel bad, or because they feel it is not helpful.”

Ask questions

If you’re open to using the criticism as a springboard to improvement, you will likely need more information. The initial moment you hear the criticism may not be the best time to ask for more details. Your emotions will be riding high, and you may not be particularly willing to accept extra information. 5 . “Engage with the person who criticized you, asking what you can do differently or how you can do better,” says Dr. Benn. Even if you don’t agree with their advice, thank them and promise to consider it.

A. Most of us are pretty stubborn

B. When you can’t hear clearly

C. Next time you get a bad review

D. Your immediate reaction may be to defend yourself

E. But it’s best to avoid getting into an argument

F. Give yourself a chance to really take in the information and evaluate it

G. However, when you feel ready, it could be worth revisiting the subject with the person who criticized you



Are you a procrastinator?

Following a schedule and doing things on time is extremely important in today's busy world. Unfortunately, not everyone is good at doing this. Many people are procrastinators; they put off doing things that they need to until it's too late.

We all put off doing things at times. Statistics show that 90% of university students will often put off studying for a test or writing an important paper the night before, 25% of university students put off almost everything all the time. This more serious form of procrastination can result in a student dropping out of school. Students who put off doing their assignments once in a while get further and further behind in their studies. Before long, they feel completely helpless. For the chronic(长期的)procrastinator, often the only way to solve this problem is to quit school.

According to recent studies, there are three main reasons that students put off doing things. First, many have poor time-management skills and often try to do too much in too little time. In the end, these students often feel helpless and will put off doing many things they need to. Another reason why students put off doing things is that they feel a subject is boring and have difficulty concentrating on an assignment.These students will often avoid doing something because they don't like it. A third reason why many students put off doing things is that they often worry that their work will never be as good as it should be and fear failure of any kind, which, unfortunately , can often cause these students to put off doing any work at all.

Do you recognize any of these signs in yourself? If so, you may want to do something about your tendency towards procrastination. The following five tips may be helpful.

First, list the things in life that are important to you, and then list the reasons why you are at school or university. Look at the two lists and see where they match. Is there something you need to do in order to achieve a life goal?

Second, chose realistic goals for yourself; don't try to do more than you can.

Third, once you have identified our goals, list them and ask yourself "Which should I do first?" As you become more aware of what you need to do and when you need to do it, you will feel more in control and will be able to complete tasks on time.

Fourth, manage your time wisely. Create a schedule that allows adequate time for accomplishing a goal; for example, your schedule should give you enough time to study for and pass a test, as well as time to relax.

Finally, when you accomplish a goal, do something good for yourself as a reward.

If you believe that you are a chronic procrastinator, you should try to get help before it is too late. Talk to a professional, and discuss the problem. If you are a mild procrastinator, make sure to keep yourself motivated, but don't worry too much. Remember-we all put off doing things at times.

Are you a procrastinator?

Frequency of procrastination

·Everyone puts off doing things【1】 .

·90% of university students will often put off dong things.

·25% of university students 【2】 doing things all the time.

【3】 that procrastination will lead to

·At the beginning, they get further and further behind in their studies.

·Before long, they feel completely helpless.

·For the chronic procrastinator, often he or she has no 【4】____ but to quit school.

Main reasons for procrastination

·First, many are not skillful at managing time well.

·Second, they feel a subject is boring, which makes it difficult for them to 【5】___ on an assignment.

·Third, they expect to do everything【6】 and fear failure of any kind.

【7】 to avoiding procrastination

·First, identify your life goals.

·Second, choose realistic goals for yourself

·Third, list your goals in order of priority.

·Fourth, manage your time in a 【8】 way.

·Finally, 【9】 yourself for accomplishing a goal.

Advice to procastinators

·For a chronic procrastinator,【10】 a professional.

·For a mild procrastinator, make sure to keep yourself motivated, and don't worry too much.

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