
Do you often lose things? Don’t worry. Now a new tool that can be connected to any object you might lose may be the way to solve your problem. The Tile, a small square connected to your iPhone or iPad by means of Bluetooth, allows you to see how close you are to your missing item, within a 50-to-150-foot range (范围). If the item goes out of your phone’s 150-foot range, it can still be found on other smart phones with the same app.

When you drive the app on your phone, it shows you, with green bars that increase or decrease, how close or far away you are from the Tile. You can also program it to make a sound when you get close to the Tile. And you can connect your phone with up to ten Tiles. And if your lost object—a dog, for example, or a stolen bike—go out of your own phone’s 150-foot Bluetooth range, you can set it as a “lost item”. If any of the phones with the Tile app comes within range of your lost item, a message will be sent to your phone, telling you its position. The Tile app also has the ability to remember where it last saw your Tile, so that you can easily find where you left it.

Since the Tiles use Bluetooth rather than GPS, they are never out of battery or needn’t to be charged, and they work for one year before needing to be replaced. And the app works with all generations of iPhones and iPads.

For further information, please visit www.tile666.com.

【1】What can the Tile app help you?

A. To find other phone users.

B. To find your missing items.

C. To save your phone’s power.

D. To use your phone more wisely.

【2】Which of the following about the Tile is TRUE?

A. The Tile needs to be charged after a year of use.

B. One smart phone can only be linked up with one Tile.

C. The Tile app can send a message, but it cant make a sound.

D. The Tile cannot be connected with a phone without Bluetooth.

【3】What does the second paragraph mainly tell us?

A. What the Tile app is.

B. How the Tile app works.

C. Why the Tile app was created.

D. The advantages of the Tile app.

【4】Where does the passage probably come from?

A. A health report. B. A personal diary.

C. An advertisement. D. A tourism magazine.



The key to losing weight is to understand what really interests you. Have you ever been excited about losing a few pounds? 【1】__________ And to help you keep your weight under control, you need some coping strategies (策略).

Ask questions. When you’re researching different dieting products and plans or even talking to a doctor about diets, ask as many questions as you can. 2_________ Ask questions like: Do I have to buy special meals? Does the program include a part to help me keep my weight loss?

Get real. 3__________ Don’t burden yourself with unrealistic expectations. Remember, large amounts of weight loss are not realistic and are most likely not safe or healthy. Talk with your health care professional to determine a healthy weight goal.

4__________ To keep your weight, you must balance your intake of calories with the energy you burn. Just 30 minutes of fast walking in most days can take about 10 pounds off your weight each year.

Weigh yourself weekly. It’s important to track your weight on any diet or weight loss plan, but don’t get on the scale every day. Weighing daily won’t show you the big picture. 5__________

A. Stay balanced.

B. Once a week is fine.

C. Stick with your healthy eating plan.

D. Losing one to two pounds a week is a realistic goal.

E. Being well informed will help you choose the best diet for you.

F. Regular weight check-ins will show you your progress over time.

G. If so, you must find a way to turn that excitement into determination.

【题目】Throughout the history of the arts, the nature of creativity has remained constant to artists. No matter what objects they select, artists are to bring forth new forces and forms that cause change—to find poetry where no one has ever seen or experienced it before.

Landscape is another unchanging element (元素) of art. It can be found from ancient times through the 17thcentury Dutch painters to the 19thcentury romanticists (浪漫主义艺术家 ) and impressionists. In the 1970s Alfred Leslie, one of the new American realists, continued this practice. Leslie sought out the same place where Thomas Cole, a romanticist, had produced paintings of the same scene a century and a half before. Unlike Cole who insists on a feeling of loneliness and the idea of finding peace in nature, Leslie paints what he actually sees. In his paintings, there is no particular change in emotions and he includes ordinary things like the highway in the background. He also takes advantage of the latest developments of color photography to help both the eyes and the memory when he improves his painting back in his workroom.

Besides, all art begs the ageold question: What is real? Each generation of artists has shown their understanding of reality in one form or another. The impressionists saw reality in brief emotional effects, the realists in everyday subjects and in forest scenes, and the CroMagnon cave people in their naturalistic drawings of the animals in the ancient forests. To sum up, understanding reality is a necessary struggle for artists of all periods.

Over thousands of years the function of the arts has remained relatively constant. Past or present, Eastern or Western, the arts are a basic part of our immediate experience. Many and different are the faces of art, and together they express the basic need and hope of human beings.

【1】The underlined word “poetry” most probably means ________.

A. an object for artistic creation

B. a collection of poems

C. an unusual quality

D. a natural scene

【2】Leslie’s paintings are extraordinary because ________.

A. they are close in style to works in ancient times

B. they look like works by 19thcentury painters

C. they draw attention to common things in life

D. they depend heavily on color photography

【3】What does the author suggest about the arts in the last paragraph?

A. They express people’s curiosity about the past.

B. They make people interested in everyday experience.

C. They are considered important for variety in form.

D. They are regarded as a mirror of the human situation.

【4】Which of the following is the main topic of the passage?

A. History of the arts.

B. Basic questions of the arts.

C. New developments in the arts.

D. Use of modern technology in the arts.

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