【题目】There are many ways in which human cloning is expected to benefit mankind. Below is a list that is far from complete.

Dr. Richard Seed, one of the leading proponents (支持者) of human cloning technology, suggests that it may someday be possible to reverse the aging process because of what we learn from cloning. Scientists believe that they may be able to treat heart attack victims by cloning their healthy heart cells and injecting them into the areas of the heart that have been damaged. Heart disease is the number one killer in the United States and several other industrialized countries.

There has been a breakthrough with human stem cells. Embryonic (胚胎的) stem cells can be grown to produce organs to repair or replace damaged ones. Skin for burn victims, brain cells for the brain damaged, hearts, lungs, livers, and kidneys could be produced. By combining this technology with human cloning technology it may be possible to produce needed organs for suffering people that will be free of rejection by their immune systems. Conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, diabetes, heart failure, and other problems may be made curable if human cloning and its technology are not banned.

Despite getting a fair amount of publicity in the news current treatments for infertility (不生育), in terms of percentages, are not very successful. One estimate is that current infertility treatments are less than 10 percent successful. Couples go through physically and emotionally painful procedures for a small chance of having children. Many couples run out of time and money without successfully having children. Human cloning could make it possible for more infertile couples to have children than ever before.

【1】 The passage mainly deals with _______.

A. the problems with human cloning

B. the disadvantages of human cloning

C. the advantages of human cloning

D. the different ways human cloning is done

【2】According to Dr. Richard Seed we can use cloning technology _______.

A. to make people look younger

B. to make people live longer

C. to cure people of many diseases

D. to produce more animals

【3】 From the passage we can infer that _______.

A. cloning has already been used to treat heart diseases

B. we can treat a man’s heart disease by cloning others’hearts

C. most people in industrialized countries suffer from heart diseases

D. more people die of heart diseases than of other diseases in America

【4】What would be the best headline for the last paragraph?

A. With Cloning, Infertile Couples Could Have Children

B. Treatment of Infertility Is Not Successful

C. Physically and Emotionally Pain of Infertile Couples

D. The News Is Not Telling the Truth

【5】Treated with an organ cloned from his own stem cells, _______.

A. the patient is more likely to develop other diseases

B. the patient’s immune systems don’t reject the new organ

C. the patient will be free of rejection by his immune systems

D. the patient will suffer from Alzheimer’s disease

【题目】My dad's company used to provide rental accommodations for its employees. Usually the accommodations were in buildings and we were on Level 4.

For two years ,my dad had been trying his application for a level house to make the much easier for my mom who had complications (并发症)after her second operation. She was advised to have outdoor but going up the stairs every day was for her. As luck would have it, my dad's ground level application was . Hearing the good news Mum and Dad were extremely to move into the ground level accommodation in a separate building.

Without wasting time, they did the big the following Saturday and Mum's (10) was removed. The following Monday, when my dad was about to enter the house, he saw an old lady and her old husband to bring a wheelchair down the stairs. He was and moved. When he ran quickly to themthe old lady said ,"Don't worry ,son. We are used to it now. We have been doing the same thing for our daughter during the past 15years. Her kind and yet sad words (15) my dad in the heart.

The following Saturday ,my mum and dad the apartment with the old couple and they were back to Level 4 in their previous building.

My father was dead for twenty years it is still in my memory that every time the old couple my dad and me anywhere, they would just look at us with in thir tearful eyes and say to me,"You have an angel for a father!”and it brought tears of to my eyes every time.

1 A. commercial B. multi-level C. three-storey D. historic

2 A. ground B. top C. fourth D. higher

3 A. work B. treatment C. climb D. visit

4 A. cured B. lessened C. suffered D. treated.

5 A. practice B. education C. training D. exercise

6 A. confusing B. different C. exciting D. difficult

7 A. approved B. delayed C. rejected D. developed

8 A. serious B. eager C. proud D. curious

9 A. job B. offer C. return D. move

10A. anxiety B. excitement C. happiness D. illness

11 A. stopping B. waiting C. learning D. struggling

12 A. satisfied B. shocked C. interested D. encouraged

13 A. inform B. greet C. help D. serve

14 A. disabled B. intelligent C. lucky D. careless

15 A. inspired B. struck C. broke D. disappointed

16 A. sold B. shared C. compared D. exchanged

17 A. since B. for C. but D. so

18 A. described B. met C. reminded D. praised

19A. appreciation B. sadness C. regret D. envy

20A. sorrow B. admiration C. pride D. guilt

【题目】Writing Science Fiction & Fantasy

by Isaac & Anderson

Price $11. 86

Availability In Stock. Ships from and sold by Amazon, com.

This how-to book is divided into four parts “Story - telling Ideas and Foundations and two sections on mechanics, markets, and dealing with editors. Isaac talks about “Plotting”“Dialog”and “Revisions”but Andersons technical essay on pre-paring a scientifically valid world couldn't be better. Masterpieces

by Orson Scott Card

Price $11. 36

Availability In Stock. Ships from and sold by Amazon, com.

It may not include every reader's choices for the top science fiction of the 20th century, but it lives up to its title. There 're 27 famous stories by the biggest names and best writers, for example, Bears Discover Fire by Terry Bisson , and Snow by John Crowley. Masterpieces isn't an anthology (文选)for well-read fans. However, it is a great book (or new science fiction readers.

World Building

by Ben Bova

Price $16. 99

Availability In Stock. Ships from and sold by Amazon, com.

Another in Ben Bova 's series on science fiction writing. While it may take you a little more than seven dayswhen you're done, your knowledge will be greatly increased. It is designed to give science fiction writers the solid grounding they need to make their fictions read like fact. World Building is to help writers transport readers from one world to another through words, tables and diagrams.

End in Fire

by Syne Mitchell

Price $6. 99

Availability Only 2 left in stock—order soon by Amazon, com.

Astronaut Claire Logan is living her dream working on the space station Unity. But two days be-fore her mission ends, Earth is engulfed (吞没)in a nuclear war. Helpless to contact her family, Claire refuses to give up. But when Unity rescues a Chinese space station from certain death, Claire discovers that the war on Earth has come to space and she must make a final stand.

1 The four books are all about __________.

A. science fiction writers

B. science fiction writing

C. science fiction

D. science fiction fans

2 Who is the author of Bears Discover Fire"!

A. Orson Scott Card.

B. Ben Bova.

C. Syne Mitchell.

D. Terry Bisson.

3Which of the following books is most probably difficult to buy?

A. End in Fire.

B. Writing Science Fiction & Fantasy.

C. Masterpieces

D. World Building.

4 What can we learn from the above information?

A. World Building helps writers to improve by story-telling.

B. Masterpieces is suitable for new science readers.

C. Isaac is good at writing essays on preparing a scientifically valid world.

D. End in Fire tells readers more than one story.

【题目】Robots at the World Expo 2010 Shanghai play footballpractice tai chi , play the violin, prepare Chinese dishes and care for the elderly. Scrap metal robots created by a Chinese farmer can pour tea and paint pictures.

Global designers of robots are making them more capable, powerful and affordable, so they will play more roles in more sectors, from manufacturing to health care, and they can help around the house.

Now Toyota, the world's biggest car maker, and Canon, the biggest camera maker, have joined research and development to make robots a practical reality, like a PC.

The Expo Shanghai is a place where China can learn about advanced robotics, and a stage for made-in-China robots.

Developers are taking robots from “Star Wars” and top laboratories and putting them into the industrial sector, even in consumer markets. They are used in health care, computer programming, manufacturing and culture.

The goals are to add more practical functions and to cut prices, and lower cost comes with higher volume.

“The World Expo is a unique opportunity to demonstrate French technology”says Bruno Maisonnierchief executive of Aldebaran Robotics, which shows Nao robots in the France Pavilion.

More than 700 Nao robots, which cost 1,000 to12,000 euros (US $ 14,640) each, are sold mainly to research organizations, including 60 to 70 in China.

The French-based company aims to promote robots in the general public market starting from late2011with entertainment or learning functions at a "reasonable price", according to Maisonnier.

Visitors to the Japan Pavilion are struck by Toyota's dextrous Partner Robot playing the Chinese folk song Jasmine Flower on the violin. Other robots play other instruments, but the violin is the most complicated.

Many people were so enchanted by the robotic musician that they overlooked other Partner Robots, designed to be personal assistants especially for Japan's aging population. One can even carry passengers.

1 Robots at the World Expo 2010 Shanghai are designed to be __________

A. enjoyable and interesting

B. practical and affordable

C. good-looking and considerate

D. funny and relaxing

2 Toyota and Canon have joined research and development to make robots, which shows __________

A. robots are not too difficult to design

B. they want to abandon their present career

C. they are more fit to make robots

D. robot manufacture will become a big market

3 From the passage we can see Nao robots are designed __________

A. to show robots can be made cheaply

B. to meet the need of research

C. to serve the needs of every one of us

D. to show robots can be intelligent

4 What's the best title of the passage?

A. Advanced robots in the world

B. Robots in the future

C. Robots, practical and affordable

D. Robots show at the World Expo 2010 Shanghai








A.上片开头五句写景:小沟、长江、柳堤、苇岸、烟村、早市。描绘出一辐开阔辽远,祥和而富有生 机的风景画。


C.下片开头六句运用仙话寄托的笔法:词人此时被贬黄州,他想象着浮丘仙人式的、瑶池 境般的沉醉生活,再现了众青鸾穿着摇曳铢衣,进入壶中天地歌舞的缥缈美景。这反映出他遭逢大变,灵肉煎熬,想要逃避现实的心态。




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