



1下列各句中,加点字的意义解释不正确的一项是( )

A.水波不 兴:起。

B.纵一苇之所 如:往。

C.顺流而 东:向东。

D.正襟 危:端正。

2下列加点的词语用法和意义都相同的一组是( )

A月出东山之上 况吾与子渔樵江渚之上

B扣舷歌之 拔剑切啖之

C声呜呜然 君知难也

D渺沧海一粟 行李往来













【题目】Strange stones of Costa Rica

One of the strangest mysteries in archacology was discovered in the Diquis River Delta, in southern Costa Rica. Since the 1930s, hundreds of stone balls have been found. They range in size from a few centimeters to over two metres in diameter.

Who made these perfect spheres(球体) and how they made them remains a mystery. Some researchers believe the stones were made by extreme heating followed by cooling. People could have polished the spheres with sand or leather. The ancient Costa Ricans had no written language so there is no written record of just how they made the spheres.

Almost all are made of granite (花岗岩), a hard stone created by volcanoes. The granite quarries(采石场) were 25 to 30 miles away from the largest stones, which weigh more than 10 tons each. Nobody knows how people moved them..

Many of the stones have been found near the remains of houses or graves. Some believed that the stones contained hidden treasures and a few have been smashed but nothing has been found inside. Despite these losses, the National Museum of Costa Rica has recorded 130 spheres. However, many stones are not included because they have been removed from their original sites and used as ornaments(装饰) in homes, gardens and churches. Clearly, there are also many stones that lie undiscovered.

【1】The stones were discovered ___ .

A. near the volcanoes

B. in southern Costa Rica

C. in a grave

D. in churches

【2】The writer ___ in the passage.

A. admires the spheres very much

B. doesn t believe the spheres were once made by humans

C. tells us a discovery

D. thinks highly of the spheres

【3】The underlined word polished refers to ___.

A. buried

B. wrapped

C. made shining

D. made big

【4】According to the passage, which of the following is true?

A. The stone balls found in the Diquis River Delta are all very huge.

B. The stone balls were unearthed from the graves.

C. The local people show great interest in the stone balls.

D. There are a lot of treasures in the stone balls.

【5】The passage mainly tells us ___ .

A. the stones are of great value.

B. the stones proved to be made by non-humans.

C. the stones are mystery.

D. the stone are ornaments.

【题目】Traveling to all corners of the world gets easier and easier. We live in a global village, but this doesn’t mean that we all behave in the same way.

How should we behave when you meet someone for the first time? An American shakes your hand firmly while looking you straight in the eye. In Thailand, people greet each other by pressing both hands together at the chest.

Many countries have rules about what you should and shouldn’t wear. In Muslim countries, women should wear long blouses and skirts .In Korea, you should take off your shoes when entering a house. Remember to place then neatly together where you came in.

In Spain, many people eat a light breakfast and a late dinner. In Mexico, lunch is the time to relax, and many people prefer not to discuss business as they eat .In Britain, its not unusual to have a business meeting over breakfast.

In most countries, an exchange of business cards is necessary for all introductions. You should include your company name and your position. If you are going to a country where your language is not widely spoken, you can get the back side of your card printed in the local language. In China, you may present your card with the writing facing the person you are giving it to.


Title: Good 【1】_________








Shaking hands firmly

【3】_________ to show respect

Pressing both hands together at the chest





Wearing long blouses and skirts

Taking off your shoes at the 【5】________





Having a light breakfast and a late dinner

Relaxing while having 【6】________

Holding a business meeting over breakfast

Doing business

Most countries


Exchanging business cards when 【8】________ yourself

Presenting a card to a person 【9】________ its front facing him

Conclusion: When traveling 【10】________, we should follow local customs.

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