【题目】My husband used to be a workaholic(工作狂).Nothing seemed to be more ___ to him than his work,not even his family.

He usually ___ at 6 o’clock,and our ___ and I were still asleep then,and then left ___ having breakfast. I asked him to have breakfast ___,but he said it’s a waste of ___ I didn’t know what kept him so ___. He even couldn’t finish all his work in the office. He came back at ten at night. However,I never expected that he would give me a kiss. ___ he got home,he would start to ___. The kids had already been in bed,of course.

“Mom,where is Dad?Why I ___ see him?”the kids often asked.

“Well,Dad has to work. He is busy,”I always ___ like this. As time went by,they didn’t ask where their dad was again. Perhaps they had ___ that they had a dad. However,the situation changed several months ago.

Jenny,our daughter,suddenly became ___. I sent her to the hospital. The ___told me that she was seriously ill and that she was calling ___ all the time. Tears burst into my eyes when I ___ that. I finally called my ___ and told him about that. Half an hour later,he came to the hospital and held Jenny’s little hands.

He ___ another job two weeks later.

“I just wanted to make as much ___ as possible for you and our kids. But now,I just want to ___ as much time as possible with you and the kids,”he said and that’s what he is doing now.

【1】 A. possible B.interesting C.important D.relaxing

【2】 A. sat down B.got up C.stoop up D.came up

【3】 A. kids B.pets C.neighbors D.parents

【4】 A. on B.with C.without D.after

【5】 A. in the office B.on the way C.in school D.at home

【6】 A. money B.time C.energy D.food

【7】 A. tired B.busy C.fast D.excited

【8】 A .As soon as B.In the end C.Long before D.Long after

【9】A. eat B.sleep C.work D.write

【10】 A. often B.never C.sometimes D.always

【11】A. shouted B.asked C.replied D.cheated

【12】A. thought B.forgotten C.ignored D.minded

【13】 A. fine B.worse C.ill D.angry

【14】 A. teacher B.boss C.officer D.doctor

【15】 A. mom B.sir C.dad D.madam

【16】 A. noticed B.realized C.heard D.felt

【17】 A. mother B.child C.brother D.husband

【18】 A. received B.lost C changed D.found

【19】 A. money B.happiness C.value D.laughter

【20】 A. spend B.make C.set D.steal

【题目】stop wasting your time on the wrong mountain

I have two friends who are backpackers. There is a portion of New York’s Adirondack Mountains called the High Peaks region. It is made up of 46 mountains with a____of over 4,000 feet.

The Adirondack Mountain Club gives special honor and a patch to __ who climbs all 46 mountains. My two friends decided to go for this _. It took them several years to accomplish it.

My friends had climbed 45 of the mountains. The left one was the farthest, much effort. A hiking trail led past the base of the mountain, from that point they were on their own.

Early one morning they left their and walked 5 miles on the hiking trail to the base of a of mountains. One of the mountains in this chain was the last one they _ for their patch.

When they reached the base of the mountain chain they that they had left their compass and map back in the camp. returning to the camp, they decided to go on without them.

For hours they uphill suffering heat and black flies. Finally, late in the afternoon, they themselves on the top of a mountain. They were tired but .

The excitement was short-lived however. When they the valley, they saw another higher mountain. They had climbed the hill! It was too late that weekend to correct their . They had to wait another 4 months to climb the right mountain.

This story that often in life we make effort toward a but without the right map and personal compass it is easy to get .

Knowing your life purpose gives you a personal map and compass. And that makes sure you are always climbing the right mountain.

【1】 A. length B. height C. width D. depth

【2】 A. something B. someone C. anything D. anyone

【3】 A. fame B. award C. medal D. gift

【4】 A. requiring B. making C. wasting D. paying

【5】 A. and B. even C. so D. but

【6】 A. village B. house C. camp D. cottage

【7】 A. series B. lot C. chain D. kind

【8】 A. needed B. prepared C. looked D. hunted

【9】 A. understood B. thought C. forgot D. discovered

【10】 A. Instead B. Rather than C. In case of D. In spite of

【11】 A. rushed B. rolled C. walked D. ran

【12】 A. relaxed B. congratulated C. enjoyed D. found

【13】 A. excited B. surprised C. disappointed D. puzzled

【14】A. looked for B. looked across

C. looked on D. looked through

【15】 A. high B. right C. wrong D. small

【16】A. direction B. wrong C. decision D. error

【17】 A. provides B. brings C. offers D. proves

【18】 A. choice B. goal C. promise D. result

【19】 A. hurt B. separated C. lost D. bothered

【20】 A. beautiful B. famous C. expensive D. powerful

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