【题目】When we buy a house, we all want to have nice neighbours, because most of us think that it is helpful to live with some good neighbours. But what kind of neighbour is good? The answers are different from people to people. Here are my answers.

First, it is very important to respect(尊敬) each other. If our neighbours try to know more about our life, what will we feel? He or she may also talk with others about our life. Do you want to live with him or her any more? The answer is “No”. We will feel very sad to have this kind of neighbour and move away quickly.

Next, a good neighbour is always ready to give us a hand when we need him or her. For example, if we are not at home, our good neighbours will watch our house for us.

Finally, a good neighbour should love the environment(环境). He or she never puts rubbish (垃圾)here and there. Good neighbours should keep the place clean, because the good environment can make us comfortable(舒服)and happy.

I think we all should learn to be good neighbours, and I also hope everyone will have good neighbours and live a happy life.

1We want to have nice neighbours because_____________.

A. they can share food with us.

B. they can tell interesting stories.

C. they can make us feel happy.

D. it is helpful to live with good neighbours.

2What WON’T your good neighbour do?

A. He or she will keep the place clean.

B. He or she will respect your life.

C. He or she will try to know more about your life.

D. He or she will watch your house when you are not at home.

3We’ll feel ___________ in the good environment .

A. tired and sick B. comfortable and happy

C. warm and free D. strong and busy

4Which of the following is right ?

A. People are all good. neighbours.

B. People all have good neighbours.

C. People should learn to be good neighbours .

D. People all know how to be good neighbours.

5What is the best title(标题) for this passage?

A. What kind of neighbour is good.

B. I have some good neighbours

C. How to have good neighbours

D. My neighbours

【题目】Where is love ? How can we meet love? A little girl wants to ___________ love . She knows it is a long _________ to find love, so she takes food and drinks with her and goes out.

When she passes three streets, she sees an old man ___ in a chair and watching some trees . He looks very _______ . The little girl gives him a bag of cake. He takes it and ______ at her. The smile is beautiful. She wants to _______ it again, so she gives the old man a cake again. He smiles again. The little girl is very happy. They sit,eat and smile there all the afternoon , but they say nothing . When it gets ______, the girl decides to leave. But before she goes away , she turns around , runs back to the old man and gives him a hug(拥抱) . The man smiles happily. When the girl opens the door of her house, her mother is ________ when she sees her smiling face . “I have lunch with love . He has a beautiful smile .” At the same time , at the old man’s house , his son is also surprised at his father’s happiness and asks why . “I ____ a cake with love .” he says, “she is very ________ .

1A. give B. show C. find D. like

2A. road B. way C. time D. life

3A. sitting B. smiling C. lying(躺) D. standing

4A. tired B. poor C. hungry D. happy

5A. laughs B. points(指) C. looks D. smiles

6A. watch B. hear C. see D. feel

7A. cold B. hot C. dark D. late

8A. moved(感动) B. excited C. surprised D. interested

9A. do B. buy C. make D. eat

10A. old B. nice C. short D. new

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