【题目】If you travel in the city of Kunming, you can’t miss the Kingdom of Little People. It opened in the summer of 2009 in the mountains in Kunming.

There are tiny(微小的) animals, little beautiful cottages (小屋) and small furniture in the park. The big attraction of the park is the performances by little people. Many little people work in the park. Twice a day, they perform for visitors. They sing, dance and give a magic show. People who want to work in the park should be between eighteen and forty years old from any part of the country. And they should be under 130 cm in height.

The creator of the park is a rich businessman. He wants the park to be like a fairyland. And he wants to do something good for dwarfs in China. This theme park has brought together people of unusual stature (身高). They enjoy being part of the community and impressing tourists with (给……深刻印象) their courage and skills.

Are you interested in this fairyland? How about having a visit in the Kingdom of Little People?

【1】What is the big attraction of the park?

A. It is very huge.

B. It is in the mountains.

C.The performances by little people.

D. It looks like a fairyland.

【2】 What can we find in the park?

Some small animals

②Some big animals.

③Some big castles.

④Some giants.

⑤Some small cottages..

⑥. Some small furniture

A. ①⑤⑥ B. ①②⑤ C. ②③④ D. ③④⑥

【3】The underlined word “dwarfs” means “________” in Chinese.

A. 残疾人 B. 智力障碍者

C. 盲人 D. 侏儒

【4】Which of the following is TRUE?

A. You can watch the performance only once a day.

B. A dwarf think of an idea to create the park.

C. Dwarfs have a chance to show their talent in the park.

D. The Kingdom of Little People is a theme park for children.

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