【题目】Tom has a family of three. His father is a teacher and his mother is a doctor. Tom’s father wears glasses every day except(除了)when he has meals and sleeps. Tom likes talking. He likes talking about his school and his friends at table. Tom’s father isn’t happy about this.” Try to be quiet and not to talk when you have meals,” the father always says to Tom.

One day, when the family had dinner, Tom saw a fly(苍蝇)in his father’s bowl of rice. He wanted to tell his father about it. He said, ”Dad, there is ….”His father was angry and said, ”Stop talking!” After dinner, the father asked Tom. ”Well, what did you want to tell me just now?” “I saw a fly in your bowl, but it’s in your stomach now,” Tom said. Hearing this, the father got annoyed. “Why didn’t you tell me about it just now? He asked. “Sorry, Dad,” Tom said, “Just now I really wanted to tell you about this, but you stopped me.”

1What do we know about Tom’s father?

A. He is quiet.

B. He talks a lot.

C. He isn’t serious.

D. He often wears glass.

2Why didn’t Tom tell his father about the fact that he saw a fly?

A. Because his father also found that.

B. Because he wanted his father to eat it.

C. Because his father didn’t ask him to talk.

D. Because he wasn’t happy and didn’t want to talk.

3Which is true about the story?

A. Tom’s father ate rice that day.

B. Tom’s parents work in the same place.

C. The story took place(发生)in the morning.

D. The father might be happy after hearing Tom’s words.

4What can be the best title for the story?

A. A Grate Father. B. A Smart Boy.

C. Be Quiet at Table. D. An Interesting Meal.

【题目】These days, a new kind of restaurant is becoming popular. People who go there can not only enjoy their meals, also can enjoy playing computer games and have fun with their family and friends on line.U.Wink is the restaurant’s name.It is in Los Angeles,and it’s about fun and food. In U.Wink, there are no waiters or waitresses around you. The screens have replaced(取代) them. You can order the food you want by touching the screen in front of you and runners will bring it to the tables.You can also play video games with the people at the next table.The screens can show music videos,movies and so on.But mainly they are used to show video games.

It’s an interactive(互动的) restaurant where you will control your meal and your fun.The service is fast and the runners know clearly where to go.There will be no waiting for a waiter,and no misunderstandings(误解) in the kitchen.Different kinds of food are served at any time of day. U.Wink is a place which hosts “room games”,where every table in the restaurant can have a video game competition at the same time.The owner of the restaurant hopes that U.Wink can make it easy for people to be interactive,have fun and enjoy a delicious meal.

1What can’t people do in the restaurant?

A.Enjoy their meals.

B.Play computer games.

C.Have fun with their family and friends.

D.Chat with the waiters and waitresses.

2People order their food by _________.

A.touching the screen in front of them

B.calling the restaurant

C.asking the waiters or waitresses

D.asking the runners

3Who will bring the food to the customers?

A.The waiters. B.The waitresses.

C.The runners. D.The customers themselves.

4uWink is becoming popular because _________.

A.it’s a restaurant where there are no waiters or waitresses

B.different kinds of food are served at any time of day

C.it’s an interactive restaurant for people to have fun and enjoy a delicious meal

D.it’s in Los Angeles

5What’s the passage mainly about?

A.A restaurant without waiters or waitresses.

B.A new kind of restaurant called uWink.

C.A new kind of kitchen.

D.How you order food in the restaurant.

【题目】 The Chinese Spring Festival usually makes two records: the most people who watch the Spring Festival Gala and the busiest telecommunications network(通信网络).

Chinese usually visit families and friends and pass on good wishes in person during the Spring Festival, now the Chinese have been used to sending greetings(问候) through their cell phones.

At the same time, the country now has 671 million Internet users,about 75% of them can use the Internet through their cell phones. For them, staying online tweeting(发微博) about greetings is as important as watching the Spring Festival Gala.

According to Sina , one of the biggest websites in China, Weibo users sent 28977 mails during Chinese new year. “Saying ‘Happy New Year’ on Weibo has become a new custom,” it said.

For the country’s 233 million 3G or 4G users, Weixin is very popular. It can send voice messages and more kinds of new greetings. It’s quite easy and cheap,too. A survey showed that about one fourth of 7,854 respondents(受访者) said before the Spring Festival they would use Weixin to send greetings.

However, paying a visit in person and sending short messages are still the most popular choices for New Year greetings.

1If you want to use Weibo or Weixin, is NOT necessary.

A. a mobile phone B. a computer

C. the Internet D. a TV set

2 What’s the new custom in the Spring Festival now according to Sina?

A. Watching the Spring Festival Gala.

B. Using the new cell phones.

C. Looking through the news on Sina.

D. Saying “Happy ew Year” on Weibo.

3According to the passage,which of them are the Chinese ways to pass festival greetings now?

writing letters

visiting in person

using Weixin

making a card

sending short messages

A. ①②④ B. ①③④

C. ②③⑤ D.③④⑤

4Which is the best title for this passage?

A. The popular New Year greetings ways.

B.The biggest website users.

C. The busiest telecommunications network.

D. Visiting families and friends in person.

【题目】 Two good friends,Sam and Jason,met with a car accident on their way home one snowy night. The next morning, Sam woke up blind. His legs were broken.The doctor,Mr. Lee,was standing by his bed,looking at him worriedly. When he saw Sam awake,he asked, “How are you feeling,Sam?” Sam smiled and said, “Not bad, Doctor. Thank you very much for doing the special operation(手术).” Mr Lee was moved by Sam. When he was leaving,Sam said, “Please don’t tell Jason about it.” “Well...Well...OK.”Mr. Lee replied.

Months later when Jason’s wounds healed(愈合), Sam was still very sick. He couldn’t see or walk. He could do nothing but stay in his wheelchair all day long. At first, Jason stayed with him for a few days. But days later, Jason thought it boring to spend time with a disabled man like Sam. So he went to see Sam less and less. He made new friends. From then on, he didn’t go to visit Sam any more. Sam didn’t have any family or friends except Jason. He felt very sad.

Things went from bad to worse. Sam died a year later. When Jason came,Mr. Lee gave him a letter from Sam. In the letter Sam said, “Dear Jason, I am disabled. But I want you to be a healthy man. So I gave my eyes to you so that you can enjoy your life as a healthy man. Now you have new friends. I’m glad to see that you are as healthy and happy as usual. I’m glad you live a happy life. You are always my best friend... Sam.” When he finished reading the letter, Mr. Lee said, “I have promised that I will keep him this secret until Sam is gone. Now you know it.” Jason stood there like a stone.Tears ran down his face.

1The car accident happened ____________.

A. only to Sam

B. on a cold evening

C. the next morning

D. on the way to work

2Sam thanked Mr Lee mainly because Mr Lee

A. saved his friend Jason’s life

B. was very kind and friendly to him

C. came to see him early in the morning

D. did the operation according to his wish

3Which of the following is the correct order of events in the story?

a. Jason made new friends.

b. Sam gave his eyes to Jason.

c. Sam and Jason met with a car accident.

d. Jason felt bored when staying with Sam.

e. Sam died and Jason knew the truth.

A. c--b--d--a--e B. d--c-- b--e—a

C. d--a--c--b--e D. c--d-- b--e—a

4From the story, we can conclude(得出结论) that __________.

A. Sam played a joke on Jason

B. Sam always told lies to his friends

C. Sam thought friendship was important

D. Sam regretted doing the operation in the end

【题目】A young woman was driving through the lonely countryside. It was dark and rainy. Suddenly she saw an old woman by the side of the road, putting up her hand as if she wanted a lift(搭便车).

I can’t leave her there in this weather,” the young woman said to herself. She stopped the car and opened the door.

Do you want a lift?” she asked. The old woman nodded(点头) and climbed into the car. After a while,she said to the old woman, “Have you been waiting for a long time?”The old woman shook her head. “Strange(奇怪),” thought the woman.She tried again. “Bad weather for the time of the year,” she said. The old woman nodded.

Then the young woman found that the old woman’s hands were large and hairy(多毛的). Suddenly she knew that “she” was a man! She stopped the car. I can’t see out of the rear screen(后视镜) ,” she said, Would you like to clean it for me?”

“The old woman” nodded and opened the door. As soon as “she” was out of the car, the scared young woman drove off as fast as she could. When she got to the next village, she stopped and opened the handbag of “the old woman”. Inside was a gun(枪).

1The woman stopped the car because _______

A.the old woman asked her to

B.she recognized the old woman

C.she knew what the woman wanted

D.she wanted to helped the old woman

2What made the woman feel strange about the old woman?A.That she kept nodding her head

B.That she was unable to speak

C.That she gave no answer to her questions

D.That she had large and hairy hands

3The young woman asked the hitchhiker to clear the rear screen because _______

A.this is the way she thought of to get rid of him

B.the hitchhiker frightened her

C.the hitchhiker was very helpful

D.she couldn’t see out of the rear screen

4The hitchhiker left the bag with a gun in it behind because_______

A.he wanted to give her a warning

B.he had not expected the woman would leave him behind in the rain

C.it was his present for her

D.he wanted to kill her with the gun

【题目】The University of Oxford is the oldest university in the English-speaking world and it’s one of the top universities in the world. There is no clear date when the university started, but teaching began at Oxford in some forms in 1096 and developed quickly from1167.

There are 39 independent colleges at Oxford , attracting students and learned men from across the world. There are over 100 libraries for the students and learned men to use. At the University of Oxford, they also provide a large amount of money for the best students. Of course, if you want to study here, first you have to reach a certain level(级别,水平) of English language.

College life at Oxford is very exciting and busy. The groups of college provide a friendly and welcoming home for students and the college is strict with students about their studies. Many Chinese students are studying here. The number of Chinese students at the university has grown quickly over the past 10 years.

1What do you have to do first if you want to ask fir studying at Oxford? You have to________.

A.be independent

B.pass a certain level test of English language

C.study English hard

D.be the best students

2How’s the college life at Oxford? It’s full of ________ and has __________.

A.excitement; much school work to do

B.excitement; no school work to do

C.attraction; no school work to do

D.attraction; a little school work to do

3What’s the best title for the passage?

A.The College Life

B.The Famous Learners at Oxford

C.The Chinese Students at Oxford

D.The University of Oxford

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