【题目】Have you ever heard of e-waste(electric waste,电子垃圾), which can be produced every day? How do you deal with your computers, MP4 players and mobile phones when they’re broken or you want a new one?

Most people just throw them away. With the development of electric industry, e-waste pollution has become a serious problem. According to the United Nations, in 2014, people around the world produced 41.8 million tons of e-waste and only recycled 6.5 million tons. The US was the biggest waster, producing 7.1 million tons. China came second, with 6 million tons.

It’s important to pay attention to e-waste. It can either be valuable or harmful(有害的), depending on how we deal with it. E-waste is a valuable urban mine(城市矿藏). The value of the metals, like gold and silver in the waste around the world, is amazing. And the metals can be reused. But if people throw them away, the toxic chemicals(有毒化学物质) can get into the earth or air,effectingthe environment and people’s health.

Apple, for example, now recycle people’s used products in China when they are buying new ones. The company will test and repair the used ones and sell them at lower prices. To help reduce(减少)e-waste, we can also take computers and phones to see if companies offer recycling programs.

1The following can become e-waste EXCEPT_____.

A. computers

B. mobile phones

C. plastic bags

2Which country produced most e-waste last year according to the United Nations?

A. America. B. China. C. Japan.

3What does the underline word “affecting” mean in this passage?

A. 保护 B. 影响 C. 改善

4From Paragraph 4, we learn that_____.

A. the recycle Apple products will be sold at higher prices.

B. buying longer lasting electronic products is a good way to reduce e-waste.

C. it’s better to keep the unwanted electronics in your bedroom.

5The main purpose of this passage is to_____.

A. prove that e-waste is useless.

B. encourage people to buy more electronic products.

C. advise people to deal with e-waste properly to reduce pollution.

【题目】There are many useful inventions in the world.

Have you ever wished to have an umbrella that makes your hands free? Alan Kaufman has thought up the "Nubrella", which means "new"+"umbrella". It is the first truly hands-free umbrella in the world. The inventor says that it stops rain, wind and snow and can keep your head, face and hair dry.

"I never planned to invent a product. I just noticed a problem and thought up a solution," said the inventor. The idea for the invention began on one rainy day. Mr. Kaufman was standing in one of his stores. He began to look at people's umbrellas. He found that they had to try very hard to keep their umbrellas in the right place. At that moment an idea came into his mind. He ran to his desk and drew a picture. In this way, the Nubrella was born.

One cool feature of the Nubrella is that you don't hold it like a usual umbrella, you wear it. The shoulder straps(肩带) of the Nubrella allow people to be fully hands-free, so when walking in the rain with the Nubrella, you are able to use your cell phone or drink a hot cup of coffee. Also, the Nubrella will never be inverted(颠倒) in the wind. The new umbrella is far safer than traditional ones, because it has no sharp points.

1"Nubrella" is a kind of umbrella.

A. usual B. hands-free C. traditional D. paper

2How can you use the "Nubrella"?

A. You can wear the shoulder straps of the Nubrella.

B. You can put the Nubrella on your head.

C. You can use your hands to control it.

D. You can put it on your bike.

3Which of the following is NOT right?

A. "Nubrella" means "new"+"umbrella".

B. The idea of the new umbrella came from the rainy day.

C. When you are walking in the rain, you'd better take the Nubrella.

D. If you go out with the Nubrella in the rain, you'd better drink a hot cup of coffee.

4It can be learned from the passage that .

A. Alan Kaufman often uses umbrellas in everyday life

B. the new kind of umbrella was invented by an umbrella store owner

C. the inventor thought for a long time before inventing the Nubrella

D. you can do other things with your hands when using the Nubrella

5In writing this passage, the writer mainly intends(意图) to .

A. introduce this new kind of umbrella to people who are selling umbrellas

B. tell the readers about a great inventor named Alan Kaufman

C. tell the readers about a new invention that is very useful

D. tell the readers that the inventor didn't want to invent anything

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