
    Some weeks before Christmas, English people are busy. They send greeting cards to all their friends.
You can buy Christmas cards or make them. A lot of children make their cards at school.
     People buy a Christmas tree and decorate (装饰)  it with toys, coloured balls and little lights.
    On Christmas Eve(圣诞节前夜)people put their presents under the tree. When children go to bed, they
put their stockings near their beds.
    At night Father Christmas comes. He has got a big bag of presents for children. He puts the presents
into the children's stockings.
1. English people are _______before Christmas.
2. A lot of children make Christmas cards at _______.
3. People decorate the Christmas tree with toys, coloured _______and little lights.
4. Chlidren put their stockings ______ their beds.
5. Father Christmas has got a big bag of ______ for children.

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