
F Read and judge (阅读短文,判断正“T”误“F”)

There were many traffic problems (问题) in the animal city. Mayor (市长) the lion asked the animals for help.

The lion asked, “What can you do?” The rabbit said, “I have red eyes. They can be the red lights." The cat said, "My eyes turn green at night. They are like the green lights." The zebra said, “My body looks like the zebra crossing." The bees shouted, "We have lots of brothers and sisters. We can be the traffic signs."

The lion was very happy. All the animals could help with the traffic. From then on,the animal city was safe and in order.

() 1 The lion wanted some traffic policemen.

() 2 The rabbit's eyes can be the red lights.

() 3 The cat's eyes a「e green all the time (总是) .

() 4 The zebra's body is black and white.

() 5 There are many bees in the animal city.

F 1 F 2 T 3 F 4 T 5 T


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