
B Listen and tick (听录音,勾出所听到的好习惯)

() 1 Bill gets up early.

() 2 Bill brushes his teeth in the morning and before bedtime.

() 3 Bill does not have breakfast.

() 4 Bill listens to his teachers in class.

() 5 Bill does his homework carefully after school.

() 6 Bill often helps his parents.

() 7 Bill does not like sport.

B 1 4 5 6

B Listen and tick 

Bill gets up early every morning. Then,he brushes his teeth. He does not have breakfast because he does not feel hungry. He lives near school,so he walks to school and gets toschool early. He listens to-his teachers in class。He doe shis homework carefully after school. He often helps his parents at home. He likes reading very much. He does not like sport. He cannot run fast or play ball games well.


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